Funny or not?

Started by longrunsthefox, March 25, 2009, 11:54:19 AM

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Naked taoiseach paintings removed

Image of man looking at painting
The painting was removed from display at the Royal Hibernian Academy
It could be described as oil on canvas featuring taoiseach, but the appearance of nude paintings of Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen in two Dublin galleries has seen the police called in.
A painting of Mr Cowen holding his underpants appeared in the Royal Hibernian Academy and one of him pictured on the toilet ended up in the National Gallery.
Whether it was political subversion or artistic expression if the painter behind them comes to light they could find themselves answering questions from Irish police.
The National Gallery said they had called in the police and were reluctant to comment further on the matter, other than to say the painting had been up for no more than 20 minutes before it was removed.
"It was not authorised to be on display and garda are investigating," the gallery said.
The academy is also deciding whether or not to call in the police to investigate its mysterious appearance, but a spokeswoman did not want to go further.
"We don't want to make more of it than it is," she said.
The painting of Mr Cowen is still on the premises, but in one of the offices instead of on public view.
One woman who saw the painting reportedly offered to buy it.
Irish police are in possession of the other work, and have said that an investigation into the matter is under way.
State broadcaster RTE said it would be making an on air apology after showing pictures of the portraits in its output.
A spokeswoman for the corporation said that upon reflection this was "in bad taste".

At first I thought this was funny but now I'm not so sure... any thoughts? However,  good artist whoever s/he is.

saffron sam2

How did they know which part was his face and which was his arse?
the breathing of the vanished lies in acres round my feet



And to add to that, they came into Today Fm studios and asked to speak to one of the girls from the Ray Darcy show, demanding the email address of the buck who drew it.

A crowd of f**king wasters ever I saw! Who gives a shite (excuse the pun) about a picture of Brian Cowan


I think its in bad taste and very insensitive to his family. Crossed a line IMO


I'm kind of inclined towards that view myself  El Bandito. Not nice.


With all the hullabaloo I was expecting them to be worse. Still, it can't be nice being the subject, especially with the UK media getting hold of them


Debate on Today FM at the minute

The Watcher Pat

Quote from: Hound on March 25, 2009, 01:53:42 PM
With all the hullabaloo I was expecting them to be worse. Still, it can't be nice being the subject, especially with the UK media getting hold of them

Looks a wee bit like Big Ian in the top picture!
There is no I in team, but if you look close enough you can find ME

The Real Laoislad

Quote from: thebandit on March 25, 2009, 12:51:09 PM
I think its in bad taste and very insensitive to his family. Crossed a line IMO

I would totally agree with the above..
You'll Never Walk Alone.


I think it is funny. Why are people getting so upset about this? If this shouldn't be allowed then what to say that we shouldn't shut down Gift Grub, Knob Nation etc for their "unfair" portrayals or any satirical take on our political leaders.

What is very funny is that our joke police force can be bullied by people to actually launch a criminal investigation into the hanging of a picture in an art gallery. I suppose there is feck all other crime around these days.


To be honest, I don't see what the big deal is. Is it all that different to what Spitting Image was, or Folks on the Hill?
Testing Accessibility


Bad taste, yes. But when did we start using the guards to police public taste? Raiding radio stations and demanding the name of the man who "disrespected the office of theTaoiseach"?  That's North Korea stuff.

Still, it's safer than confronting thugs in Tipperary.


reminds me of the reaction to the Danish Allah cartoons. they may as well ban all political cartoonists from newspapers. politicians are fair game for ridicule when they under-perform, it could have been a lot more savage. Steve Bell drew John Major for years wearing his underpants over his trousers. gordon brown is coming in for a lot worse at the moment. fair play to them I say, an eloquent, funny, brave, clever message from the people to the authorities. 


Quote from: Hardy on March 26, 2009, 10:12:38 AM
Bad taste, yes. But when did we start using the guards to police public taste? Raiding radio stations and demanding the name of the man who "disrespected the office of theTaoiseach"?  That's North Korea stuff.

Still, it's safer than confronting thugs in Tipperary.

If sending the Gárdaí to Today FM is justified for 2 harmless caricatures, shouldn't Podge and Rodge be sharing a cell with Tommy Tiernan?

Is that where we want to go?

Crossed a line my arse.
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