Mickey Harte joins the Irish News

Started by GrandMasterFlash, February 02, 2009, 08:08:04 AM

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No boring idle chit chat this week lads.
He's giving you his true opinion on something controversial but I bet you a lot of you will now come out of the wood work to say he's just whinging and its sour grapes etc.

And then ye wonder why he hasn't said much all year.

Commentators make a lot of errors ranging from getting people's names wrong to turning a blind eye to certain things to suit their own agenda. He makes a good point that people love to whinge about certain players diving but nobody mentions Hub not crying about an off the ball incident.


havent been a fan of the column so far, but gets it spot on this time.
good to hear him speaking his mind.

If we are going to go down the road of revisiting incidents due to tv coverage, surely there is a case for an independent citing commissioner  (similar to rugby) and it is his job to highlight  them (rather than spillane & his mates).
Also, if the referee was unable to get the decision correct at the time, why make him the one to pass judgement second time round? Again it should be an independant panel, of which the referee could be one member , if need be, that makes the decision.
There is far too much inconsitancy and Bias in the process as it stands.
I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look good either


Mickey is hitting where it hurts this week and although he mightn't be saying it, there's a hint of a northern bias when it comes to the southern media.

Mickey hits the nail firmly on the head this time.

Well done.


Harte is right to certain extent. But the issue for me is far deeper than the media and referees.

My argument is that the issue is with the entire GAA rulebook. Drastic as it may sound should it not be rewritten and updated for the 21st century?
Keep them at it.

Sandy Hill

QuoteIn the modern game, players are coached to roll tackles and avoid head-on collisions if possible.

That the physical contact wasn't as severe as it might have been may well have been due to Owen's skill in getting out of the way and

preserving his own well-being as far as possible.

::) ::) ::)
"Stercus accidit"

Drumanee 1

at last what we want to hear from his column,no bullshit just straight to the point.the man has the potential to be a top class columnist and after some terrible articles he has shown what he is capable of.i dont think it's a conincidence that Tyrone are no longer involved in the championship


  I was at the game and listened to RTE radio where I think it was Bernard Flynn who said that Conor Gormley has just got a punch 'off the ball'' but sure its all part of the game. The comments on RTE Radio throughout the game were beyond belief to be honest. They even slated John Bannon when he tried to sort out an off the ball mêlée saying there was nothing going on that he needed to look at.

Its about time Micky wrote something interesting, the Irish News is like all other publications all about making money, if they think Mickey can up their sales they don't care what crap he writes. I think it has gone very tabloid and I never buy it. Rant Over..for now
"You can go proudly. You are history. You are legend''


I was listening to Bernard Flynn whilst at the match at he was so biased & annoying that I turned it off.
It was bad enough to watch Cork take us apart without listening to him loving it.
I heard that line about it being part & parcel of the match.
Wonder could Fergal Logan use that argument for next year's NFL?


Fuzzman, i agree with you totally. Flynn couldnt hide his delight that tyrone were getting beat. Both me and my friend removed the earpieces also.


Quote from: Drumanee 1 on September 04, 2009, 01:36:27 PM
at last what we want to hear from his column,no bullshit just straight to the point.the man has the potential to be a top class columnist and after some terrible articles he has shown what he is capable of.i dont think it's a conincidence that Tyrone are no longer involved in the championship

I (respectfully) disagree. Typical Father Mickey mealy-mouthed whinge. The good points he was trying to make got drowned by the holier-than-thou bullshit.

Here's some examples (with translation)...

Breheny has suddenly discovered this to be a 'flawed' system and suggests that the focus given to the incident by The Sunday Game was instrumental in the issue being revisited. Again, what's new Martin? And why the furore now?

=You're a cheating nordie hating basket Breheny!

It has been clear for a long time that television coverage and programme directors/editors, along with studio pundits, have been setting the agenda on these matters.

=Now it's my turn.

The print media personnel, who invariably revel in such controversies, are hardly well placed to point the finger at The Sunday Game

=hypocrisy aside, neither am I, but who's to notice?

We often hear of a player being involved in an incident and, depending on who he is, the action is described in a sanitised fashion as being 'totally out of character'

=Yes, I mean you Brolly and your bloody "roofing the Foreglen club in his spare time defence"!

while other players are never given the benefit of the doubt.

=It's not fair on the Tyrone players who are too busy training for All-Irelands to do good works in the community.

While it is an indisputable fact that, on occasion, players go to ground too easily, the lazy description, by some observers, that this always constitutes a dive is equally unfair and inaccurate.

=while by saying "too easily" that might imply simulation bordering on cheating, diving is too harsh a word for it and you must agree that there are circumstances to mitigate simulation or cheating ...unless you're a cheating nordie hating basket!

Players and teams then often get labelled as cheats and this undoubtedly influences decision-makers in live-time situations in the future.

=2003 was 2003, can ye's not let it go?

In the modern game, players are coached to roll tackles and avoid head-on collisions if possible

=Tyrone are well drilled on how to buy a foul and now yous are starting to catch on!

That the physical contact wasn't as severe as it might have been may well have been due to Owen's skill in getting out of the way and preserving his own well-being as far as possible.

=Owen is one of the best divers we have. God bless his cotton (multi-coloured) socks.

Ironically, between the sending off in the 30th minute and half-time at 37 minutes, when John Bannon stopped the game with Ryan McMenamin in an advanced attacking position, Cork were awarded seven frees to Tyrone's none.

=It's a well known law in Tyrone that fouls should even themselves out over any given 7 minute period. Tyrone never systematically foul to stop dominating teams and when they do it should be disregarded under the "7 minute" rule. Games should not be stopped (regardless of the time) when Tyrone have possession and definitely not when Ryan McMenamin is advancing. You're a cheating nordie hating basket Bannon!

With the advantage of replays, that description of the incident is definite evidence of a case for an appointment with a good optician

=You're a cheating nordie hating basket Carney!

Nor did I hear, or read, anything from those who have a particularly acute eye for theatrics and dives giving any credit to Kevin for his controlled reaction to what was an off-the-ball full-frontal shoulder charge

=over the last 6 years of systematic theatrics it should have stood out for God's sake! You're all cheating nordie hating baskets!

Rule 146(b)0.G. unequivocally describes 'striking or attempting to strike with arm, elbow, hand or knee' as a category II offence which carries a minimum four-week suspension

=when I say "unequivocally" of course I wouldn't include sly digs that might provoke a more violent response. No, no Brian's arm slipped. Unequivocally.

You would have saved us all the self-serving hypocritical whinge Arsene Mickey if you'd just left it at this:

If television coverage and punditry was confined to the quality of football, and the CCCC transparently and consistently went about the business of dealing with indiscretions, then the ultimate goal for us all, equitable accountability, is more likely to occur

Drumanee 1

Quote from: OverThePostsAWide on September 04, 2009, 04:34:54 PM
Quote from: Drumanee 1 on September 04, 2009, 01:36:27 PM
at last what we want to hear from his column,no bullshit just straight to the point.the man has the potential to be a top class columnist and after some terrible articles he has shown what he is capable of.i dont think it's a conincidence that Tyrone are no longer involved in the championship

I (respectfully) disagree. Typical Father Mickey mealy-mouthed whinge. The good points he was trying to make got drowned by the holier-than-thou bullshit.

Here's some examples (with translation)...

Breheny has suddenly discovered this to be a ‘flawed’ system and suggests that the focus given to the incident by The Sunday Game was instrumental in the issue being revisited. Again, what’s new Martin? And why the furore now?

=You're a cheating nordie hating basket Breheny!

It has been clear for a long time that television coverage and programme directors/editors, along with studio pundits, have been setting the agenda on these matters.

=Now it's my turn.

