DUP to reshuffle - just when you thought it couldn't get any worse!!!!!!!!

Started by Gaoth Dobhair Abu, June 09, 2009, 02:42:54 PM

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Have ever seen a DUP poliction smile? Apart from big Ian of course wih Martin. Even the Shinners grin at times. Just a thought


Quote from: dillinger on July 09, 2009, 11:28:21 PM
Have ever seen a DUP poliction smile? Apart from big Ian of course wih Martin. Even the Shinners grin at times. Just a thought

Its either the stiff british upper lip or that they are the most oppressed people in the world
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


NI culture minister under fire
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    * Attacks on churches in North condemned | 09/07/2009

Politicians hit out at the Democratic Unionist Party's new Culture Minister today after he said he would not attend events in Catholic churches because of his opposition to the religion.

Nelson McCausland also admitted he did not know Tyrone were All-Ireland Gaelic football champions. As he repeated his opposition to Gaelic sport and language, he was accused of failing to show respect for those outside his own community.

He was appointed to Northern Ireland's cabinet by party leader Peter Robinson last week in a move that followed a poor European election performance by the DUP.

Today republicans and nationalists accused Mr McCausland of failing to show he can be a minister for the entire community.

The SDLP's Declan O'Loan said: "Nobody can expect a minister to be fully conversant with all aspects of language, culture and sport that we have here. It is important, however, that he shows himself respectful to all. He seems to ignore his duty in that regard."

Mr McCausland yesterday launched the Orange Order's July 12th events as one of his first actions as minister and faced accusations of not showing the same interest in events linked to the Catholic and nationalist community.

"I have personal views regarding worship and I would not attend a service in a Roman Catholic church," said Mr McCausland. "That has always been my position and remains such. That doesn't mean that I do not have good relationships with Roman Catholic people.

"I wouldn't want to offend them and I am sure they wouldn't want to offend me."

He said he would not attend any event on a Sunday, unless it was an Orange Order parade that included a church service, but denied that his role as a minister might see him have to visit a Catholic church or other venues he might not ordinarily choose to attend.

"There are places that I am sure I will go that I would not otherwise have gone, but when it is a matter of religious principle then I would have to abide by that," he said.

On GAA, which is the biggest sporting organisation in Ireland and the largest spectator sport, he said he had no interest. "I have no knowledge of the game in terms of who has won what league or who is playing in a particular league, any more than I have a knowledge of who the Northern Ireland champion is in Lacrosse or squash or many other sports," he said.

Mr Nelson is visiting a Gaeltacht area of Co Donegal today to meet Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affair Éamon Ó Cuív and Northern Ireland Education Minister Caitriona Ruane.

But asked by the BBC if he would learn some greetings in Irish before today's visit, Mr McCausland said: "I think that my knowledge of Irish will remain somewhat limited.

"I always take the view that just because somebody can say a few words in any language doesn't mean they have any knowledge of it. I am living at present in a cul-de-sac but it doesn't mean I am very fluent in French."

Sinn Féin Assembly member for North Antrim Daithí McKay said: "Since he came into office less than a week ago, Nelson McCausland has engaged in a media campaign attacking the GAA, the Irish language and now the Catholic Church."

He added that "once again a senior figure in the DUP has failed the test of political leadership".

Mr McKay warned that the remarks of politicians could fuel sectarian divisions and he condemned loyalist paint bomb attacks on Catholic churches and on GAA property in his constituency last night.


Some sham this lad is .
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.

Tony Baloney

He's another dreg from the Dark Ages. These boys have been sent in to do a number on the nationalist community.
Following Peter The Punt's recent bloody nose in the elections, it was clear the hardline unionist electorate expect sectarianism and mistrust of nationalists, not smiling and cooing at each other in cosy photo opps. Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose. 

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

Disgrace that this bigots agenda may now be forced on the museums. He's really overstepping the mark now!  >:(

McCausland Ulster-Scots and creation in museums call
The culture minister has asked museums to give more prominence to Ulster-Scots, the Orange Order and alternative views on the origin of the universe.

Nelson McCausland wrote to the trustees of National Museums Northern Ireland (NMNI) saying he wants the issues given consideration in the short term.

The Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL) said it was part of its commitment to a shared future strategy.

It is understood National Museums NI has not yet responded to the letter.

Speaking on Wednesday, Mr McCausland said: "There are a range of perspectives and I want simply to have in there consideration given to reflecting the diversity of views in Northern Ireland.

"It's also in fact a human rights issue and an equality issue because culture rights, the rights of people in Northern Ireland, should be implemented."

In the letter, Mr McCausland said he believes his department and the trustees "share a common desire to ensure that museums are reflective of the views, beliefs and cultural traditions that make up society in Northern Ireland."

He says National Museums' contribution to the shared future agenda can best be achieved by "practical measures".

Among these measures are consideration of how best to recognise the role of the Grand Lodge of Ireland and other fraternal organisations.


He specifically mentions the "Plantation to Power Sharing" exhibition which is currently on at the Ulster Museum and suggests that the trustees should consider changes to the exhibition before the summer months.

In terms of Ulster-Scots, Mr McCausland wrote that the local history exhibition should recognise the contribution of the Hamilton Montgomery Settlement, considered to be the most important event in Ulster-Scots history.

The issue of the origin of the universe and the different theories explaining it was previously raised by Mr McCausland's DUP assembly colleague Mervyn Storey.

He said that he wanted the views of creationists - the concept of God creating the universe in contrast to the scientific theory of evolution - to be represented in the exhibitions.

Without specifically mentioning creationism, Mr McCausland's letter includes a request for the trustees to consider how alternative views of the origin of the universe can be recognised and accomodated.

In a statement, DCAL said it welcomed the discussions on the NMNI's potential contribution to the shared future agenda and was awaiting a response.

Meanwhile, SDLP culture spokesman Thomas Burns said it was "a mark of a liberal society that its cultural institutions should be free of party-political interference".

"Any attempt to politicise public spaces or dictate to cultural institutions is a serious threat to our hopes of a shared society and should be resolutely resisted," he said.

Sinn Fein's Barry McElduff criticised Mr McCausland's letter as "wholly unacceptable".


I was reading about this, this morning. Couldn't believe what I was seeing. Nelson is a complete donkey of a Minister.
Testing Accessibility

Nally Stand

This donkey has been a sectarian bigot and an inept excuse for a minister since he started. If only the Irish News would publish as much criticism of him as they do of Catriona Ruane. Seems you can't open the Irish News for a straight week without a two page spread on how this stoop newsletter thinks she isn't doing her job yet this McCausland fountain of bigotry gets off the hook.
"The island of saints & scholars...and gombeens & fuckin' arselickers" Christy Moore


Quote from: Nally Stand on May 26, 2010, 03:32:20 PM
This donkey has been a sectarian bigot and an inept excuse for a minister since he started. If only the Irish News would publish as much criticism of him as they do of Catriona Ruane. Seems you can't open the Irish News for a straight week without a two page spread on how this stoop newsletter thinks she isn't doing her job yet this McCausland fountain of bigotry gets off the hook.

I'm well awares of how bigoted he is. But pushing this creationist crap on us too is a joke. Museums have no place for this rubbish or religions.

Whilst I'm no fan of the OO, I can see why they are warrented some place in museums though.
Testing Accessibility

Tony Baloney

Quote from: Nally Stand on May 26, 2010, 03:32:20 PM
This donkey has been a sectarian bigot and an inept excuse for a minister since he started. If only the Irish News would publish as much criticism of him as they do of Catriona Ruane. Seems you can't open the Irish News for a straight week without a two page spread on how this stoop newsletter thinks she isn't doing her job yet this McCausland fountain of bigotry gets off the hook.
Education is more important than a couple of exhibitions in the Ulster Museum. The IN is correct to draw attention to the fact that she has made a hash of it. Anywhere else she'd have been up the road months ago.


