Electric Picnic

Started by we are blue... etc, August 23, 2007, 10:41:13 PM

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Who'll be joining us down in Laois next weekend?

Yes can't wait it's the best festival of the year.
No it's load of overpriced Celtic Tiger poncery.


Lads, just made it back to work today after EP. Have to say was an excellent weedend. There were a lot of people who jumped the fence that got in for free which crowded the campsite a bit but in general it was excellent. The comedy tent was the highlight for me, Neil Delamere was amazing but Tommy Tiernan was overrated if you ask me. Seen the Chemical Brothers on the Sat night but the sound wasn't were good so didn't go back to see them on Sun night. Primal Scream not bad and some very good bands that are relatively unknown. Weather held up for most of the weekend which helped a lot, some showers on Sunday but in general nothing major and nothing compared to Oxegen thuis year. Slient disco was hilarious and definately worth a go, loads of thing to do and see, never a time when you were bored, would recommend it to everyone, ludermore did you get rid of your ticket?


yeah got rid of it around 4 on friday, there were shit loads about.
Great weekend we were in the posh campsite with the TeePees and kennels. Nice little wine bar there. Very laid back place and a good few familys staying there.
Highlight for me was Polyphonic Spree on sat night, unreal show. I missed mOdest Mouse on friday but they were supposed to be excellent. Iggy Pop was very good. Apart from that the body and soul tent was some craic and las veglas was just mental, especailly the women dancing with just band aids covering their modesty


had an absloute ball at the weekend, im still not the better of sleeping in a tent for three nights

so much to do you really could spend a week roaming around everything, i thoughth modest mouse and the Manic street preachers were good, thought Erasure were brilliant (though the beer may have helped that one!!!)  spent a  fair bit of time in teh comedy tent caught some good acts

highlight was definetly taking a visit to loat vagueness tent fairly tipsy and leaving after hiring fancy dress (french maid type effort) which i paraded around the festival for the rest of the the day and night!!!!

great festival so well organised :P