The print media personnel, who invariably revel in such controversies, are hardly well placed to point the finger at The Sunday Game

=hypocrisy aside, neither am I, but who's to notice?

We often hear of a player being involved in an incident and, depending on who he is, the action is described in a sanitised fashion as being ‘totally out of character’

=Yes, I mean you Brolly and your bloody "roofing the Foreglen club in his spare time defence"!

while other players are never given the benefit of the doubt.

=It's not fair on the Tyrone players who are too busy training for All-Irelands to do good works in the community.

While it is an indisputable fact that, on occasion, players go to ground too easily, the lazy description, by some observers, that this always constitutes a dive is equally unfair and inaccurate.

=while by saying "too easily" that might imply simulation bordering on cheating, diving is too harsh a word for it and you must agree that there are circumstances to mitigate simulation or cheating ...unless you're a cheating nordie hating basket!

Players and teams then often get labelled as cheats and this undoubtedly influences decision-makers in live-time situations in the future.

=2003 was 2003, can ye's not let it go?

In the modern game, players are coached to roll tackles and avoid head-on collisions if possible

=Tyrone are well drilled on how to buy a foul and now yous are starting to catch on!

That the physical contact wasn’t as severe as it might have been may well have been due to Owen’s skill in getting out of the way and preserving his own well-being as far as possible.

=Owen is one of the best divers we have. God bless his cotton (multi-coloured) socks.

Ironically, between the sending off in the 30th minute and half-time at 37 minutes, when John Bannon stopped the game with Ryan McMenamin in an advanced attacking position, Cork were awarded seven frees to Tyrone’s none.

=It's a well known law in Tyrone that fouls should even themselves out over any given 7 minute period. Tyrone never systematically foul to stop dominating teams and when they do it should be disregarded under the "7 minute" rule. Games should not be stopped (regardless of the time) when Tyrone have possession and definitely not when Ryan McMenamin is advancing. You're a cheating nordie hating basket Bannon!

With the advantage of replays, that description of the incident is definite evidence of a case for an appointment with a good optician

=You're a cheating nordie hating basket Carney!

Nor did I hear, or read, anything from those who have a particularly acute eye for theatrics and dives giving any credit to Kevin for his controlled reaction to what was an off-the-ball full-frontal shoulder charge

=over the last 6 years of systematic theatrics it should have stood out for God's sake! You're all cheating nordie hating baskets!

Rule 146(b)0.G. unequivocally describes ‘striking or attempting to strike with arm, elbow, hand or knee’ as a category II offence which carries a minimum four-week suspension

=when I say "unequivocally" of course I wouldn't include sly digs that might provoke a more violent response. No, no Brian's arm slipped. Unequivocally.

You would have saved us all the self-serving hypocritical whinge Arsene Mickey if you'd just left it at this:

If television coverage and punditry was confined to the quality of football, and the CCCC transparently and consistently went about the business of dealing with indiscretions, then the ultimate goal for us all, equitable accountability, is more likely to occur

amm,a,am.what can i say i am totally speechless and have no retort


When is the Irish News going to plug on this weekly article. Jaysus, it is boring stuff. Can he not come up with anything original by himself other than responding to something someone has written in the Southern press.
A brilliant manager there can be no doubt.[ But you would expect him to be more inspirational in his team talks than he is in this column].
A writer he aint!


I notice one Tony Fearon of Poyntzpass is among the Mickey Harte competition winners in the Irish News and a copy of his book will be winging its way to him.

Doogie Browser

Quote from: ExiledGael on November 06, 2009, 05:19:55 PM
I notice one Tony Fearon of Poyntzpass is among the Mickey Harte competition winners in the Irish News and a copy of his book will be winging its way to him.

Also a trip to the launch.  Tone has been quiet recently, maybe he was away on another holiday he won!!

give her dixie

No, Tony has been training fierce hard for the Fight Night Mickey is involved in.

Tonight Tony will take on Adrian Logan in the 6th fight.

What are the odds folks???
next stop, September 10, for number 4......