Most unusual job you ever had

Started by irunthev, August 21, 2009, 11:04:44 AM

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Quote from: Over the Bar on August 21, 2009, 01:08:38 PM
Chicken catching team in Moy Park summer 1983.  Possibly the hottest, most gruelling and initially stomach-curdling work you could imagine.   You had to catch & carry 10 chickens at a time in the worst imaginable conditons on a 12 hour shift in chicken-houses toppoing 130 degrees in the sweltering summer heat.   Made a man of me fore sure

If it was good enough for Rocky.....


Do you think Usain Bolt could replace Thomas Walsh?


Cleaning fish boxes with a power hose , bits of fish guts and maggots flying everywhere . When I think of it .


Quote from: downredblack on August 21, 2009, 01:47:27 PM
Cleaning fish boxes with a power hose , bits of fish guts and maggots flying everywhere . When I think of it .

Sounds like a gynaecologist to me


Quote from: Aerlik on August 21, 2009, 11:40:36 AM
I used to do a bit of work for the uncle of a certain very well known up and coming Derry senior footballer.  When I was 18 he had me and a mate go out with him to bag round bales of silage.  It was the worst weather and the shittiest job.  I got drenched and covered in clabber.  When I came home my mum was furious.  My sister piped in that it was character building.   ::)
Ach dont be so previous though I HATE any farm work.

Most unusual - standing with the brother in a field while the oul boy drove a tractor around us spraying fertilizer.  Apparently we were required to stand and mark where he'd sprayed.  I still don't get it.  That and gathering stones or putting the cover over the silage.  These jobs never lasted long and tended to turn in to shouting matches with a grape (that's not a piece of fruit townies)  or tyre being flung at someone.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


There's a fella who is constantly scraping the chewing gum of the ground outside my local sainsbury's while everyone walks past him, that has to be up there with the worst job.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


There is a lad who played for us at the start of the year, he is a student, and couldn't train of a Wednesday night as he works.  A few weeks ago I was driving home past a city centre Centra and there the lad was walking out in front with a sandwich board over his shoulders advertising the shop.  I have to say i felt for the lad, it was sweltering warm and it was rush hour traffic.  If that was why he was missing training I instantly forgave him for the embarressment of it.


I once had to use a contraption called an electroejaculator on a group of monkeys.

The Iceman

I cleaned out snail trays.  Local Armagh man was breeding and pickling snails and did well at them for a while. I lasted half a day by myself cleaning the trays before i did a walk off.
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight


Worked as a bouncing castle fellow 2 Summers ago. Christ it was hilarious, we'd pack the castles into the van and we could end up anywhere!! From Omey Beach in Conamara, to Charleville and all the various shows every weekend, to just plain old Westport during the week. At the time I thought it was a pile of crap (it was) but the craic was 90 in the van!! :D
Inaugural Football Championship Prediction Winner.


I had to sort boxes of oranges in a warehouse in australia.  Basically take out the blue mould ones and refill the box with decent ones.  tedious, monotonous 3 days work


When i was in sydney i got a job as a gardener.once a week i got to cut the lawns of the biggest losser show on channel 7.
Wanted.  Forwards to take frees.
Not fussy.  Any sort of ability will be considered


I spent a whole summer cutting grass for some big girl...

Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


I was a cook at Hooter's for a summer  :) :)

Another summer I cleaned up hazardous waste  :o

Gaaboard Predict The World Cup Champion 2014

Tyrones own

Washed dishes in a Greek restaurant in New Jersey at the start of my illustrious career in the US :)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann