Belfast Marathon

Started by Orior, May 01, 2009, 04:45:02 PM

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Myself and a few friends did the race yesterday, walking the relay for charity. When we got to various change over points there were no busses to take us back to the city centre. At one point walkers/runners had to cross both lanes of a dual carrageway avoiding traffic as best they could. If Belfast wants to include walkers as part of its relay programme they should cater for them as they claimed they would in their promotional material. Majority of the organisation yesterday was excellent and fair play to all those people who worker hard to ensure this was so. However some parts we very poor and the telephone  helpline was on answer machine when contacted yesterday. A mixed bag to be honest and did i draw the short straw with the Antrim Road section.
"You can go proudly. You are history. You are legend''