Saving Africa's Witch Children

Started by An Fear Rua, November 13, 2008, 09:08:53 AM

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Quote from: full back on November 13, 2008, 01:47:50 PM
Quote from: Minder on November 13, 2008, 01:30:49 PM
I think O Neill put it quite well in that thread,something along the lines of in his experience blacks he met were lazy.sneaky,devious. In this day and age it is deemed wrong to have an opinion if it isnt pc.

Someone said this in the thread about travellers (think it may have been LL ) and a few posters were up in arms about it :-\

Yes that was the jist of the Traveller thread on which I posted and was largely outnumbered. My point was that it was wrong to stereotype "all" travellers as  being criminals even if 9/10 travellers you have met were. Others argued that I was being PC and that they were entitled to call travellers scum bags. Some of the comments on that thread towards travellers were very disturbing and I don't want to drag it all up here again. My own opinion is that it is wrong to stereotype/generalise against a whole group/religion/race or whatever as it will simply make that 1/10 turn against you.


Quote from: Over the Bar on November 13, 2008, 01:17:52 PM
QuoteDon't get me wrong if they want to be here work, pay tax and abide by the law of the land then fine. Maybe then there would be less time to be offended. I am talking about personal experience and is nothing to do with the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
And your jibe about Oswald Mosely - i have no issue with any race or creed, its about attitude, and if im getting an attitude that comes from one particular race or creed i have no problem putting a label to it. Pc or not. 

To dislike an individual because of their race is bigotry.
To collectively associate entire race with the unacceptable behaviours of a few is prejudice.
To consider your own race superior to another is racism.

I think your attitude ticks all three boxes.  Well done.

To dislike an individual because of their race is bigotry. - correct
To collectively associate entire race with the unacceptable behaviours of a few is prejudice. - who did that ?
To consider your own race superior to another is racism. - who did that ?

Islam is a religion not a race.


Quote from: maddog on November 13, 2008, 04:40:22 PM
Quote from: Over the Bar on November 13, 2008, 01:17:52 PM
QuoteDon't get me wrong if they want to be here work, pay tax and abide by the law of the land then fine. Maybe then there would be less time to be offended. I am talking about personal experience and is nothing to do with the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
And your jibe about Oswald Mosely - i have no issue with any race or creed, its about attitude, and if im getting an attitude that comes from one particular race or creed i have no problem putting a label to it. Pc or not. 

To dislike an individual because of their race is bigotry.
To collectively associate entire race with the unacceptable behaviours of a few is prejudice.
To consider your own race superior to another is racism.

I think your attitude ticks all three boxes.  Well done.

To dislike an individual because of their race is bigotry. - correct
To collectively associate entire race with the unacceptable behaviours of a few is prejudice. - who did that ?
To consider your own race superior to another is racism. - who did that ?

Islam is a religion not a race.

Maddog, the man is wrong more often than he is right. oswald mosley me arse!!!!

Nifan is an awful man for banging on Christianity, he seems to have a bit more disdain for Christianity than he does other religions which is interesting in itself.

As for the horrors that are taking place in Nigeria, if people can inflict horror on infants and young children they are neither christian nor muslim, they are nothing more than animals.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Stew, Animals dont even do the things that are being laid upon children. Doesnt matter if its done in the name of religion (a la the 13 year old stoned to death) or just some psychopath who breaks his 16 month old daughters back across his knee.

If this is what they call civilisation - where exactly are we headed?


QuoteNifan is an awful man for banging on Christianity, he seems to have a bit more disdain for Christianity than he does other religions which is interesting in itself.

Stew, what does it tell you?

I dont have any more problem with christianity than i have with any other religion.
I  dont condemn christianity, though i dont agree with it. I

The fact that we live in a generally christian place means im more likely going to come up against christian views than other religions.

I do have issues when some Christians look down on all muslims, for example, as people. I dont believe all muslims are one thing, or all christians.

Over the Bar

QuoteTo collectively associate entire race with the unacceptable behaviours of a few is prejudice. - who did that ?

You did in the statement below.

Quoteand if im getting an attitude that comes from one particular race or creed i have no problem putting a label to it. Pc or not.

Over the Bar

QuoteI think O Neill put it quite well in that thread,something along the lines of in his experience blacks he met were lazy.sneaky,devious.

Such a statement is both prejudicial & racist. 


Quote from: Maiden1 on November 13, 2008, 10:54:18 AM
Quote from: Hardy on November 13, 2008, 10:14:10 AM
Quote from: nifan on November 13, 2008, 09:38:35 AM
the fact that it is done in the name of christianity should bring some perspective to those who condemn muslims due to the zealots of their lot.

I was waiting for that. Next we'll be invited to desist from condemning it because the US is killing children in Iraq. For my part, I never condemned muslims. I condemned barbarity, evil, ignorance and superstition and their incorporation in the laws of sovereign states.

As far as I'm concerned, the provision for stoning people (perpetrators or victims of crime) in sharia law, appalling child abuse in Nigeria and the bombing of civilians in Iraq (by both sides) are all roughly similar manifestations of barbarity, evil, ignorance and superstition be they muslim-inspired, witchcraft-inspired or fundamentalist American christian-inspired. I reserve the right to condemn them all, collectively and separately, without having to argue about which is worse than the other.
I agree with you mostly after thinking about it some more.  Stoning a girl to death is wrong.  I objected to the fact that some people then used this to justify the invasion of Iraq and Afganistan.  I watched the program about the witches last night and it just made me think how f&*ked up the world is, there was 1 guy swinging a machete about waiting for the cameras to go and the little girl was just hanging onto someone's leg.  Perhaps if there was free trade in Africa and not the mountains of debt that they owe the west and can never pay back then a more educated civilised society could develop.

