Job Offer: Beach Bum - contact Australia

Started by DrinkingHarp, January 13, 2009, 08:45:17 AM

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Australia offers 'best job in world' on paradise island


Mon Jan 12, 10:16 pm ET
Australia offers 'best job in world' on paradise island AFP/File – An Australian state is offering internationally what it calls "the best job in the world" -- ...

SYDNEY (AFP) – An Australian state is offering internationally what it calls "the best job in the world" -- earning a top salary for lazing around a beautiful tropical island for six months.

The job pays 150,000 Australian dollars (105,000 US dollars) and includes free airfares from the winner's home country to Hamilton Island on the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland's state government announced on Tuesday.

In return, the "island caretaker" will be expected to stroll the white sands, snorkel the reef, take care of "a few minor tasks" -- and report to a global audience via weekly blogs, photo diaries and video updates.

The successful applicant, who will stay rent-free in a three-bedroom beach home complete with plunge pool and golf buggy, must be a good swimmer, excellent communicator and be able to speak and write English.

"They'll also have to talk to media from time to time about what they're doing so they can't be too shy and they'll have to love the sea, the sun, the outdoors," said acting state Premier Paul Lucas.

"The fact that they will be paid to explore the islands of the Great Barrier Reef, swim, snorkel and generally live the Queensland lifestyle makes this undoubtedly the best job in the world."

Lucas said the campaign was part of a drive to protect the state's 18 billion Australian dollar a year tourism industry during the tough economic climate caused by the global financial meltdown.

"Traditional tourism advertising just doesn't cut it sometimes and we are thinking outside the box by launching this campaign."

Queensland Tourism Minister Desley Boyle said some people might question whether it was risky to let an unknown person become an unofficial tourism spokesperson for the state.

"I think the biggest risk will be that the successful candidate won't want to go home at the end of the six months," she said.

"This is a legitimate job which is open to anyone and everyone."

Applications are open until February 22. Eleven shortlisted candidates will be flown to Hamilton Island in early May for the final selection process and the six month contract will commence on July 1.

Job-seekers can apply on .

Gaaboard Predict The World Cup Champion 2014


Know this wee island well.  Tis a beautiful lifestyle.  George Harrison amongst other celebs had a pad on her. 


Throw in Jennifer Hawkins and i'll apply  ;D
thats the crack she said with one leg up above on the table

Square Ball

so, its a tough job...

British man has been appointed the new caretaker of an Australian tropical island, a six-month position described as "the best job in the world".

Ben Southall, 34, a charity fundraiser from Petersfield, Hampshire, emerged from a field of over 34,000 applicants.

His new job requires Mr Southall to live and report from Hamilton Island, on Queensland's Great Barrier Reef.

The process gave a global profile to Australian tourism, which has gone into decline amid the worldwide recession.

'Extreme honour'

Mr Southall was chosen from among 16 finalists competing for the A$150,000 (£73,500; $110,000) position.

  My swimming is hopefully up to standard and I look forward to all the new roles and responsibilities that the task involves

Ben Southall
He was named as the successful candidate in a reality TV-style ceremony by Tourism Queensland.

Mr Southall said: "To go away now as the island caretaker for Tourism Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef is an extreme honour.

"I hope I can fill the boots as much as everybody is expecting. My swimming is hopefully up to standard and I look forward to all the new roles and responsibilities that the task involves."

Mr Southall, who was congratulated by his vanquished rivals as his name was announced, will now begin the arduous task of preparing for life alone on the picture-perfect island.

As well as the salary, the post of caretaker at Hamilton Island comes with a three bedroom beach home, a swimming pool and golf cart.

Island blog

The job description requires Mr Southall "to explore the islands of the Great Barrier Reef, swim, snorkel, make friends with the locals and generally enjoy the tropical Queensland climate and lifestyle".

As a thoroughly modern caretaker, Mr Southall will also be expected to report back to Tourism Queensland and the world via blogs, a photo diary, video updates and interviews.

He was chosen after the finalists spent four days on Hamilton Island undergoing a rigorous selection process involving snorkelling, barbecues and time at a spa. The finalists also had to demonstrate their blogging abilities, take swimming tests and sit through in-person interviews.

The BBC's Nick Bryant, in Sydney, says Tourism Queensland deliberately chose to launch the campaign back in January, in the midst of the northern hemisphere winter, but did not expect anywhere near the global response.

Web users viewed the online job description from almost every country except North Korea and a few African states, our correspondent reports.

Applicants came from over 200 countries.;topic=10795.0;num_replies=2

Hospitals are not equipped to treat stupid