Financial advice please

Started by Hardy, March 17, 2010, 10:53:50 AM

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I've had an email from Mr Ali Bashir (the only son of the late Mr. & Mrs. Musa Bashir) and he wants the temporary use of my bank account to house $8,500,000 while he makes some decisions about investing in Manufacturing, Health Care and Real Estate Management in my country.

I have no doubts about his credentials because he says he got my contact details from a "searching engine while searching for a nice country with safe investment opportunity where to invest my money". So he's obviously genuine because I've had a number of similar messages from people who found me the same way.

Here's the thing. Ali is offering me 20% of the sum, which would be $1.75 million, for my assistance. Can anyone tell me if this is a decent rate? Should I be holding out for more? What do you usually charge per million handled in this way?

I'm new at this. So far I've only concluded agreements with Prince Ngomo Mlele of Lagos, Nigeria and the widow of the former Finance Minister of Uganda. The Prince is giving me a lump sum of 5 Million as a fee, but I don't know what percentage that is until the full amount clears and the widow has already sent me her 17 million, of which she's letting me keep 15%. It hasn't arrived yet, but I know the transactiion is in progress because the handling fee has already left my account. (It leaves me with a zero balance in that account for the moment, but the widow's people are going to transfer a small amount from my other account temporarily, so that's OK. They're very helpful and they handle everything for you once you give them the details of all your accounts).

So anyway - if anyone can give me an idea of what they usually get for this kind of transaction, that would be great.


Advise Mr Bashir that his offer isn't enough and tell him you need 40% to make it worthwhile
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something


Some people have all the luck! Why are they all contacting you? I have a bank account.


guys like you hardy are responsible for the financial mess we're in, you think too long and probably want to run it by a regulator before you go with the flow. give him your account details and wish him a happy st patricks day

Denn Forever

Advise him that you accept his offer and would he kindly lpace it in your high rate Anglo Irish Bank account.

Sit back and watch those millions move.
I have more respect for a man
that says what he means and
means what he says...


Just be very careful with this Hardy. I've heard many stories from a wide range of different people in Ireland who have been conned by foreign royalty. I wouldn't be surprised that they are trying to win your affection and end up living with you. Down the line their family will move over to your house and before long half of that man's villiage will be camped outside your area or in your field.

If you were I i'd ask your financial advsor. He would be able to do a credit check on this person. For all you know I might be seeing the glass as half empty so good luck and fingers cross. Some people deserve the break.
Access to this webpage has been denied . This website has been categorised as "Sexual Material".


He seems like an honest guy so I would go for it.

But hurry!!! Get those bank account details to him go gasta before he makes the offer to someone else.
"Well ! Well ! Well !  If it ain't the Smoker !!!"

Louth Exile

How do you sleep at night Hardy, taking advantage of these poor unfortunate people. An equitable rate would be 3% of the fund amount. However, given your greed in the past, your conscience should be telling you to do this one as a freebie.
St. Josephs GFC - SFC Champions 1996 & 2006, IFC Champions 1983, 1990 & 2016


That's nothign hardy, look what I'm getting

Dear Friend, I am Mrs. Margarita R. Cojuanco from Iceland, married to Late Engr Brown cojuanco{PhD} who worked with MULTINATIONAL OIL COMPANY EXXON AS A DRILLING RIG SUPPLIER in Kuwait for 19 years before he died on the 22nd August 2008. We were married for twenty four years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days. Before his death, he deposited the sum of 10,142,728.00 US Dollars with a bank In Europe and this fund is presently with the bank awaiting my disbursement as beneficiary and next of kin to the funds. Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next Eight months due to cancer problem.  Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to a church, organization or good person that will utilize this money in good faith. l took this decision becauseI don't have any child that will inherit this money. I kept this deposit secret till date; this is why I am taking this decision. I don't think i will need any telephone communication in this regard because of theconfidentiality of this transfer.  Upon your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank. I will also issue a letter of authorization to the bank that will prove you the present beneficiary of this money.  Reply to my very confidential email address below { }Await your responds and God bless you.Mrs. Margarita R. Cojuanco
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Original concept for a thread, well done Hardy.

Main Street

Remember, even if it's too good to be true, it's still good.

I have heard of some similar deal go down because the handling charge wasn't covered by sufficient funds in the account, so to be on the safe side, if your account is already cleaned out, throw in another few thousand euro.