A few less kleptomaniacal regimes for life might help too.


Quote from: full back on November 13, 2008, 01:47:50 PM
Quote from: Minder on November 13, 2008, 01:30:49 PM
I think O Neill put it quite well in that thread,something along the lines of in his experience blacks he met were lazy.sneaky,devious. In this day and age it is deemed wrong to have an opinion if it isnt pc.

Someone said this in the thread about travellers (think it may have been LL ) and a few posters were up in arms about it :-\

And rightly so.


Quote from: Over the Bar on November 13, 2008, 11:31:14 PM
QuoteTo collectively associate entire race with the unacceptable behaviours of a few is prejudice. - who did that ?

You did in the statement below.

Quoteand if im getting an attitude that comes from one particular race or creed i have no problem putting a label to it. Pc or not.

I said "if i am getting an attitude from one particular race or creed i have no problem putting a label to it", i did not name any race.
However as i've said, and this seems the bit you have difficulty with, i am going on personal experience, when i have the opposite personal experience i am open to changing my views.

Over the Bar

QuoteI said "if i am getting an attitude from one particular race or creed i have no problem putting a label to it", i did not name any race.
However as i've said, and this seems the bit you have difficulty with, i am going on personal experience, when i have the opposite personal experience i am open to changing my views.

The attitude you experienced was of individuals, not of a race of people as a whole, just as O'Neills experience was of individuals.  It is wholly wrong to to then asscoicate those negative behaviours with a race as a whole or to make a lazy generalisation.  I am sure you both have met many white people who are devious, deceitful and dislikeable for many reasons. 

You do not automatically associate certain negative behaviours with English ppl as a rule, or  white Americans as a whole.  Everyone is different and the colour of their skin, racial background or religion does not automatically label them with particular negative behaviours just in the same way it is prejudicial and racist for a black person to claim "whites are greedy".    Yes some maybe are greedy just as some black people are deceitful, however some black people are greedy while some white people are deceitful.   Race or skin colour has nothing to do with negative behaviours.


Quote from: Over the Bar on November 14, 2008, 08:31:37 AM
QuoteI said "if i am getting an attitude from one particular race or creed i have no problem putting a label to it", i did not name any race.
However as i've said, and this seems the bit you have difficulty with, i am going on personal experience, when i have the opposite personal experience i am open to changing my views.

The attitude you experienced was of individuals, not of a race of people as a whole, just as O'Neills experience was of individuals.  It is wholly wrong to to then asscoicate those negative behaviours with a race as a whole or to make a lazy generalisation.  I am sure you both have met many white people who are devious, deceitful and dislikeable for many reasons. 

You do not automatically associate certain negative behaviours with English ppl as a rule, or  white Americans as a whole.  Everyone is different and the colour of their skin, racial background or religion does not automatically label them with particular negative behaviours just in the same way it is prejudicial and racist for a black person to claim "whites are greedy".    Yes some maybe are greedy just as some black people are deceitful, however some black people are greedy while some white people are deceitful.   Race or skin colour has nothing to do with negative behaviours.

I broadly agree with you in the "ideal world" sense. But it's not an ideal world. Tell me this if you were driving through the bronx, would you put up your windows ? Or would that be associating certain negative behaviours with certain groups as a whole and therefore unpolitically correct ?


Quote from: maddog on November 14, 2008, 08:48:27 AM
I broadly agree with you in the "ideal world" sense. But it's not an ideal world. Tell me this if you were driving through the bronx, would you put up your windows ? Or would that be associating certain negative behaviours with certain groups as a whole and therefore unpolitically correct ?

Maybe in Woodlawn, you know all those Irish do is drink and fight


Quote from: nifan on November 14, 2008, 09:18:21 AM
Quote from: maddog on November 14, 2008, 08:48:27 AM
I broadly agree with you in the "ideal world" sense. But it's not an ideal world. Tell me this if you were driving through the bronx, would you put up your windows ? Or would that be associating certain negative behaviours with certain groups as a whole and therefore unpolitically correct ?

Maybe in Woodlawn, you know all those Irish do is drink and fight

Good point, i'm sure people dont go into certain bars all the time because of one or two individuals that may frequent it. Its normal human behaviour, if you get stung by a wasp 5 summers on the trot, you wont wait for the next one to land on you to find out what it will do eh.

Over the Bar

QuoteI broadly agree with you in the "ideal world" sense. But it's not an ideal world. Tell me this if you were driving through the bronx, would you put up your windows ? Or would that be associating certain negative behaviours with certain groups as a whole and therefore unpolitically correct ?

The reason you would not drive through the Bronx with your window open is becaouse it is a socially deprived area.   Such areas have high crime rates because they are socially deprived, not because they are black.   Black people make up the majority of the inhabitants of these areas because they are victims of inequality, racism & prejudice.  White people who also end up in the Bronx are just as likely to steal from your car as the black people living there.   

In the same way black people living in Beverley Hills are just as unlikely as white people to steal for your car as you drive past.   Skin colour and race has nothing to do with it.