These New Rules are a joke

Started by BallyhaiseMan, January 03, 2009, 09:24:23 PM

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Quote from GNevin
QuoteI heard on newstalk there was 80 yellow cards in 28 games !

Actually 85 cards in 25 games. I was on to all referees today to compile the stats: see below

Experimental rules get thumbs up 

Cavan's James Clarke and QUB's James Loughrey in McKenna Cup action
Disciplinary Task Force Chairman Liam O'Neill has praised referees for their good work in implementing the GAA's experimental rules over the weekend.

Statistics gleaned from the weekend games detail that cynical fouling was substantially reduced as a result of the rule changes.

Not one red card was shown in the 25 weekend games with a total of 85 yellow cards being brandished.

"We got great co-operation from the referees," said O'Neill.

Freelance sports journalist Cóilín Duffy compiled the statistics after the weekend games.

O'Neill welcomed the sensible approach adopted by players and officials alike.

"It went well and was administered in a professional manner in the best sense of that word. It just shows how well they (referees) prepare normally.

The players and managers also made a great effort to play the game as its meant to be played without fouls

GAA Disciplinary Task Force Chairman Liam O'Neill

"It's clear too that there was a definite challenge for them and that they responded 100 per cent."

O'Neill added his thanks to players and managements who made the effort to adopt the new system swiftly.

"The players and managers also gave 100 per cent and made a great effort to play the game as its meant to be played without fouls."

Just one game failed to produce a yellow card, with Meath official David Coldrick just issuing 11 black cards in the O'Byrne Cup at Newbridge which saw Kildare account for Wexford.

Of one concern to many of the referees surveyed was what many perceived as a grey area in the rules.

The number of black cards issued per game ranged from one in the Clare v It Tralee Waterford Crystal Cup clash at Meelick, to a maximum of 12, with some confusion over whether or not a 'ticking system' still applies for some infractions.

Overall the overriding mood among referees towards the new rules was one of satisfaction with one top-ranking referee issuing a warning to players that "it simply doesn't pay to foul".

The experimental rules will continue to come under the microscope next weekend, with 32 games down for decision.


A success in my book - cyncial fouling has really been cut down on. About 175 black books were shown


Got to disagree LG,
its a load of bullshit,
The Game was fine the way it was.


Was it? Of course there were many fine games and obviously most on this board are major football fans but I think it is fair to say that it is a game that allows cynical fouling more than most sports.


im biased though,
Cavan backs do more pulling and dragging than most,alot of the time its the only way we can stay with the Armagh/Tyrones fancy off the ball movements.
we are f**ked with these new rules.  ;D
It was a mess Saturday night,It was virtually an inter change system,Very hard to follow who was on and off.
Its going to be a mess in the National League with diving and teams  setting  out to get opposition key players yellow carded using all the dirty tricks that there are.
Thats they way i see it going anyway.


That's fair enough BM but would you not agree they should be given a chance, if your fears prove to be well founded then scrap them but they have to be given a decent run IMO, what have we got to lose? Besides ye lads might have to learn to tackle now!!


no problem with their use in McKenna/O Byrne/FBD League/McGrath Cup,

Not too optimistic how they will hold up in the competitive atmosphere of league football though.


Fewer men sent off thus fewer 15 v 14 games is a good thing IMO. And cynical foulers getting forcibly substituted is good too. I'm sure the refs will make plenty of mistakes in the opening weeks, but I'm looking forward to seeing it in the flesh a few times before coming down either way.


I found  the spin which was put on the new system interesting; that being there were no red cards given out, meaning that it is a success, but since the majority of red cards would have been administered for a second yellow, it is a disingenuous argument to put it nicely.
Have the GAA sent press officers to the same school the Lisbon Treaty Referendum Team where sent to, i.e. don't inform anyone what is really going to happen but what you wish them to believe is going to happen.


