Antrim Shooting thread.

Started by Gaaboardmod3, March 09, 2009, 04:54:38 PM

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Evil Genius

Quote from: Aerlik on March 11, 2009, 04:24:43 AM
Didn't Hendrik Verwoerd the first president of Apartheid South Africa actually model Apartheid on the system of "government" in the Six Counties after the split in the country?
Really? Considering the first racial separation laws in South Africa date back to 1911, it might be stretching things. Where is your evidence for such a claim? What race (religion) laws did Stormont introduce which might have inspired the Apartheid laws?

Verwoerd was fiercely anti-British, he withdrew his country from the Commonwealth and he opposed his country joining in the war against Nazism. Perhaps you mean he was inspired by the government in Dublin?

It is true to say that Durban Town Hall (constructed 1910) was inspired by Belfast City Hall (constructed 1906), indeed is almost an exact replica. Maybe that is what you were thinking of?

Anyhow, in my previous post, I referred to just a selection of the Race Laws which underpinned the Apartheid system in S.Africa. Perhaps you might supply me with a list of their NI counterparts?

P.S. When you do get back to me, maybe you might start a separate thread, since I'm sure nobody would like to see a serious thread like this one clogged up by the ramblings of someone who has clearly spent too much time outdoors in the Australian sun without a hat...
"If you come in here again, you'd better bring guns"
"We don't need guns"
"Yes you fuckin' do"


whatever about sa apartheid being based (or restructured) on some aspects of the methodology and procedure in ni , these 'laws' were not in any constitution, however there were multiple 'laws' that were contravened by establishment and bureacracy for decades (if not centuries) on treatment of natinalist peoples that were race/creed based and that is the basis for the label of 'apartheid'.
I dont think anyone can claim that nationalists were subject to oppressive, aggressive, persecutionary, harrassing, job denying, movement barring and anti human rights measures from the 'establishment' of local gov, security/crown forces/bureaucrats/securocrats and the violent gangs permitted to enforce these.

But post more pictures to try and take it away from answering the point, or post another piece from the discredited cain report or some other inaccurate digressive source. I am sure the prose will be fantastic to read  ::) but as usual the point will be irrelevent and the answer non-forthcoming !

Evil Genius

Quote from: lynchbhoy on March 11, 2009, 11:22:41 AM

But post more pictures to try and take it away from answering the point,
You are the one making the claim that the system of Government in NI is/was akin to the Apartheid regime, so it is up to you to back it up.
In doing so, you might make a start by addressing the following which I put to you earlier, rather than running away from it:

"For example, where were the NI laws which prevented mixed marriages? Where were the laws which forced Catholics to live in Bantustans? Were Catholics forced to carry separate identity papers and Passports recognised nowhere else in the world? Were they banned from leaving NI, as non-whites were from SA? Were NI Catholics denied both British and Irish Nationality, as non-whites were denied SA Passports, or other countries passports, by law? Where were the segregated restaurants, hotels, beaches etc in NI? Were NI Catholics banned by law from attending the best Universities, or getting senior jobs in the Judiciary, Police or Civil Service? Where were the S.African equivalents of Mary McAleese (free state education to QUB, appointed head of the ILS etc), Jamie Flanagan (Catholic head of the RUC), Sir Denis Henry (1st Lord Chief Justice in NI and a Catholic)? Were NI Catholics denied the chance to represent NI at football etc, in the way blacks and "coloureds" were the Springboks in SA? Was the UK denied international recognition of its jurisdiction over NI in the way as the Apartheid regime was ostracised worldwide?"

Otherwise, if you cannot or will not supply an answer, then you will be exposed, once again, for the serial bullshitter you plainly are.

Yours etc,
Myles  ::)

P.S. If/when you should ever get round to addressing the point, can you do so via a separate thread? This one is much too serious to deserve being clogged up by the insane ramblings of the likes of you and Aerlik
"If you come in here again, you'd better bring guns"
"We don't need guns"
"Yes you fuckin' do"


Quote from: Evil Genius on March 11, 2009, 11:35:32 AM
Quote from: lynchbhoy on March 11, 2009, 11:22:41 AM

But post more pictures to try and take it away from answering the point,
You are the one making the claim that the system of Government in NI is/was akin to the Apartheid regime, so it is up to you to back it up.
In doing so, you might make a start by addressing the following which I put to you earlier, rather than running away from it:

"For example, where were the NI laws which prevented mixed marriages? Where were the laws which forced Catholics to live in Bantustans? Were Catholics forced to carry separate identity papers and Passports recognised nowhere else in the world? Were they banned from leaving NI, as non-whites were from SA? Were NI Catholics denied both British and Irish Nationality, as non-whites were denied SA Passports, or other countries passports, by law? Where were the segregated restaurants, hotels, beaches etc in NI? Were NI Catholics banned by law from attending the best Universities, or getting senior jobs in the Judiciary, Police or Civil Service? Where were the S.African equivalents of Mary McAleese (free state education to QUB, appointed head of the ILS etc), Jamie Flanagan (Catholic head of the RUC), Sir Denis Henry (1st Lord Chief Justice in NI and a Catholic)? Were NI Catholics denied the chance to represent NI at football etc, in the way blacks and "coloureds" were the Springboks in SA? Was the UK denied international recognition of its jurisdiction over NI in the way as the Apartheid regime was ostracised worldwide?"

