New Croke Park plan approved

Started by ross4life, September 22, 2009, 08:20:16 PM

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from rte..........

A fresh plan to introduce a 2km parking ban around Croke Park during major events has been passed by Dublin City Council's transport committee.

The scheme will become law if agreed by majority of councillors at a full monthly meeting.

City officials had recommended scrapping the scheme because of the difficulty in enforcing it but at the insistence of councillors it went for a second period of public consultation.

It is now proposed that pay and display bays would be exempt from the bye-laws to allow access to hospitals, churches and businesses.

Residents inside the cordon area would receive a parking permit and one visitor permit per major event day.

Tim O'Sullivan, Traffic Department, said that around 16,500 residents' permits would have to be issued.

The scheme would cost €200,000 to set up and €85,000 a year to operate.

A number of councillors expressed concern at the cost and problems of policing.

Cllr Mary Fitzpatrick, Fianna Fáil, said if this plan was allowed to die then the GAA would continue to refuse to take any responsibility for traffic management.

She said the stadium operators made €20m last year and should be made to pay for the cost of the parking ban.

Reduction in parking fees agreed

A reduction of up to 90 cent an hour for on-street parking during peak shopping periods in Dublin city centre has been agreed by the committee.

Officials had suggested the reduction for Thursday evenings after 6pm, and all day Saturday to encourage shoppers.

The proposed new bye-laws would also include provision for some apartment owners and business people to get residential parking permits.

The draft new laws will now go for a period of public consultation before being considered by a full meeting of councillors.

The transport committee also agreed a proposal to extend a 30km speed limit across the inner core area, including the Quays, O'Connell Street and Dame Street.
The key to success is to be consistently competitive -- if you bang on the door often it will open


Quote from: ross4life on September 22, 2009, 08:20:16 PM
from rte..........

A fresh plan to introduce a 2km parking ban around Croke Park during major events has been passed by Dublin City Council's transport committee.

The scheme will become law if agreed by majority of councillors at a full monthly meeting.

City officials had recommended scrapping the scheme because of the difficulty in enforcing it but at the insistence of councillors it went for a second period of public consultation.

It is now proposed that pay and display bays would be exempt from the bye-laws to allow access to hospitals, churches and businesses.

Residents inside the cordon area would receive a parking permit and one visitor permit per major event day.

Tim O'Sullivan, Traffic Department, said that around 16,500 residents' permits would have to be issued.

The scheme would cost €200,000 to set up and €85,000 a year to operate.

A number of councillors expressed concern at the cost and problems of policing.

Cllr Mary Fitzpatrick, Fianna Fáil, said if this plan was allowed to die then the GAA would continue to refuse to take any responsibility for traffic management.

She said the stadium operators made €20m last year and should be made to pay for the cost of the parking ban.

Reduction in parking fees agreed

A reduction of up to 90 cent an hour for on-street parking during peak shopping periods in Dublin city centre has been agreed by the committee.

Officials had suggested the reduction for Thursday evenings after 6pm, and all day Saturday to encourage shoppers.

The proposed new bye-laws would also include provision for some apartment owners and business people to get residential parking permits.

The draft new laws will now go for a period of public consultation before being considered by a full meeting of councillors.

The transport committee also agreed a proposal to extend a 30km speed limit across the inner core area, including the Quays, O'Connell Street and Dame Street.
Also, the Dublin Co Board proposed, a bringing in of the "mercy " rule ( the one used in american little league baseball, where a team getting a severe beating is rescued by the " ending " of the game!).

The Real Laoislad

Ah f**k when I read the thread title I thought they were finally getting rid of Hill 16 and putting in a proper 3 tier stand...
You'll Never Walk Alone.


Quote from: The Real Laoislad on September 22, 2009, 09:39:51 PM
Ah f**k when I read the thread title I thought they were finally getting rid of Hill 16 and putting in a proper 3 tier stand...

Sure you cant do that, the dubs wouldn't like it.

Bud Wiser

The Directors of Croke Park Stadium would like to clarify some of the matters raised at the recent Dublin City Council meeting and in particular references to the effects of events being held in Croke Park.  We take particular issue with Councillor Mary Fitzpatrick who stated that "the GAA would continue not to take responsibility for parking around Croke Park and that last year we had made 20Million" 

In the same year that we made 20Million, Dublin City Council lost 75Million in rates because of boarded up shops and closed down hotels.  The only night that every hotel in Dublin was booked out in the last two or three years was when Croke Park hosted U2 and tourists came from the Far East and from all over Europe to pump millions into the Irish Economy and indirectly into Dublin City Council.  Mary Fitzpatrick would be better calculating the total number of supporters/attendances at Croke Park this year alone for all events and multiplying it by 100 euro per person at minimum and she will find that Croke Park's contribution to the taxes that pays for the junkets that all of Dublin City Councillors avail of was even more than the 75Million they lost in one year for the reasons explained above.

The current situation with regard to parking around Croke Park is higly commendable, compared with Lansdowne Rd or Wembley or a similar stadium.  If however Mary Fitzpatrick and her councillor colleagues want to spend 285,000 euro on trying to fix what is not broken then that is their choice and the fact that we made 20 Million has nothing to do with it.  Croke Park have given thousands to local community projects, have supported local charities and hold an annual Old Folks Party in our excellent conference centre for the Old Folk from the direct local community, maybe thats where the 285,000 should be directed at, renewal of the street frontages that are boarded up  instead of double yellow lines, and instead provide proper parking places so that the local shops along Dorset Street and Ballybough can benefit from the revenue that is spent in Dublin on days when events are held in Croke Park - or do you have to be a member of Tom Coffey's busines association and have your shop in Grafton Street to do that?

Anyone who would even dream of spending 285,000 and a further Million (85,000 P.A.) on a project like this wants their heads examined - heads that in this case we all knew needed examining anyway. 

Peter McWeiser,
Croke Park,
Home of U2,
Dublin 3.

" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"