Another fabricated RUC-PSNI case thrown out!

Started by Donagh, January 23, 2009, 02:25:28 PM

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Just got a text from one of the boys to say they've been found not guilty on all charges.
Stormont Accused Need Your Support

Case Update

Cormac Ryan, Dominic McGlinchey and Scott MastersonSince being charged in May 2006 the case of the Stormont accused has been before the courts on up to a dozen occasions. On each occasion the RUC-PSNI and the Crown Prosecution Service have failed to produce any evidence to support the charges that have been brought against Scot Masterson, Cormac Ryan and Dominic McGlinchey.

This failure of the RUC-PSNI to disclose the nature of the alleged evidence against the three men has caused even the judge to question whether any such evidence actually exists. On three separate occasions, most recently on Friday 19th October, the courts have instructed the RUC-PSNI and the CPS to fully disclose all supposed 'evidence' to the men's defence team.

The courts have also instructed that the prosecution subpoena all video and audio recordings of the Stormont protest that may be in the possession of broadcast media that were present on the day in question. To date neither of these instructions have been complied with.

Background to Case

On the morning of May 8, 2007, three members of éirígí, Cormac Ryan, Dominic McGlinchey and Scott Masterson, were assaulted and arrested by the RUC/PSNI outside Stormont Castle, Belfast.

The three were taking part in a peaceful protest, organised by the Belfast Anti-War Movement, aimed at highlighting the hypocrisy of British war-criminal Tony Blair claiming to be a 'man of peace' in Ireland, while simultaneously directing the brutal occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. Blair was in Stormont to oversee the official re-establishment of the Six-County assembly.

As the protest got underway, the RUC/PSNI responded, by violently attacking the demonstrators.

Despite provocation, the protesters remained peaceful throughout the attack. During the course of the onslaught the three éirígí activists were arrested and later charged with a string of violent offences. These charges include Assault, Causing Actual Bodily Harm, Assaulting a Police Officer, Riotous Behaviour, Disorderly Behaviour and Resisting Arrest.

Cormac Ryan gave an account of the day.

RUC/PSNI assaulting anti-war activists"We had traveled to Stormont at the invitation of the Belfast Anti-War Movement and the atmosphere was pretty relaxed until the RUC decided to attack what was, an unquestionably peaceful demonstration.

"In the course of the attack I was assaulted and carried by several cops to a nearby land-rover, where I was held with the others until we were transported to a barrack to be interrogated.

"Scott and myself were held overnight and faced court for the first time the next morning, where bail at an incredibly high level was set.

Cormac continued: "I can't stress enough the importance of winning this case – not just from our own point of view but in the interests of defending the right to peaceful protest in the Six-Counties."

The arrests and the propaganda surrounding them were clearly an attempt to deflect attention away from the heavy-handed actions of the RUC/PSNI on the day.

On a personal level, the demands of the case, including extensive travel, have had a detrimental impact on all three men, but most particularly Scott and Dominic both of whom have young children.

It is of critical importance that the right of members of the public to engage in peaceful protest without the fear of suffering state violence is defended. It is unacceptable that state forces can, with total impunity, use violence against those engaged in legitimate protest.

RUC/PSNI intimidatory tacticsThe British state has a long history of bringing politically motivated, false charges against Irish republicans. The case of the three accused is a contemporary example which cannot be allowed to proceed unopposed.

Whilst Blair, and now Gordon Brown, preach about bringing 'democracy' to Iraq and Afghanistan, their own state forces are given carte blanche to stamp out peaceful protest in Ireland.

The Stormont accused need the support of all those who oppose state violence and political policing.


Donagh, on a related note - will you (assuming he gets the job) be sad to see Orde depart? His replacement might be one of his existing deputies who would carry much more bagagge than an englishman.
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


I'll not be sorry to see him go. For him, policing here was a stepping stone to another position across the water, hence his unwillingness to ruffle any feathers and simply be the NIO man in the colony. We need an Irishman now who knows whats going on in the community and is not prepared to put up with the bullshit political policing we've had (so that rules out anyone with a Special Branch connection). So long as we have a Justice minister to ensure any baggage is checked at the door, a unionist-lite Irishman with balls is much more preferable to a foreigner with more interest emptying his and receiving meaningless awards from some half mad German queen. In saying that Orde was the only feasible candidate at the time he was appointed i.e. the unionists had to be taught that the automatic inheritance and paramilitary role of the RUC was ending.


Donagh i assume you agree with the term Sinn Féin-IRA?
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.


Quote from: Orior on January 23, 2009, 03:19:42 PM
Donagh, on a related note - will you (assuming he gets the job) be sad to see Orde depart? His replacement might be one of his existing deputies who would carry much more bagagge than an englishman.

Is the squeeze going with him ?


Quote from: Gnevin on January 23, 2009, 03:55:08 PM
Donagh i assume you agree with the term Sinn Féin-IRA?

If you are querying my use of RUC/PSNI, then it is simply a means of implying that the transformation is not complete. When we no longer have political policing up here with so-called police officers fabricating evidence against those they have political disagreements with, then I'll be happy to use the PSNI acronym. On today's evidence, it is obvious that we have not yet reached that point.

milltown row

I'm glad I'm informed about the injustices of this tiny island.

Donagh, do you participate in the playing of our national sports?


Quote from: milltown row on January 23, 2009, 04:14:08 PM
I'm glad I'm informed about the injustices of this tiny island.

Donagh, do you participate in the playing of our national sports?

Glad to help Milltown.

Why do you ask?

milltown row

with all your time fighting the establishment you'd have no time to be lacing up your boots and taking the field