Quote from: Tony Baloney on May 26, 2010, 03:35:45 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on May 26, 2010, 03:32:20 PM
This donkey has been a sectarian bigot and an inept excuse for a minister since he started. If only the Irish News would publish as much criticism of him as they do of Catriona Ruane. Seems you can't open the Irish News for a straight week without a two page spread on how this stoop newsletter thinks she isn't doing her job yet this McCausland fountain of bigotry gets off the hook.
Education is more important than a couple of exhibitions in the Ulster Museum. The IN is correct to draw attention to the fact that she has made a hash of it. Anywhere else she'd have been up the road months ago.
There is a different standard for SF ministers. You're not allowed to criticise them. You've been around here long enough to know that.

Their supporters take the dancing dog approach to their ministers' performance - it's not that they do it well, but that they do it at all.


Quote from: Nally Stand on May 26, 2010, 03:32:20 PM
This donkey has been a sectarian bigot and an inept excuse for a minister since he started. If only the Irish News would publish as much criticism of him as they do of Catriona Ruane. Seems you can't open the Irish News for a straight week without a two page spread on how this stoop newsletter thinks she isn't doing her job yet this McCausland fountain of bigotry gets off the hook.
What does this have to do with Ruane? Or the Irish News?

For the record, can you recall any such DUP stories that the Irish News has ignored?

Nally Stand

Quote from: Maguire01 on May 26, 2010, 07:05:08 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on May 26, 2010, 03:32:20 PM
This donkey has been a sectarian bigot and an inept excuse for a minister since he started. If only the Irish News would publish as much criticism of him as they do of Catriona Ruane. Seems you can't open the Irish News for a straight week without a two page spread on how this stoop newsletter thinks she isn't doing her job yet this McCausland fountain of bigotry gets off the hook.
What does this have to do with Ruane? Or the Irish News?

For the record, can you recall any such DUP stories that the Irish News has ignored?

What does it have to do with Ruane? Well it's on the topic of ministers and a previous poster referred to Nelson's quality as a minister. It seemed like a suitable enough place to comment on minister performances to me on that basis. I didn't know you were the content police. This is a discussion board.

I also didn't say the Irish News "ignored" McCausland, I stated that his open bigotry doesn't recieve the same sort of attention (eg one and two page spreads/editorials) that the Irish News seems to reserve for Ruane. Note that I used the phrase "as much" criticism.

Your an awful man for jumping on my every post these times Maguire01 ::)
"The island of saints & scholars...and gombeens & fuckin' arselickers" Christy Moore


As previously posted, Education is a far more important aspect of peoples lives and affects a huge percentage of the population so unfortunately for the blundering Ruane there will be "one and two page spreads/editorials" if she does not measure up.
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


Quote from: Nally Stand on May 26, 2010, 10:28:12 PM
Quote from: Maguire01 on May 26, 2010, 07:05:08 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on May 26, 2010, 03:32:20 PM
This donkey has been a sectarian bigot and an inept excuse for a minister since he started. If only the Irish News would publish as much criticism of him as they do of Catriona Ruane. Seems you can't open the Irish News for a straight week without a two page spread on how this stoop newsletter thinks she isn't doing her job yet this McCausland fountain of bigotry gets off the hook.
What does this have to do with Ruane? Or the Irish News?

For the record, can you recall any such DUP stories that the Irish News has ignored?

What does it have to do with Ruane? Well it's on the topic of ministers and a previous poster referred to Nelson's quality as a minister. It seemed like a suitable enough place to comment on minister performances to me on that basis. I didn't know you were the content police. This is a discussion board.

I also didn't say the Irish News "ignored" McCausland, I stated that his open bigotry doesn't recieve the same sort of attention (eg one and two page spreads/editorials) that the Irish News seems to reserve for Ruane. Note that I used the phrase "as much" criticism.

Your an awful man for jumping on my every post these times Maguire01 ::)
Apparently this is a dicussion board, so supposedly that means we're allowed to post whatever critical shite we want too without questioning. Typical Shinner thinking, above criticism as usual.

And smileys are for bollix's with nothing good to write.
Fantasy Rugby World Cup Champion 2011,
Fantasy 6 Nations Champion 2014


Quote from: Nally Stand on May 26, 2010, 10:28:12 PM
I didn't know you were the content police.
Neither did I. Does asking questions make me the content police? Oops, there I go again.