Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads...The future is here.

Started by laoislad, October 20, 2015, 03:54:34 PM

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Quote from: gawa316 on October 20, 2015, 05:27:59 PM
It is a bitch and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It transformed by Grandad from strong as an ox old school farmer into a frail, stooped over shadow of what he once was.

On MJ Fox I remember being out in Long Island on a J1 and my mate was a lifeguard at some fancy tennis & swimming club that Fox was a member at. This is a good 15 years ago. Fox was a grumpy oul get and asked my mate who was up on the lifeguard high seat (or whatever you call them) to get him a soda. My mate was like, 'Sorry I'm on duty, I can't.' Fox replied that he didn't give a shit what he was on and to hurry up. My mate jumped down ran and got him a cup of coke with ice. Brought it back and gave it to him. Fox took one look at it and fucked it over him saying, 'Did I ask for ice??' and just walked off. Mate didn't no where to look.

He appears in The Good Wife. In that series he shamelessly uses his illness to his advantage.

I know, I know, rule 1.

MWWSI 2017