Any players gone to the U.S of A

Started by put-it-up, July 22, 2009, 10:28:40 AM

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Was just wondering, the fact that work has dried up so much here have any county lads been enticed stateside, or has the money dried up over there too???


Not too sure what the situation is but I was surprised to see that two London county players from 08 lined out for NY in this year's Championship, even though they were working full time in London and playing with good clubs. Can't just be the cold Bud that is luring them over there. I get the impression that while the situation is bad in the States, certain places are less effected, NY being one of them. Property prices etc haven't fallen anywhere near as bad in NY as other places in mid west etc, in fact some property prices have actually risen in areas of NY. Can't speak for rest of the country.