GAA Club designated as a charity for tax purposes

Started by heffo, May 09, 2008, 10:08:07 AM

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Does anyone know what the procedure is to get a GAA club designated as a charity/voluntary organisation for tax purposes?

I've been told that this status isn't automatically conferred and must be sought..

If I want to go to a corporate sponsor and tell him I want 20k, but he can write off X amount for tax purposes...

Shamrock Shore

Eh....I don't think you can do this. There is a difference between a charity and a 'not-for-profit' organisation like a GAA club.

Eligable charities (for the tax relief sections) must "be establised for charitable purposes only".

Relief for donations to sporting bodies can be obtained if the donation is towards some capital project under 40m euro (along with other terms and conditions)


Thanks for that Shamrock - would you have a link where I can find out about the 40m ceiling and Capex..

Shamrock Shore

magpie seanie

SS - GAA clubs can get charitable status as far as I know.

Shamrock Shore

On mature reflection you may be right Seanie. There is a catch all bit at the end that one could argue (and some clubs have) applied to them.

More documents Heffo: