School boy error

Started by youngfella, June 11, 2008, 02:31:36 AM

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Pull hard and early


Holy fcuk, I wouldn't wish that kind of pain or injury on anyone, but that is one teenage lout who clearly didn't think things through! :o :o :o


Oh dear - I had to turn that one off pretty quick.

Well - I suppose he deserved it.

Our Nail Loney

Holy f**k that looks sore!!


What was he trying to achieve though!?!


super, it may have been painful but i laughed at that!!

as one of the guys in the office said when they saw it, poetic justice!!


Ow! I built a few of those walls in my time and they are heavy, nasty things. Jeeeeeesus! that looked so painful, even if he was being a little shit, I wouldnt wish that on anyone, I wouldnt be surprised if he lost his foot. Guess he's learned the hard way.
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