Sick Assault In Louth

Started by thejuice, March 12, 2009, 10:44:37 AM

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Five teenagers arrested after 'brutal' attack on couples at beauty spot

QuoteGARDAÍ ARE investigating a brutal attack on two young couples at a well known beauty spot in Co Louth early yesterday morning.

All four were assaulted and one of the women was allegedly raped.

Five teenagers have been arrested in connection with the attack.

The couples were in a car just inside the entrance to Townley Hall woods when it appears they were set upon by a group of males.

One Garda source described the incident as "brutal" and said the inside of the car was "covered in blood".

Another said it "looked like an abbatoir".

One of the women was pulled from the car and dragged into the woods where she was subjected to a serious sexual assault and was allegedly raped.

The second woman tried to help her but was also attacked and struck in the face. She had a suspected broken jaw.

The mother of one of the two women injured in the attack at the forest park said her daughter suffered a broken jaw, a broken nose and smashed teeth.

The 19-year-old woman was with three friends in the car when it is alleged they were attacked by the gang of young men.

Her parents were woken by a phone call from their daughter at 5am yesterday.

"She was roaring crying on the phone and then a garda came on and said she had been assaulted and hit," said her mother .

She visited her daughter in the emergency department of Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda and was shocked to learn she had been struck with what was believed to be a crowbar.

"She has had her jaw broken, her nose broken and a lot of her teeth broken," she said.

The young woman told her parents the two couples had been out at a Drogheda nightclub and went to the beauty spot afterwards.

She said they had been dragged from the car by a gang of men who beat them up.

Her friend had called for help as she was being attacked.

"She was shouting out 'help me' " but she couldn't find her in the dark," said her father.

The couples had been at a disco in Drogheda and went out to the beauty spot when the venue closed. It is unclear how long they had been in the forest before they were attacked at around 4.30am.

The alarm was raised when one of the women managed to escape and seek help at a nearby house.

The two women and one of the men were brought to Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda.

While they were there a number of men arrived at the hospital seeking medical treatment for an injured 17 year old.

Gardaí confirmed that four teenagers were arrested at the hospital and were detained for questioning at Drogheda and Dundalk Garda stations. One of the teenagers was aged under 18, say gardaí.

A fifth teenager was arrested yesterday afternoon.

For some time after the alarm was raised there were serious concerns about the welfare of the fourth person in the car, who had also been attacked.

Gardaí spent over five hours searching for him yesterday morning. They feared he could have been lost in the wood's 400 acres of forest and thick copses.

The Garda dog unit and the air support unit helped in the search.

Gardaí were contacted at around 10.30am yesterday and told he had managed to make his way home.

Townley Hall is about four kilometres from Drogheda. The walks and nature trails in the woods have made it a popular spot for families.

There were calls for security at the woods to be reviewed.

The entrance gates do not close and Drogheda mayor Frank Maher said, "It is a beauty spot and people enjoy going to it and using it. Part of its beauty is it is open to the public but after this horrific incident there should be a review of its accessibility after daylight hours."

Locals have expressed concern in recent months because of reports that the area is being frequented by groups of people drinking in the woods and burning small campfires.

What the  f u c k  is going on with teenagers these days. I went to school in Drogheda and no doubt went to the same discos as the couples in this case. There are a fair amount of scum-bags in Drogheda and I went to school with some utter wasters and thugs who were by the age of 16 dealing drugs and beating each other senseless.

But this would be a new low, even for them.
It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016


these thugs have all been released and a file sent to the DPP

They are not from this country,  whats to stop them going back to their own country and not turning up to face the charges.

IMO they should be kept in prison until the face a court


I read this Juice, sickening.

Not locals who carried it out btw (or were arrested), foreign nationals.

full back

Assuming the arrested are the guilty ones, these fcukers should get the book thrown at them
Although the likelihood is they will get a soft sentence & be running around acting the w4nkers again in a year if not less.
IMHO, the sentences given out are no deterrent to these type of people.
Hard labour or something similar is what is required

Joe Arpaio has the right idea


Thats terrible altogether.

I agree juice that there are a fair amount of scum-bags in Drogheda - locals and imports. Can be rough enough spot.


Quote from: corn02 on March 12, 2009, 10:51:16 AM
I read this Juice, sickening.

Not locals who carried it out btw (or were arrested), foreign nationals.

That was my first reaction.
i must be a racist


one of the girls identified one of them in the hospital

Apparently he was injured during the attack and was in getting treatment

These lad should not be out walking about


Just read the reports on RTE.

"While receiving treatment in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, one of the victims recognised her attacker who himself had presented for treatment. Gardaí arrested him and three of his friends immediately.""

I'd give these lads 5 years minimum, although 10 would be what they really deserve but they'd never get that. Probably wouldnt get 5 either.
It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016


could we get the lad up from cork who was going to do all the shooting

His skills would be better applied here


One of the girls' mother was on the Gerry Ryan radio programme yesterday and the attackers gave her a choice - either be raped or get beat with a crow bar - she chose the crow bar - got her jaw broke, a pile of teeth broek etc etc etc -

What the f--k is the world coming to ???

Doogie Browser

Quote from: orangeman on March 12, 2009, 11:16:44 AM
One of the girls' mother was on the Gerry Ryan radio programme yesterday and the attackers gave her a choice - either be raped or get beat with a crow bar - she chose the crow bar - got her jaw broke, a pile of teeth broek etc etc etc -

What the f--k is the world coming to ???
Holy f**k, those bastards deserve to die for that, their demise would leave the world a better place.


Quote from: Doogie Browser on March 12, 2009, 11:19:34 AM
Quote from: orangeman on March 12, 2009, 11:16:44 AM
One of the girls' mother was on the Gerry Ryan radio programme yesterday and the attackers gave her a choice - either be raped or get beat with a crow bar - she chose the crow bar - got her jaw broke, a pile of teeth broek etc etc etc -

What the f--k is the world coming to ???
Holy f**k, those b**tards deserve to die for that, their demise would leave the world a better place.

Sick f**kers the crow bar would be to good for them.


I'm not joking... as soon as I read the title I thought 'I bet this is a gang of foreigners'.  What sort of a dirty sc**bag immigrant ba*tard do you have to be to do a thing like this??


Question :

Why habe these b-----ds been let out ??

They'll just piss off home and inflict this terrible ordeal on somebody else !

They should be locked up and a crow bar taken to them twice a week.


aye i heard a bit of that on the radio myself...It's bad when these things happen and i believe these f**kers should pay the price for their crimes and afterwards sent back to their own country. Can you imagine what would happen to any of us who committed a crime like that in a foreign country...Jesus Christ you'd be hung up by the neck. Ireland and the UK are too lenient and the law needs revised...Again if that had a happened 10-15 years ago them scum bags would be found in a black bin bag down the Navan Road somewhere but unfortunately the peace process took away some of our own justice system if you know what i mean...
I can swim a little but i can't fly an inch