Man killed after Rangers win the title - looks like we're never going to learn ?

Started by orangeman, May 25, 2009, 10:46:43 AM

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Somewhere, somehow, someone's going to pay:


Quote from: Gaoth Dobhair Abu on July 08, 2009, 09:21:50 AM
Quote from: whiskeysteve on July 07, 2009, 11:01:19 PM
PMed you rav

Sounds interesting - gonna share?

Sorry GD it was about something entirely unrelated!

Just seen a thread where he had recently posted - should have thought about how that might have been perceived, sorry!
Somewhere, somehow, someone's going to pay:


Incidentally the waterside in Coleraine is not the place to be these days.

This assualt happened a street away from the McDaid murder at the weekend, not saying it was directly related but it wouldn't surprise me...
Somewhere, somehow, someone's going to pay:


This is just ridiculous :

Man remanded over McDaid murder 

James McAfee appeared before Ballymena Magistrates Court
A 28-year-old Coleraine man has been remanded in custody charged with the murder of Kevin McDaid.

James McAfee, of Lisnablagh Road, also faces four other charges, including the attempted murder of Damian Fleming and assaulting Mr McDaid's wife.

Mr McAfee was remanded in custody and will appear in court again via video-link on 21 September.

Mr McDaid's wife was in Ballymena Magistrates' Court for the hearing on Thursday morning.

Before the short hearing started, the magistrate acknowledged emotions were running "very high" but warned those in the public gallery, which included supporters of the defendant as well as friends and family of Mr McDaid, that any disruption would not be tolerated.

The two groups were separated by police officers.

An officer told the court forensic evidence linking the accused to the incident had been obtained on Wednesday.

He said police were objecting to bail because of concerns about interference with witnesses - and some had already reported being threatened.

Twenty four witnesses have already been identified, he said, but the case was at a very early stage and other suspects and witnesses still have to be spoken to.

A solicitor highlighted that the defendant had been on police bail since July and had caused "no problems".

He also said the forensic evidence, which related to clothing taken from the accused, had no links to the deceased or any injured people.

The officer said he was not aware of this but said the evidence "linked him to the scene or a clean up operation".

The solicitor said only two witnesses had positively identified the accused - one who had given differing accounts to police and the other who had an extensive police record.

He added that considerable cash sureties of £10,000 and £5,000 were available and a bail address had been located in Kells near Ballymena.

A magistrate said that if police had sufficient evidence to charge him and believed there was a danger of witness interference, he was satisfied that bail should be refused.

As the defendant was taken from the dock, "cheerio" and "have a nice time" were shouted by those with Mrs McDaid.
Mr McAfee is the 11th person to be charged in connection with the murder of Mr McDaid in May.

The father-of-four, from Coleraine, was killed near his home in Somerset Drive by a loyalist mob.

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

F.uck these animals are determined to murder another person in Coleraine!!

Coleraine victim attacked again 

A man who was critically injured in the attack which killed Coleraine man Kevin McDaid has been assaulted again in the same area.

Damien Fleming was punched and kicked by two men who got out of a car in Pates Lane at 2330 BST on Wednesday.

The police have not confirmed the identity of the victim, but they are treating the incident as sectarian.

Sinn Fein councillor Billy Leonard has spoken to the family and said Mr Fleming was "definitely attacked"

"His family said he had a black eye and was badly shaken, and they were obviously pretty distraught it would happen again to him," he said.

"This is the double insult, a double injury.

"Nobody should be attacked in this way, particularly when it comes to Damien who has been through so much in recent months."

Mr Leonard said the attack showed tensions in the area were still high.

"There's that sort of ironic calm on the surface after the parading season, but underneath that surface there's definitely fear," he said.

Catholic father-of-four Kevin McDaid was killed by a loyalist mob in Coleraine in May.




What a mess !

Two sons of murdered man arrested 

Kevin McDaid was murdered in Coleraine in May
Two sons of murdered Coleraine community worker Kevin McDaid have been arrested by the PSNI's Serious Crime Branch.

The arrests are thought to be connected to events surrounding Mr McDaid's death in May, rather than the killing itself.

The brothers, both aged 22, are also being questioned about events linked to the attempted murder of his friend Damien Fleming on the same night.

Mr McDaid, a Catholic father-of-four, was killed by a loyalist mob.


PSNI have now arrested 3 chief prosecution witnesses to the McDaid murder and so far charged one.  Very strange! Would it have anything to do with the fact that if any of the McDaid murder accused ever go to trial the defence could argue that the chief prosecution witnesses are discredited because they have been/charged or convicted of offences.


This story just gets more grim and more depressing as times goes by :

Abuse 'forces widow out of town' 

The widow of murdered community worker Kevin McDaid has had to move from Coleraine because of verbal abuse, the High Court has been told.

Mr McDaid's sons and another man were applying for bail at the court.

They are charged with attacking a man accused of the attempted murder of Mr McDaid's friend, Damien Fleming.

Twins Ryan and Marc McDaid, 22, were refused bail, along with Peter Anthony Neill, 23. The judge said there was a risk of all three re-offending.

The twins' father died after he was attacked by loyalists near his Somerset Drive home in May.

Peter Neill and Ryan McDaid are charged with causing assault occasioning actual bodily harm to Aaron Beech at a filling station in Coleraine last Tuesday.

They are also charged with making threats to kill. Marc McDaid is charged with aiding and abetting actual bodily harm. All three are also charged with affray.

The victim of the alleged attack, 23-year-old Mr Beech, is currently on bail charged with attempting to murder Damien Fleming, who was critically injured on the night Kevin McDaid was killed.

A defence lawyer told the court that Evelyn McDaid - Kevin McDaid's widow - has moved from Coleraine to another town after suffering verbal abuse.

The judge said it was clear there had been "considerable tension" in Coleraine after Mr McDaid was killed.

Eleven people have been charged in connection with the murder