Tyrone Club Football and Hurling

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, November 09, 2006, 10:54:03 PM

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It would look that way. However a weekend match would make more sense for a game of such magnitude.


It's laughable that Benny Hurl is allowed to control the Tyronr underage development teams. The abuse he gives refs, he's some role model for our future county players. We need refs, we don't need men who threaten the referee when they're trying their best.

Ardboe seem to take some pride in being hostile to match officials at their field. It's sad carry on. The ref was just right to say fcuk them and not play extra time.

The Trap

Elite players need to be elite in all aspects of the game you know TF15...........

twenty one yard free

The same ref might I add was heard at an U-16 game saying that he would screw Ardboe at his next available opportunity

Is that the correct mindset of a referee coming to a club championship game ?

Being a referee you have to be consistent and fair,

All referees and officials are welcome in Ardboe but not if they arrive with a grudge and an agenda

Ask the Errigal management if they thought the game was done fairly they will be the first to admit that they should never have got the penalty never mind get taking it twice nor the 13m free to draw the game

As for Benny Hurl I think it's laughable that your actually questioning his position on Tyrone Management Committee

I for one think he's doing a fantastic job

Ardboe nominated him for the position

70% of the voters at the county AGM agreed by public vote he was the man for the job so I suggest if you feel different get your club to nominate someone else who is willing to give up a lot of their free time and put up with plenty of shit and let the voters decide

In hiding

Can we start a new page without ardboe posters. They are a very intimidating group of people. Kinda like piranahas

Uncle Kev

Go ahead in hiding ! Piranhas eat you ! Are you missing many limbs or have you suffered any life threatening injuries at the hands of Ardboe WANs ?


Their bark is bigger than their bite..... they dropped like flies the 1st day the Fianna boys went down....literally!!!  ;D ;D


Look, it's always the poor me card with Ardboe and Hurl, everyone's out to get yous. In reality not many could give a toss about yous  as yous haven't won a senior championship in the 21st century.

Jeremiah O

TF,did Hurl threaten the referee the other night and if so,what did he say?
Unconquered and unconquerable

Jeremiah O

And as for the appropriately named Omagh man,when we start assaulting kids then it will be time to worry!!
Unconquered and unconquerable

In hiding

Quote from: Jeremiah O on July 28, 2016, 05:09:51 PM
And as for the appropriately named Omagh man,when we start assaulting kids then it will be time to worry!!
What about assaulting a female physio last year ya clown.

Jeremiah O

Now don't avoid the issue fella.You know what went on in the tunnel.Despicable stuff :-[
Unconquered and unconquerable

Club boi

Quote from: Tyroneforsam on July 25, 2016, 02:50:45 PM
Quote from: Boghopper on July 25, 2016, 02:23:16 PM
No one said that there was a Derrytresk revival. Its well accepted Pomeroy were in the ascendancy. I would be very careful about making allegations without any medical evidence to support them. There is a man receiving surgery today having sustained a fracture of the eye socket. The fact is a Pomeroy supporter cleared the fence ran towards the linesman (who never saw it coming) and hit him from the side. The man then  tried to defend himself and slipped on the wet ground. From what I heard the person who cleared the fence had engaged in a verbal's with the linesman and was told to shut the fcuk up. If the Pomeroy supporter was assaulted what are his injuries? I have also heard on good authority the individual is not particularly well thought of in Pomeroy. His actions have cost his team 2 league points, he will receive a hefty suspension and some sort of penalty will be meted  out to his club. So if Pomeroy are aggrieved at what happened yesterday then then they have their supporter to thank.

I'm not making allegations, I'm stating facts. The linesman approached the fella in question and assaulted him. If there are to be repercussions, surely Derrytresk will be met with similar penalties as the linesman instigated the altercation. In no way am I condoning what happened but assaulting someone doesn't necessarily result in visible injuries. In fact in no way did this altercation suit Pomeroy as the game was over as a contest. These sort of occurrences seem to follow Derrytresk for some reason.

LOL laughable. At the game as a Neutral, yes there was verbals but the Pomeroy fella blind sided the linesman (talk of surgery and a broken eye socket) Complete Disgrace. Sounds like Pomeroy are immediately trying to defuse their part. Any truth in rumours the fella was in the stands as a result of being sent off in the previous weeks reserve game?? Local word down here is the PSNI will be involved if serious injury is confirmed. Has to be noted that No players from either team were involved and both looked very surprised when the Ref abandoned the game


I'm led to believe the Pomeroy player/supporter involved in this incident had been sent off in a previous Reserve Game and was in fact suspended from playing on the day of the incident.  I think his surname is McKeever? or that's what I've been told could be wrong. If he was already suspended then that makes the offence all the more serious as he is not entitled to inside the wire at all never mind to assault someone.

I heard this boy is a loose cannon and had sent threatening messages to a previous manager so one has to wonder why Pomeroy hadn't already dealt with this individual before now if the rumours are true. I would imagine a life ban will be imposed by Pomeroy now so they can wash their hands off him if he steps out of line in future albeit its too late to mitigate for the mess they find themselves in now.

As for the Pomeroy Supporter being assaulted by the lineman with the greatest of respect that allegation is absolute BS and is not supported by any independent corroborative evidence. A second Pomeroy supporter also joined in on the assault of the linesman also and had to be restrained by a Derrytresk water carrier who was also injured albeit not seriously.

I would imagine Pomeroy will try to conjure up some excuse to mitigate for this lunatic's behaviour. I understand the rationale for such a ploy(allege said member was first assaulted) is to try and mitigate/offer a defence for what happened  and therefore to receive a more acceptable penalty being imposed by the CHC.

Pomeroy know full well the implications if Derrytresk are found not to have any involvement in this incident for them and I find it very sad and disappointing that allegations to sully a GAA volunteer's good name are circulating.


Who needs soap operas when you have the Tyrone Club thread .

With regards to the derrytresk / pomeroy 'affair' , if I was on a jury I'd side with derrytresk , going by the previous post.  Boghopper makes a well versed and persuasive case.. Awaiting a pomeroy response  8)
I'm trying to decide on a really meaningful message..