Spillane goes to town on Ulster

Started by ONeill, August 12, 2007, 09:41:00 AM

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I agree with Hardy, Des Cahill would be a great choice. I know he comes in for some criticism on here but I can't understand where it comes from, he is professional and likeable with the ability to come up with good oneliners. Dara O'C is definately one for the future but because he is also a good pundit I'd leave him where he is.


Have to agree with Hardy and Darbyo. Cahill is eloquent, incisive and knowledgeable. He can also be humorous and is a good facilitator in a conversation involving several participants. Not easy to do. Used to enjoy him when he was on morning 2fm some years back. When they moved him to rte1, I started to listen to today fm.
Speakin of which.Paul Collins not too bad either. the format of the GAA show on Setanta is not great, but with a better template he could be good.
In summary, I'd take anyone over Spillane. Dougal out of Fr Ted maybe (probably his intellectual equal, only funny)

Sandy Hill

QuoteIs there a case to be made that a non ex-footballer should be hosting these shows?

Isn't Michael Lyster one?
"Stercus accidit"

Mike Sheehy

Sure, he might annoy everyone but he especially annoyed the Ulster bies and, lets face it, that was badly needed
with them telling us every chance they got that they were the best thing since sliced bread.

I agree that now that Mordor has been defeated and cast into oblivion that Pat should move aside and let Dara take
over. As long as its not that bollix Brolly.


No listen I believe its getting more serious than that, theres almost a xenophobic anti Northern ethos amongst some sections of some supports all rehearsed in the diatribe of Spillane.  Singelehandedly he is partitioning the mindset of the GAA and all it stands for.  How long before theres anti Northern violence in the GAA all stimulated by a fuckin idiot.  Asshole!! 


Stop talkig about Spillane - he'll soon be gone - the Sunday World realise he's off his head and will soon be sacked  - same with RTE -


Quote from: Mike Sheehy on August 14, 2007, 10:01:21 PM
Sure, he might annoy everyone but he especially annoyed the Ulster bies and, lets face it, that was badly needed
with them telling us every chance they got that they were the best thing since sliced bread.

I agree that now that Mordor has been defeated and cast into oblivion that Pat should move aside and let Dara take
over. As long as its not that bollix Brolly.

Meath aren't out yet are they??????


Spillane annoys everybody especially Ulster - so write into RTE and complain if you want him off the show.

red hander

Orangeman, I don't know why you think that Spillane will be elbowed by Sunday World and RTE ... the fact that he's controversial and divides people is exactly what the media want, cos people are talking about him, talking about his column and taking about his performance on RTE.

He was a great footballer but he comes across as an awful ballix, but maybe that's deliberately to wind us up.  He's actually technically shite at his job as RTE w**ker, sorry, anchor ... the way he never lets anybody finish a sentence is f****** annoying, and fair play to big Tohill who never kow tows to him ... his column in Sunday World puts on sales ... fact.  But it's also a fact that he rarely changes the record and harps on about the same crap week in, week out ... it's heartening to know that Tyrone annoy the f*** out of him ... one of the greatest sights I ever saw on a Gaelic field was during the 2003 semi when, right below us, our lads "hunted Kerry down like a pack of dogs" as the commentator said .. PROUD TO BE A PUKE

Mike Sheehy

QuoteNo listen I believe its getting more serious than that, theres almost a xenophobic anti Northern ethos amongst some sections of some supports all rehearsed in the diatribe of Spillane.  Singelehandedly he is partitioning the mindset of the GAA and all it stands for.  How long before theres anti Northern violence in the GAA all stimulated by a fuckin idiot.  Asshole!! 

If some supporters got on your case about "puke" football then maybe they genuinely dont like ye're style of playing. Its too easy to blame it all
on Pat Spillane.

..and, as I mentioned in another thread, there are plentiful of "xenophobic" anti-Kerry diatrabes coming from the pens of Northern journalists and the mouths of Northern followers.

Even as we speak some of your colleagues are in full wind-up mode on this board in a concerted attempt to brand Kerrys direct approach re. Donaghy  in a negative light. 

full back

FFS Mike
Are you standing up for Spillane and his efforts as a columnist & anchor or is it because he is from your county?
You sound a bit like Fearon & the OWCers - 'our side said this but your side said............'