11 plus tomorrow!

Started by Handy, November 06, 2008, 10:13:50 PM

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1993 here - well for about half of my fellow class members. It was the first year of the "new" test.

Didn't do it myself so had the joy of playing board games while the exams were on & still got to go to the shop once it was over and home early. Cant say I've ever felt I missed out on anything by not doing it, other than probably a sinking feeling when a letter with a D came in the post.

Personally I think some of the parents be as nervous as the children & that can't be good for a 10/11yr old.



1. is a coloured glass transparent or translucent

2. lets read a poem in sympathy:


Swifts do not sing:
what they do well
is sleep on the wing,
moving always higher and higher
in their almost entirely
aerial existence, alighting
only to nest, lay eggs,
rear their young and then
back to the airways
to teach them there
the art of high-speed darting
with narrow swept-back wings
and streamlined bodies:
when swifts descend
they cannot perch, they cling
by hook-shaped toes
to walls and so crawl
into sheltered cavities, into gaps
in eaves and church towers
where they can nest. Summer visitors
they seem always about to leave
and when they finally do
scream in their hundreds
that the time is now,
that the south awaits,
that he who procrastinates
has only the cold to explore
for those succulent insects
who are no longer there.

3. What seasons do animals rear their young


There was 2 in 83 miltown so probably 2 in 82 - the grades i never understood.

A - Accepted ?
M - Might?
G -  ???



full back

Sat in in 87 or 88 I think
When the results came out it was a f**king nightmare
The results were an 'E' or an 'N' ???
After a while I found out it was eligible or non-eligible
They just couldnt say Pass or Fail ::)

David McKeown

I never did the 11+ as Craigavon had the dickson plan.  My best mate did it though in 95 and I remember there being a lot of pressure on him at the time.  Glad to see it being scrapped though.
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Quote from: David McKeown on November 07, 2008, 11:22:38 AM
I never did the 11+ as Craigavon had the dickson plan.  My best mate did it though in 95 and I remember there being a lot of pressure on him at the time.  Glad to see it being scrapped though.

Sure it's just going be replaced by individual schools doing entrance exams -  the parents put more pressure on the kids than anything.  In my day you were let at it, if you passed you passed if you didn't it wasn't a big deal.

David McKeown

True although im a big believer in comprehensive education over the grammar school system but thats maybe an argument for a different thread
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