Gerry Adams Late Late Show 'ambush'

Started by whiskeysteve, August 10, 2009, 11:11:33 AM

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Very impressive by Adams alright. And I'd seen him in Trinity around the same time being equally good.

Makes it all the more amazing that Michael McDowell gave him such an ass whuppin on live TV before the last general election.


Quote from: Hound on August 11, 2009, 01:38:35 PM
Very impressive by Adams alright. And I'd seen him in Trinity around the same time being equally good.

Makes it all the more amazing that Michael McDowell gave him such an ass whuppin on live TV before the last general election.
not really
adams is well able to debate and discuss the problems in the northern counties, but he has spent his life on these topics and not in the realm of southern politics that is more about the economy and work/business/health etc - and he doesnt have the experience , background or knowledge in this.
imo adams is past his sell by date by about 5 years at least. His old topics and spheres of knowledge are no longer day to day issues.
He needs to hand over the reigns of sf to someone with a better business mind. the north still has a long way to go to catch up in a business sense with the south and therefore sf would still need co-leaders, one for up there with one here and someone to be the figure head of their party.
they will only become strong when the reunification occurs.
However theres a good chance they will have merged with FF by then !
imo !


Quote from: Main Street on August 11, 2009, 10:49:25 AM
Sinn Fein 6 V Rest of Ireland 0
Gay's horse was shot before he could work up a gallop.
Weak link, Austin Currie, the sole moderate mouthpiece of the 6 county supremacists got nutmegged time and time again.
Had to be pitied though, when he went on about the RUC should be let do their job.
What planet did he live on?

The one over the shuck from yours.

Saying anything about the Ra or their mouthpiece fairly gets the rabble roused in these parts
it's 'circle the wagons time again' here comes the cavalry!


Quote from: Chrisowc on August 11, 2009, 01:55:03 PM
Quote from: Main Street on August 11, 2009, 10:49:25 AM
Sinn Fein 6 V Rest of Ireland 0
Gay's horse was shot before he could work up a gallop.
Weak link, Austin Currie, the sole moderate mouthpiece of the 6 county supremacists got nutmegged time and time again.
Had to be pitied though, when he went on about the RUC should be let do their job.
What planet did he live on?

The one over the shuck from yours.

Saying anything about the Ra or their mouthpiece fairly gets the rabble roused in these parts
who is the 'ra's 'mouthpiece' ?

Main Street

Quote from: Chrisowc on August 11, 2009, 01:55:03 PM
Quote from: Main Street on August 11, 2009, 10:49:25 AM
Sinn Fein 6 V Rest of Ireland 0
Gay's horse was shot before he could work up a gallop.
Weak link, Austin Currie, the sole moderate mouthpiece of the 6 county supremacists got nutmegged time and time again.
Had to be pitied though, when he went on about the RUC should be let do their job.
What planet did he live on?

The one over the shuck from yours.

Saying anything about the Ra or their mouthpiece fairly gets the rabble roused in these parts
You are directing comments to the context of my post?
Austin made a long winded passionate case for the RUC to be allowed get on their job.
So my commenting that he was was another planet equates to being part of a rabble.
You are a bright spark amongst deadwood. ;D

Myles Na G.

ah Myles...ever the clown..

dont forget to paint your face so we can't recognise you 

Thought a ski mask or a balaclava would have been more your style.  ;D

Does it then follow that the voters across the water place their trust in the BNP to run the british economy? 

Did they win the election across the water then?  :o


Quote from: Myles Na G. on August 11, 2009, 05:53:24 PM
ah Myles...ever the clown..

dont forget to paint your face so we can't recognise you 

Thought a ski mask or a balaclava would have been more your style.  ;D

Does it then follow that the voters across the water place their trust in the BNP to run the british economy? 

Did they win the election across the water then?  :o

No but they had their best ever election results recently and correct me if i'm wrong but 'times are tight' at the minute.

When 'times are tight' history has almost always shown that the voters tend to turn to the more extreme parties, (e.g. Nazis in Depression era Germany - I don't know why, perhaps expecting more radical action?).*  You just made up a bullshit line in the vain hope that it would back up your point.

* And I'm sure there are exceptions before you trawl Wikipedia to come up with a case which doesn't conform to this.


