Tyrone Club Football and Hurling

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, November 09, 2006, 10:54:03 PM

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I'm not saying carmen or errigal should face any particular punishments above the normal for what happened on suday, but what really bugs me, is that the county board are happy to through the book at smaller clubs when this type of thing happens, yet when it happens in a league final with two big clubs, the same is not applied.
there have been plenty of cases where players haev recieved OTT susopension, clubs get pitches closed etc, with the ccc trying to make an example of clubs, yet I cant see it happening in this case.
Maybe EC unique is right, the CB are more afraid of offending people that will be of benifet to them in the chase for allirelands and dont want to rock the boat.
I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look good either

Archie Mitchell

I thought they were meeting on Wednesday night to discuss the incident.

mick the master

suspensious news they range from 1month to 48 weeks most players got a month ronan mc crory got 12 weeks he is the only one who got 12 weeks the fella that entered the field got 48 weeks.there is about 7 players  and officals from each club who are suspended.

EC Unique

Quote from: Archie Mitchell on November 03, 2009, 11:44:28 AM
I thought they were meeting on Wednesday night to discuss the incident.

Met lastnight. Suspensions that Errigal got sound acceptable in my opinion.

Archie Mitchell

Ah right. Why did 1 player get 12 weeks for a straight red and the other 3 only got 4 weeks? Not that it will matter anyway as this will be only game they will be banned for. What does the suspension for he fan suspend him from?


Quote from: EC Unique on November 03, 2009, 12:01:14 PM
Quote from: Archie Mitchell on November 03, 2009, 11:44:28 AM
I thought they were meeting on Wednesday night to discuss the incident.

Met lastnight. Suspensions that Errigal got sound acceptable in my opinion.

Well so long as they are acceptable to you. Does this mean the The county board has been carefull (sic!) not to annoy a few very important people who they would want on side?

Archie I think McCrory may have been "involved" with the linesman which would be why he got the longer suspension.

As I said earlier I thought it was no worse than last years County final. Noel got his 36 weeks x 2 as he had previous form.
The Supporter who came on should probably have got longer however as we are seeing in Derry hysterical over reactions by the CCC do no one iany good and only lead to appeals and he DRA. That is something I do not want to see. Any spurious appeals should get the suspensions doubled.

Anything coming out of the half time incidents in the u-16 game?

Maybe if the Supporter had been u-16 the Stewards would have been able to tackle him ::)

Rocky Mc Guigan

Not a chance the replay will be in Dungannon.

EC Unique

Quote from: LeoMc on November 03, 2009, 12:26:14 PM
Quote from: EC Unique on November 03, 2009, 12:01:14 PM
Quote from: Archie Mitchell on November 03, 2009, 11:44:28 AM
I thought they were meeting on Wednesday night to discuss the incident.

Met lastnight. Suspensions that Errigal got sound acceptable in my opinion.

Well so long as they are acceptable to you. Does this mean the The county board has been carefull (sic!) not to annoy a few very important people who they would want on side?
Archie I think McCrory may have been "involved" with the linesman which would be why he got the longer suspension.

As I said earlier I thought it was no worse than last years County final. Noel got his 36 weeks x 2 as he had previous form.
The Supporter who came on should probably have got longer however as we are seeing in Derry hysterical over reactions by the CCC do no one iany good and only lead to appeals and he DRA. That is something I do not want to see. Any spurious appeals should get the suspensions doubled.

Anything coming out of the half time incidents in the u-16 game?

Maybe if the Supporter had been u-16 the Stewards would have been able to tackle him ::)

No. It means common sense was used and appropriate suspensions were issued. I doubt if Errigal will appeal any but again only my opinion.  This really has been badly reported and blowen out of all proportion not least on here. A few hidden agendas I suspect. ::)


Quote from: supersarsfields on November 03, 2009, 11:00:14 AM
Seriously is it still for Dungannon? As Rocky says the surface there is very poor. And won't be improved by the amount of rain of late!!

Rocky obviously has a short memory - well here's a prompt - Carmen's training pitch, Wed 21 October;  muck and gutters; League Semi Final.

Rocky Mc Guigan

Quote from: DCR on November 03, 2009, 12:33:11 PM
Quote from: supersarsfields on November 03, 2009, 11:00:14 AM
Seriously is it still for Dungannon? As Rocky says the surface there is very poor. And won't be improved by the amount of rain of late!!

