Did Harney just apologise for something she is not responsible for?

Started by Zapatista, March 05, 2008, 01:12:20 PM

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"The Minister for Health Mary Harney has said the anxiety and distress caused to women at the centre of the Portlaoise cancer misdiagnosis scandal should never have happened.

Ms Harney apologised today to the women affected and promised that steps would be taken to avoid a repeat of the situation.

She was reacting to a series of reports on the scandal being published by the HSE today.

She says the John Fitzgerald report reveals a clear need to strengthen the governance and management of serious incidents by the HSE and she has asked the HSE to adopt a serious incident protocol immediately"


his holiness nb

Some would, and do, say that any shortfalls in the health service are her responsibility.

She wouldnt be directly responsible, but is responsible for those who are.

Decent to apologise either way.
Ask me holy bollix