Airport duty free query

Started by Rossie11, July 01, 2008, 12:20:18 PM

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Travelling abroad via london Stansted later in week. Plan to buy bottle of whiskey in Shannon duty free and carry on with hand luggage.
Will I be allowed bring this through security at stansted or will it be taken off me even though its been passed by the Shannon security checks?
I have a feeling it will.

Any advice appreciated thanks.


i was coming back from bangkok a few months ago with a bottle of whiskey i got in bangkok airport. I had to check it in in heathrow even though it was in the security bag, it was a major pain as instead of going straight through to the departure gate i had to queue and check in the bottle and my carry on bag that i was lucky enough to have, if i didnt have that they wouldnt have taken it


A guy at work was coming home from Dubai a couple of months ago through Heathrow and wasn't allowed to take on the bottle of drink that he'd bought there, even though his baggage was checked on through and he was just going through the transfer route.


Just buy the hooch in Stanstead.
If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B


Rossie, in Shannon they should stick it into a sealed "security bag" with the receipt visible inside it so that it can be shown it was purchased in Shannon. However that's no guarantee that security in Stanstead aren't a bunch of chimps who will confiscate it.


QuoteJust buy the hooch in Stanstead.
Its a bottle of clontarf whiskey which I have been ordered not to appear without.. Wont be available in London I presume. Might just buy one before I go and pay the 20odd quid check in luggage charge.


i usually come back and forward through stansted every half term and the security ones in it are a right shower-very strict bout size of bags, one bag per traveller etc.
However if you buy it after you have checked in and went through security in shannon, i doubt they will take it.
I have bought perfume and alcohol in belfast duty free before and taken it with me.
Good Luck!!


You can't beat the langers for head-scratching illogical dealings. I had no check-in luggage recently going out of Cork airport so I put the only liquid I was carrying - a 250ml mouthwash bottle with only a drop in the bottom of it - in the little plastic bag you have to use for such things. The maximum liquid/gel amount you're allowed is 100ml. The fella ahead of me had a pot of jam, about 400ml.

"How much is in that?", says the security langer.
"Ah, about 100ml, I'd say", says yer man.
- "Go on, so". (Nearly every sentence in Cork ends in "so").

"How much is in that?", he says to me. (This is three seconds after he's been given his perception of what 100ml looks like).
I showed him the label on the bottle - "it's a 250ml bottle, so I'd say 30 or 40 ml".
"Aha!", he says in triumph. "It's not the amount in the container that counts, it's the size of the container. Give me that here, so".


You deserve that for carrying mouthwash! Mouthwash?!  I thought you were a real man.

I'd say those boys on security at the airports could tell some stories, I never seem to go through security (particularly in Dublin) when there isn't some poor sod looking mortified as he has to empty out the hand luggage.

The last time it was some boy with about 6 packets of buns, jam and bags and bags of of stuff that looked like flour or sugar or something!  ??? and a woman determined to get her orange juice on to the plane and another one bawling because she lost her passport between check in and security.

Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


The father and law and the pair of us were travelling from budapest to dublin, and the fella wouldnt let the father in law out of the country with the salami sandwiches. Right says he, we'll just have to ate them on the spot.

So he did
So we did.


Pog - I'll play the joker and blame the Mrs. She also packs drawers in case I get hit by a bus. Does anybody understand that?


No use her packin them unless you've the sense to change them. Which I hope would have nothing to do with impending bus accidents.

Billy connolly  - one of my favourite lines (ill paraphrase)

Dr: Eh, hello Mrs Duncan - yes, Im afraid wee willie was hit by the number 17 out of strathclyde, right around 5 O'Clock this evening. He has multiple fractures and lacerations, so far we've given him 2 pints of blood and 321 stitches. By the way - are you aware that his underwear was a f**king disgrace??

Mrs Duncan: Eh - well so would yours be Dr if ye seen the number 17 out of strathclyde comin at ye!!


True story about airport security. Must have been 15-20 years ago. I was going from London to Dublin. At the time the only place you would get some adult Literature was in the UK (playboy was banned over here) I acquired some "top shelf literature" in one of the airport shops, put them in the bottom of my carry on bag and proceeded to security, a Little nervous of my luggage content. the bag was put through the x-ray machine and as I waited for it to come through, horror of horrors I was called over by security. " Do you mind if we look into your bag. " i should have said Yes no problem but I panicked. No, can you open it somewhere private, I asked. (Don't ask me why) No problem said the security guard, I'll just get my colleague, (a women) and we will head over here. We walked across the floor to an area which had a rail above and a curtain to pull around it. As we walked across, you can imagine the state I was in, the bloke calmly said "Special Forces is it?" I said what? Your special forces, you have a gun? No I said, i bought some porn and didn't want anyone to see. We then had to proceed into the curtained area and he opened my bag took everything out and then held up the offending item to his colleague and said to her is that you in readers wives I see.
i have never bought porn again.
2007  2008 & 2009 Fantasy Golf Winner
(A legitimately held title unlike Dinny's)


 :D  That's a great story Gerry.

Quote"Special Forces is it?" I said what? Your special forces, you have a gun?

Which one of you bitches wants to dance?