Rocky obviously has a short memory - well here's a prompt - Carmen's training pitch, Wed 21 October;  muck and gutters; League Semi Final.
Absolutely- hadnt forgotten- that game should never have been played in those conditions either. You're being a tad generous calling it a 'pitch'


Quote from: glencullrule on November 03, 2009, 11:20:36 AM
If I could know who you are MR99, I would, ill not say! But you love having something to say about Errigal. Catch yourself on and go back under that rock you climbed out from. It was handbags and lasted about 45 seconds. People like you are whats destroying clubs of Tyrones reputation talking absolute blarney in here!

EC, pick up that dummy you have spit out and get sucking again.  I have no agenda against any team, but you go home from a match and try to explain to 2 football mad kids that what happened on that pitch was one of those things that just happen's in football.  As I said, if you managed to read it all, I did not want to see any of the 2 teams thrown out, I just would like to have seen consitency in the suspensions and it will be interesting to see exactly who got what.  What is the reaction around Carmen?


Quote from: MR99 on November 03, 2009, 01:12:59 PM
Quote from: glencullrule on November 03, 2009, 11:20:36 AM
If I could know who you are MR99, I would, ill not say! But you love having something to say about Errigal. Catch yourself on and go back under that rock you climbed out from. It was handbags and lasted about 45 seconds. People like you are whats destroying clubs of Tyrones reputation talking absolute blarney in here!

EC, pick up that dummy you have spit out and get sucking again.  I have no agenda against any team, but you go home from a match and try to explain to 2 football mad kids that what happened on that pitch was one of those things that just happen's in football.  As I said, if you managed to read it all, I did not want to see any of the 2 teams thrown out, I just would like to have seen consitency in the suspensions and it will be interesting to see exactly who got what.  What is the reaction around Carmen?

thats my point aswell mr99, thing is, there isnt any
I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look good either


We all know what happened at last years final and Noels previous he gets 36 X 2, or a year and a half. This year we have another major brawl the largest suspension to a player or mentor is 12 weeks. We get also 48 weeks for a fella entering the field of play. Now I was not at the game nor will I comment the suspensions above but as other have said there seems to be a fair (sic.) level of inconsistency in this judgement. Also can anyone say if any action was taken against members of the management of either team, some on this board who were at the game have suggested that management were involved in the brawling. No doubt they were mistaken and they were only trying to help sort things out, silly me!

BTW, Greg I hope you were well paid for the photos in the Tyrone Times.
"You can go proudly. You are history. You are legend''

EC Unique

Quote from: MR99 on November 03, 2009, 01:12:59 PM
Quote from: glencullrule on November 03, 2009, 11:20:36 AM
If I could know who you are MR99, I would, ill not say! But you love having something to say about Errigal. Catch yourself on and go back under that rock you climbed out from. It was handbags and lasted about 45 seconds. People like you are whats destroying clubs of Tyrones reputation talking absolute blarney in here!

EC, pick up that dummy you have spit out and get sucking again.  I have no agenda against any team, but you go home from a match and try to explain to 2 football mad kids that what happened on that pitch was one of those things that just happen's in football.  As I said, if you managed to read it all, I did not want to see any of the 2 teams thrown out, I just would like to have seen consitency in the suspensions and it will be interesting to see exactly who got what.  What is the reaction around Carmen?

Was that for me or Glencullrule?


Quote from: EC Unique on November 03, 2009, 01:59:26 PM
Quote from: MR99 on November 03, 2009, 01:12:59 PM
Quote from: glencullrule on November 03, 2009, 11:20:36 AM
If I could know who you are MR99, I would, ill not say! But you love having something to say about Errigal. Catch yourself on and go back under that rock you climbed out from. It was handbags and lasted about 45 seconds. People like you are whats destroying clubs of Tyrones reputation talking absolute blarney in here!

EC, pick up that dummy you have spit out and get sucking again.  I have no agenda against any team, but you go home from a match and try to explain to 2 football mad kids that what happened on that pitch was one of those things that just happen's in football.  As I said, if you managed to read it all, I did not want to see any of the 2 teams thrown out, I just would like to have seen consitency in the suspensions and it will be interesting to see exactly who got what.  What is the reaction around Carmen?

Was that for me or Glencullrule?

My apologies EC Unique, it was meant for Glencullrule.  You have a bit more maturity in your replies.