Do you consider soccer to be a contact sport ?

Started by SuperMac, October 08, 2007, 06:31:45 PM

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Do you consider soccer to be a contact sport  or is it fairyball ?


not in the leagues i play in

I swear to god - they must teach Italian and Portugese kids to dive before they can walk


Of course it's a contact sport. Obviously there's some ridiculous diving going on with the influences from Europe etc, but at the same time if someone is committing a foul it usually makes more sense to go down and get the free, it's not like it doesn't go on in the GAA either.
In my opinion soccer is a more dangerous sport from the point of view of injuries, and I've played both for over ten years with certain clubs.

Hurler on the Bitch

Maybe you should ask Coventry's David Busst that question..


Don't think that's true especially in certain positions. Rio Ferdinand is a classy defender, but is far too afraid of getting hurt to be a brilliant centre-half. Vidic beside him on the other hand is a proper hard man and attacks the ball at every opportunity making him United's most crucial defender. Think Vidic's tough streak makes him the player he is. Every great club needs tough players, IMO why Arsenal could be found wanting on the dirty away days at Blackburn/Everton etc

From the Bunker

Mad as it may seem in Soccer you can get more serious injuries than Football or Rugby. Both Rugby and Football have less use of the foot and never (Physically) use their heads.


Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


Back in the 70's and 80's sure. Not these days.
Testing Accessibility


thats an interesting question. We just got kicked out of our indoor league over here for being too robust. The american kids can give it out, but they cant take it. I expect to get kicked, tripped and elbowed, and I expect you to take it back. Theres two sides to it, its a game that can suit the ballet dancing nancy, and theres also a game that suits the boys that like to kick you up in the air.
One thing is for sure, its more fun to play than to watch.


How's it a good question? There's no way you can say it's non contact, how many times do players contest a ball in the air during a match or make a good tackle, they all require fairly robust contact, it's totally essential.


I dont think hes asking for a strict definition of a contact sport. Its like saying basketball isnt a contact sport.
Some people (all abilities) who play soccer, avoid contact like the plague. Others relish it. So, I think its a good question. Undoubtedly it is a contact sport, but for some who play it - its not played like one.

I frustratingly play with enough of them to know.


Fair enough, suppose it depends on the game, the ref and the level of football. I think if you are a player who tries to avoid serious contact it will be seriously detrimental to your game, certainly at a local level.
Though I can think of many in the Premier League who shy away from any serious physical contact. Michael Owen would be one, and he's still an injury prone disaster.


Of course it is FFS. i play both gaa and amatuer lge soccer and the latter is far more bruisng and dangerous. i fractured my leg playin soccer as if in gaelic if u get stuck in u wont get too badly hurt. after a saturday soccer game your legas are battered and bruised, but thats cos we are a bunch of gaelic hallions tryin to play soccer


Tend to agree with superhans here.  I have played football all my life and only joined a soccer team for the 1st time last year and i think you stand to get a greater injury in soccer to be honest. Quite often there is a lot of head clashes and also when someone slide tackles you, believe me it hurts. 

In Gaelic you tend to get tackled a lot around the upper body which you can take and move on but in soccer you are more inclined to get clumped around the legs a lot more with sliding tackles etc, which does hurt and it definitely slows you down.  So yes soccer is a physical sport.
Beer, now there's a temporary solution!!!

magpie seanie

Basketball is supposed to be a non-contact sport but I would venture to suggest that it is as physical as top level soccer.