Otherwise, if you cannot or will not supply an answer, then you will be exposed, once again, for the serial bullshitter you plainly are.

Yours etc,
Myles  ::)

P.S. If/when you should ever get round to addressing the point, can you do so via a separate thread? This one is much too serious to deserve being clogged up by the insane ramblings of the likes of you and Aerlik
funnily enough I dont see you addressing the point of 'antrim shooting' youself

as for the actions of those in 'power' behaving in an 'apartheid' type manner, I think its pretty well known by all and sundry at this point in time that what I said happened and is not a figment of imagination - to be easily brushed under the carpet by folks like yourself who refuse to acknowledge the guilt of you predecessors
as said before , the 'laws' were not in any constitution, however there were multiple 'laws' that were contravened by establishment and bureacracy for decades (if not centuries) on treatment of natinalist peoples that were race/creed based and that is the basis for the label of 'apartheid'.
I dont think anyone can claim that nationalists were subject to oppressive, aggressive, persecutionary, harrassing, job denying, movement barring and anti human rights measures from the 'establishment' of local gov, security/crown forces/bureaucrats/securocrats and the violent gangs permitted to enforce these.

can you deny these happend?
No, I didnt think you could.

Boolerhead Mel

Update on shooting in Antrim 3 arrests made-Lurgan and Bellaghy-see BBC site

Harold Disgracey

Collie Duffy one of those lifted according to BBC.

Our Nail Loney

Quote from: Harold Disgracey on March 14, 2009, 05:59:12 PM
Collie Duffy one of those lifted according to BBC.

Aye, wee fella I work with lives in the estate said police been swarming since this morning, were getting bricked and petrol bombed as well. There is rioting now in Lurgan and I think the trains are callled off...


Quote from: Our Nail Loney on March 14, 2009, 06:14:36 PM
Quote from: Harold Disgracey on March 14, 2009, 05:59:12 PM
Collie Duffy one of those lifted according to BBC.

Aye, wee fella I work with lives in the estate said police been swarming since this morning, were getting bricked and petrol bombed as well. There is rioting now in Lurgan and I think the trains are callled off...

Was through it there about 20 minutes ago (on the Lake St/Victoria St side). No rioting going from from what I can see and about a dozen children and teenagers standing on the railway crossing. Apparently there's ten Land Rovers blocking Lake St from the other side (Antrim Rd). I expect it'll get worse later but so far from the rumours going round the town and the press reports are all over exaggerated - seems a lot of people actually want something to kick off (probably including those that lifted Duffy in the first place).


Quote from: Donagh on March 14, 2009, 06:47:31 PM
I expect it'll get worse later but so far from the rumours going round the town and the press reports are all over exaggerated - seems a lot of people actually want something to kick off (probably including those that lifted Duffy in the first place).
For what reason?


Quote from: Maguire01 on March 14, 2009, 06:59:01 PM
Quote from: Donagh on March 14, 2009, 06:47:31 PM
I expect it'll get worse later but so far from the rumours going round the town and the press reports are all over exaggerated - seems a lot of people actually want something to kick off (probably including those that lifted Duffy in the first place).
For what reason?

Who knows. Cheap thrills? Sad all the same.


Quote from: Donagh on March 14, 2009, 07:01:17 PM
Quote from: Maguire01 on March 14, 2009, 06:59:01 PM
Quote from: Donagh on March 14, 2009, 06:47:31 PM
I expect it'll get worse later but so far from the rumours going round the town and the press reports are all over exaggerated - seems a lot of people actually want something to kick off (probably including those that lifted Duffy in the first place).
For what reason?

Who knows. Cheap thrills? Sad all the same.
Who knows? Well you're the one who said it.
Sad? You're right there.


Quote from: Maguire01 on March 14, 2009, 07:08:27 PM
Who knows? Well you're the one who said it.
Sad? You're right there.

Would you like me to go and ask them for you - who should I start with, the kids on the railway track, the people spreading the rumours or the peelers?


Quote from: Donagh on March 14, 2009, 07:24:23 PM
Quote from: Maguire01 on March 14, 2009, 07:08:27 PM
Who knows? Well you're the one who said it.
Sad? You're right there.

Would you like me to go and ask them for you - who should I start with, the kids on the railway track, the people spreading the rumours or the peelers?
You're the one making assumptions about who would like to see things kick off. Surely you must have a basis for such assumptions, otherwise are you not just starting/spreading rumours yourself?


wee hoods in kilwilke love any excuse to brick the peelers. They'll most likely be the ones wanting it to kick off


Quote from: Maguire01 on March 14, 2009, 08:16:31 PM
You're the one making assumptions about who would like to see things kick off. Surely you must have a basis for such assumptions, otherwise are you not just starting/spreading rumours yourself?

It's a discussion forum, I gave an opinion based on what I know of the area, the people in it and the police in it, having been about the town for over 35 years.