The BNP had their best election result for a number of reasons.

1 - The overall turnout was significantly reduced. This affected the bigger parties more than the smaller ones. If the actual number of votes for the BNP increased, it was minimal.
2 - There was some level of protest vote against the bigger parties due to the 'expenses scandal'.

I don't think anyone voted for the BNP believing that they would/could fix the economy.

Myles Na G.

No but they had their best ever election results recently and correct me if i'm wrong but 'times are tight' at the minute.

When 'times are tight' history has almost always shown that the voters tend to turn to the more extreme parties, (e.g. Nazis in Depression era Germany - I don't know why, perhaps expecting more radical action?).*  You just made up a bullshit line in the vain hope that it would back up your point.

* And I'm sure there are exceptions before you trawl Wikipedia to come up with a case which doesn't conform to this.

The Shinners result was considered a stinker because they are a party with ambitions to hold the balance of power in the Dail - they believe, in other words, that there is a realistic chance that they'll be part of the government. By that yardstick, they failed in a big way. The BNP is a party of racists who unexpectedly picked up the votes of a small number of disenchanted white people. You're hardly comparing like with like, are you?


When did I compare the BNP with Sinn Fein?  FFS It's like talking to a child. 

I'm not sure if you are masquerading as EG now.  At least he manages to make some coherent points.  You're just an idiot with an agenda.


Quote from: Franko on August 11, 2009, 06:51:50 PM
When did I compare the BNP with Sinn Fein?  FFS It's like talking to a child. 

I'm not sure if you are masquerading as EG now.  At least he manages to make some coherent points.  You're just an idiot with an agenda.
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something

red hander

Quote from: Franko on August 11, 2009, 06:51:50 PM
When did I compare the BNP with Sinn Fein?  FFS It's like talking to a child. 

I'm not sure if you are masquerading as EG now.  At least he manages to make some coherent points.  You're just an idiot with an agenda.

That's very unfair ... to idiots


Quote from: Maguire01 on August 11, 2009, 06:23:18 PM
The BNP had their best election result for a number of reasons.

1 - The overall turnout was significantly reduced. This affected the bigger parties more than the smaller ones. If the actual number of votes for the BNP increased, it was minimal.
2 - There was some level of protest vote against the bigger parties due to the 'expenses scandal'.

I don't think anyone voted for the BNP believing that they would/could fix the economy.

Agreed Maguire01, you a re-inforcing my point.

Myles statement basically said that Sinn Fein had a worse than expected performance at the recent elections because voters turned away from them due to some sort of perceived inability to manage the finances of the country.

I merely pointed out that by his logic, a sizeable portion of the UK electorate must have somehow got it into their heads that the BNP has some sort of economic know-how.  (Due to their strong relative performance).

Obviously this is not the case!  I was really just pointing out that Miley was spouting rubbish in his quest to get a dig in at the Shinners.


Quote from: Franko on August 11, 2009, 06:51:50 PM
When did I compare the BNP with Sinn Fein?  FFS It's like talking to a child. 

I'm not sure if you are masquerading as EG now.  At least he manages to make some coherent points.  You're just an idiot with an agenda.


He's either a very talented comedian or an escapee from a high security mental home..i have my suspicions which (may even be schizophrenia ;) )

Myles Na G.

When 'times are tight' history has almost always shown that the voters tend to turn to the more extreme parties, (e.g. Nazis in Depression era Germany - I don't know why, perhaps expecting more radical action?).*  You just made up a bullshit line in the vain hope that it would back up your point.

No they don't - they turn to people they think can fix a bad situation. Mussolini made the trains run on time, the Nazis dug Germany out of an economic hole, albeit by building up the country's armed forces. People don't just vote for a bunch of extremists because they're feeling a bit hacked off. My point was that voters down south chose to vote for the established parties, even though they have no great track record on the economy. That shows that the people in the republic have absolutely no faith in the Shinners to fix anything. You chose to drag the BNP into the conversation because you missed the point.

That's very unfair ... to idiots
You're absolutely right to take that personally - complain to the mods. You have a great case.
i have my suspicions which (may even be schizophrenia
You certainly appear to have a few problems in that area.