shocking stuff

Started by youngfella, November 12, 2008, 09:29:00 AM

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Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM

Denn Forever

The verdict.  Not Murder, Not Manslaughter but unlawful killing. 

One of the men was the boyfriend of the mother who was living there but not if you know what I mean.

Beghs the question, where was the extended family?
I have more respect for a man
that says what he means and
means what he says...


Low life scum.  I hope these bastards get similarly abused in jail. 


Heard this on the news on the radio and had to turn it over half way through. Repulsive.

An Gaeilgoir

It seems that they had 60 visits from social workers over the past while and it all got missed, it also seems a doctor gave the child antibiotics for its broken back!!. And the really shocking thing is that when they get out they will be able to have more kids. If this happened to a dog/cat, the owner would be banned from keeping animals for life. The law is an ass. I hope the other prisioners find out what they did and proper retribution is meated out on them.


Quote from: An Gaeilgoir on November 12, 2008, 12:59:15 PM
It seems that they had 60 visits from social workers over the past while and it all got missed, it also seems a doctor gave the child antibiotics for its broken back!!. And the really shocking thing is that when they get out they will be able to have more kids. If this happened to a dog/cat, the owner would be banned from keeping animals for life. The law is an ass. I hope the other prisioners find out what they did and proper retribution is meated out on them.

No hope of this. They will be kept in protective custody for their own safety. Will get fed, pampered and looked after all at the tax payers expense and when they get released they will have their names changed and will get rehoused somewhere for their own safety.
Political Correctness has a lot to answer for. They should be hung naked by the ankles in the centre of the town they are from so that people can attack them they way they attacked an innocent helpless child....maybe it will give them some sort of idea what they put that child through.
A Death sentence would be too good for them. The social services and doctors who missed it should also get a serious reprimand IMO. If you cant do your job right, you should be sacked. They too bear a fair amount of repsonsibility for this poor child.

The Iceman

Couldn't finish it myself.  We have a wee 5 month old boy ourselves now and God I don't know what would drive anyone to harm a child but especially a baby.

The parents will get what is coming to them
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight


theres a lot of people who did not do their job in protecting this child....
i am sick at the thought of it
the doctor seen the child two days before he died and didn't notice he had a broken back.....

why was the child ever given back..

the system is screwed... when there are so many good decent people looking to adopt but can't because of strict regulations, but when its comes to protecting the child the regulations are fcuked up..

i'm so annoyed and saddened

perspectives are needed.
I'm trying to decide on a really meaningful message..


Quote from: leenie on November 12, 2008, 05:51:42 PM
theres a lot of people who did not do their job in protecting this child....
i am sick at the thought of it
the doctor seen the child two days before he died and didn't notice he had a broken back.....

why was the child ever given back..

the system is screwed... when there are so many good decent people looking to adopt but can't because of strict regulations, but when its comes to protecting the child the regulations are fcuked up..

i'm so annoyed and saddened

perspectives are needed.

Seconded leenie
We think we have problems............


Read a few of the comments here about not finishing the article before opening the link myself, forced myself to finish it and am astounded that this can go on with all the agencies involved. Do people in these agencies just get battle hardened and go through the motions in their work ? I would imagine no matter how exposed I would become to child abuse that I'd still be shocked by a case as glaringly tragic as this one and act accordingly.


I was nearly sick reading this, 17 months old and this is what they did to the child. How does one manage to quantify this? What would someone be thinking to do this?

RIP to the young boy.


Diet Coke

The Doctor, and social workers involved should be struck off...... some chance >:(
Everybody knows there no sucha thing as Sanity Clause.


How is it possible that no one helped?
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Our Nail Loney

Feel sick after reading that
Scum of the earth