Explain your name (with added name change request from Our Nail)

Started by SidelineKick, July 27, 2009, 06:04:46 PM

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5 Sams

Mine was made up to annoy a load of Our Ma dickheads after they invented football in Clones in 1999 and came on here talking shite. Most of them tools have gone back to hoganstand.com now thankfully with one or two notable exceptions.....well probably only one actually if the truth be told.
The Aristocrat Years


I enjoyed playing Super Mario when i was younger


Quote from: 5 Sams on July 27, 2009, 08:18:16 PM
Mine was made up to annoy a load of Our Ma d**kheads after they invented football in Clones in 1999 and came on here talking shite. Most of them tools have gone back to hoganstand.com now thankfully with one or two notable exceptions.....well probably only one actually if the truth be told.

It also lacks ambition  ;)
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


Quote from: 5 Sams on July 27, 2009, 08:18:16 PM
Mine was made up to annoy a load of Our Ma d**kheads after they invented football in Clones in 1999 and came on here talking shite. Most of them tools have gone back to hoganstand.com now thankfully with one or two notable exceptions.....well probably only one actually if the truth be told.

:D :D :D

The love between Armagh and Down knows no bounds. ::)
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Australian buddy of mine couldn't say Amhran na bhFiann and always pronounced it as "i run the v". It's in honour of some great times spent  in the GAA in Western Australia.


A 17th century Irish rebel that did some serious fighting in Cavan. Our headmaster in national school thought us nothing only the deed of myles the slasher. Was a prominent force in the 1641 rebellion in Ulster when the English vanished from the province over night.

red hander

The Watcher Pat

There is no I in team, but if you look close enough you can find ME


I pulled the crossbar down on me whenever I was playing in a schools game in Knockbridge when I was about 10.  It busted my mouth and to this day if it is really cold weather the scar inside my top lip will crack and be very fecking sore!


My ma made the best irish stew in all of Ireland, I loved the stuff and would be out playing football with my mates, if she called me for dinner and I asked her what it was I would take ages to go back to the house if it was anything but stew, if it was stew the words had hardly left her mouth and I was at the table batin it into me.

The mates picked up on that and even now to this day I call meself stew.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


I picked Curvey because I'm carrying a few pounds and always have (i bet you are all saying into yourselves "you fat f**ker")


My dad gave me this name.


I lost my arse and my fiddle.


Quote from: Hardy on July 27, 2009, 09:55:07 PM
I lost my arse and my fiddle.

Tis easier to type though!


God bless the hills of Dooish, be they heather-clad or lea,