
Started by Orior, July 30, 2008, 01:21:40 PM

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I thought the letter hit the nail on the head!
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


What do you think of the fans who where chanting about hte 12th to Healy?
He took it as banter as it seems to have been intended, but if we are to remove any concept of banter can we say that they could have incited trouble? Should tony be writing in to papers commenting on the behaviour of the celtic fans, which while not too bad could have had reprecussions?

T Fearon

Er, it is common practice for football players not to react to crowd baiting/banter etc, given that the propensity for rioting is much greater from hundreds of fans as opposed to one player. In any event, there is no evidence to suggest that Celtic fans were engaging in sectarian chanting, whereas there is photographic evidence to affirm Healy's sectarian gesture

Healy was completely out of order here and this should not be swept under the carpet.


Plenty of people have mentioned the "where where you on the 12th" chant. Is that acceptable to you?

I didnt say i found it sectarian - most people accpet that the to and fro was banter, except you and a few others.

T Fearon

Regardless of taunts/banter etc alleged or real, what is not acceptable is for footballers to behave like those in the terraces/stands do?  Has Healy any consideration for his non protestant North of Ireland team mates? What would have been the reaction at Windsor Park if Lennon or Rogan had reacted to the sectarian abuse they received. Would there not have been danger of a full scale riot?

Sorry it is not acceptable under any circumstances for footballers to react to the crowd baiting them and as even John Lavatory said in his column last week, there is nothing remotely funny about sectarian gestures, regardless of how innocuously they are intended


Quote from: T Fearon on August 01, 2008, 04:14:27 PM
What would have been the reaction at Windsor Park if Lennon or Rogan had reacted to the sectarian abuse they received. Would there not have been danger of a full scale riot?

Would you have condemned Lennon or Rogan if they had reacted?

And the difference is that those who where abusing them where not involved in banter but abue. There is a clear difference - seemingly understood by the celtic fans there, who perhaps dont have your agenda.

T Fearon

My point exactly, this incident was defused by good natured Celtic fans. Not Healy.


Quote from: T Fearon on August 01, 2008, 02:54:25 PM

Not an all out attack, just a little kick in the bollix..just to let everyone know I haven't gone away you know ;D

what did you win ?

T Fearon

Nothing, this time. This was a labour of love ;D


Quote from: T Fearon on August 01, 2008, 04:32:18 PM
My point exactly, this incident was defused by good natured Celtic fans. Not Healy.

erm it was started by good natured celtic fans, vontinued be healy and all went home happy.
It was not defused by them - they just took it for what it was - you are the one who need defused :D

Main Street

The Telegraph printed it. ;D

For a wind up, has this hit the bulls eye or has Tony gone one too far?
Taking on the golden boy, in a permanent state of grace, holy communion wouldn't melt in his mouth, the red badge of courage himself, the gay icon of the OWC,  Dave boy Healy.


Quote from: Main Street on August 01, 2008, 08:41:51 PM
The Telegraph printed it. ;D

For a wind up, has this hit the bulls eye or has Tony gone one too far?
Taking on the golden boy, in a permanent state of grace, holy communion wouldn't melt in his mouth, the red badge of courage himself, the gay icon of the OWC,  Dave boy Healy.

Don't tell Iris.
it's 'circle the wagons time again' here comes the cavalry!