Oops I did it...yet again!

Started by T Fearon, December 18, 2008, 03:57:05 PM

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T Fearon

Niall, you simply hunt around to feed your addiction. There's normally one on the RTE Website every week and the search becomes almost ritualistic and habitual. The real scary part is when prizes arrive at your home and you can't remember which competition they relate to, this happens frequently. :o

Our Nail Loney

Dunno if I would have the commitment, I enter the competitions on the Racing Post website all the time but there are loads of ones on that site...

How many would you enter a week say?

T Fearon

Easily between 10 and 20. Wouldn't miss things like the Saturday Crossword in the Irish News etc.

Some might say its sad, yet again when you end up getting a freebie at the Burj Al Arab it is very worthwhile, and its things like this that sustain the commitment, and the more you enter the more you win which has a snowballing effect. All started way back in 1982 when I won tickets on Jimmy Greely's RTE Radio 2 show for the Rolling Stones at Slane

I recall about 15 years ago, I had to turn down VIP tickets and lunch at the Irish Derby at the Curragh which I had won in a comp....because I had already won a weekend break in Scotland in another comp for the same time :o


Tony, ever thought of penning a book on 'how to win... etc'? I know they've been done before but one specifically for Irish entrants. What you said about routine etc is interesting. Even a website might be an idea with links to competitions and you could get comps to sponsor/advertise on it. I'll take 20% of the profits.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


How much do you spend a week entering these competitions?