iPod Classic - lock or load?

Started by deiseach, December 06, 2010, 02:39:51 PM

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Thanks for all the the feedback, folks, I plumped for the Classic in the end. The next question is how long it takes to upload songs from a PC. Ideally she'd have all her music on it within a few hours on Christmas Day but the list is nudging past 40GB and I'm concerned that it might take the whole day. Okay, honestly I hope it's dead slow so I have to, nay, must open it up and play with it so it's (ahem) ready for her. So does it take long or is it silky smooth digital transferring?

Main Street

You would have time for a decent shag, if that was what you were thinking, while the songs were being transferred from iTunes to iPod.

The music has to be already sitting in your iTunes library.
So what is the question,
how long it takes to transfer 40gb of music to iTunes and then  transfer to the  iPod?
how long it takes to transfer from iTunes to iPod?



Why would you care if it takes the whole day? Are you that hard to listen too that she needs drown you out  :P