Pre season weight training

Started by Leg End, January 07, 2008, 01:31:21 PM

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Hello lads, there are a good few lads looking for some advice on getting into shape. I've done a few programs already and will get back to the lads I've contacted with programs before the end of the day. So rather than coming on here as I don't check it everyday and I don't want to be asking the same questions repeatedly can anyone who I haven't pm'd and wants a program pm me with the following information.

Training history (especially recent weight training history)
What have you access to (gym, pool, mountains, running track etc.) and what you like or can do e.g. I can't swim but like cycling, I'm too old to run etc.
Goals i.e. are you a skinny lad looking to bulk up or a big lad looking to lose weight.
Also I'm presuming that all of you don't suffer from any injury but if you have an old injury (e.g back) or a recurring one (e.g hamstring) let me know please.

If there is a good few lads looking for basically the same thing I'll do up a basic program for 4-6 weeks to start off and if any of ye do it to completion and want to develop on from that then I'll do up another 4-6 program specific to you. Thanks lads.
If you want to lose weight can you give me some idea of what you eat and what you would eat on a diet.