Quote from: guevara on January 05, 2009, 09:40:51 PM


I have an opinion of my own Idont need Spillane or any other media commentator to dictate what way that opinion should Go you numpty!
Just you watch if these rules are used in the Championship I gaurantee you now Armagh & Tyrone will be the biggest  rule benders in terms of the yellow card system. Both teams have adapted a style of play that involvess doing anything within (and outside) the rules to annoy antagonise and beat your opponent!
Ciaran McKeever , Francie Bellew enough said!

Ciaran McKeever weasn't booked in last year's Championship, but Armagh do have a high average.


Quote from: Zulu on January 05, 2009, 08:29:29 PM
It's all our fault, you only have to look at this site and see lads defending the indefensible when one of their own is involved. Like I've already said I'm not sure this new system is the way to go but I'm willing to give it a chance to see how it develops, there isn't a perfect system and any system you, I or anyone else suggests would have holes in it. So we need to give this a chance and not simply complain at the first opportunity, the sin bin was rejected out of hand after only 3 weeks, had we given it a chance it might have changed the game for ever. This time we need to face down the knee jerk reactionaries and let the new rules take there course, if they clearly don't work we can drop them and nothing will be lost but at least give them a chance.

It will take time to bed down and once it does we can judge whether it is effective or not but I don't accept these new rules are as bad as some of ye are making out. And I certainly don't accept you can judge based on one weekend of games, all the players know what fouls will get them booked so I think we could very well see less of these types of fouls and that must be a good thing.

The problem with that Zulu, is consistency, and that's the core problem with any rules like this. What one ref deems a yellow card, another will deem not worthy of a tick.

I'd be in favour of a system of accumulating poiints for bookings, and after 3 bookings you miss a match. It shouldn't be hard to track in this day and age.

I hate cynical fouling, and I hate diving or acting. 2 things that need to be eradicated. I can see how this is an attempt at eradicating cynical fouling, but it seems nothing has been done with the bigger cancer, which is lads flopping around on the ground like landed salmon.


Am I losing my mind, or is the Independent/GAA totally gone stupid? Read this article from the Indo today..

QuoteGAA Warning on Double Jeopardy
Players have been warned that the "two strikes and you're out" rule in relation to yellow cards still applies. Under the new experimental rules, a player sent off "on a yellow" can now be immediately replaced from a team's six substitutes. But the GAA moved yesterday to remind the 80 players hit with season-opener yellows that they are still liable to a two week suspension if the same thing happens to them again this season.

A rule that anyone who gets two yellow cards within one 12 month period must serve an automatic 2 week ban was introduced a few years ago to stop "serial" yellow card offenders. And the GAA has stressed that this sanction still applies to anyone receiving a second yellow card in the same season, despite the new rule that now allows them to be replaced for the remainder of the game.

Now, it seems to me that some eejit in the Independent has completely gotten the wrong end of the stick, or else the GAA don't know their own rules. Alternatively I'm completely off the wall with this.

As far as I am aware the two week suspension comes into play if you are SENT OFF for TWO YELLOW CARDS IN THE SAME GAME, and are sent off again for the same reason within 12 months.

With this new rule, I do not believe this can apply, as the player will never get 2 yellow card sending offs.

The only thing I can think of is that the black tick takes the place of the first yellow, but this can surely not be correct, as essentially we have 80 players walking a disciplinary tightrope already in that case.

What's going on here?


The only logic I can see in what you posted AZ is that the journalist is referring to getting a yellow card again - e.g. a second yellow in the tournament = 2 weeks suspension - I don't think he/she was referring to a second yellow card in the same game!!! - If they are they have totally lost the plot!!!


But surely a second 'single' yellow card cannot mean a 2 week suspension, unless they are viewing the original black tick as equivalent to an old yellow card? In that case, this new rule is lunacy. We've had the equivalent of 80 sendings off this week!!!


85 actually - I contacted the refs - dunno where this 80 figure is coming for!!