GB Fuel Strike

Started by Maguire01, June 14, 2008, 08:58:52 PM

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I haven't been following this very closely, but was watching it on the news today. Apparently the drivers are striking because they are only paid £32k and want £36k.  I don't know what truck drivers get paid normally, but i didn't think it was anything close to that!

Am i just way off the mark or does this seem like a very nice wage for a truck driver? Or do they have other responsibilities above and beyond that of a regular truck driver?


Going by the set up over here, almost all haulage contractors are self employed, so hard to work out where they get those figures from, but when you consider the unsocial hours etc, I suppose it'd be pretty close to the mark


Not a bad wage but I wouldn't begrudge anyone who can get proper value for their labour. The unsociable hours and time away from the nest would be the killer for me though.

Square Ball

I think they need to pass a few extra tests to allow them to transport petrol, they may be paid extra for this.

Hospitals are not equipped to treat stupid


It's more than a teacher (at least in early years), a newly qualified accountant, a relatively recent recruit to the Police, some levels of management in the public sector...... it just seems a bit strange for what i would have considered to be a relatively unskilled job, or one requiring little in the way of qualifications. (BTW, i'm not trying to undermine such work - just surprised at the amount of money they're getting.)