Kildare Recruitment Drive

Started by Itchy, April 22, 2015, 07:19:10 PM

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This is the last batch off the belt. Unfortunately I hear their shooting can be erratic under pressure.


They're no use without Darth Geezer.
If you were any use you'd be playing.

Donnellys Hollow

There's Seán Brady going in, what dya think Seán?


Yis are making a mockery of this thread.


"Sorry Kieran, but the lads think we might be training too hard. All these 6am sessions in the K Club..."

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."
If you were any use you'd be playing.


Remember when he tried to massacre the poor auld ewoks.


If you were any use you'd be playing.


Small Wookie. A Wookeen maybe.


In Longwood he'd be considered a good-sized wookie.
By the way lads, the club history section on Longwood's website is great stuff.

In the Beginning

4,000,000,000 BC. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. According to the Bible, Earth was without form and darkness was on the face of the deep. Then primeval soup somehow came into being upon the earth. The primeval soup somehow congealed, after a fashion, into some sort of a primeval swamp. Then a young primeval teenage amoeba, looking for a bit of privacy or something, crawled out of the primeval swamp. That first primeval teenage amoeba little realised as it shook itself in the primeval sunshine and said to the primeval world, "Mine all Mine", before splitting in two and saying to itself, "What an elegant amoeba you are, that umpteen millions of yonks of years later its descendants would progress to playing hurling and football and things, in places like Longwood, Killyon, Baconstown and Ballivor. Ice ages came and went. Heaps of ice two miles thick covered Longwood more than once, even if nobody knew Longwood was there at the time, which at the time of course, it wasn't.

If you were any use you'd be playing.


Quote from: Jinxy on April 28, 2015, 05:04:56 PM
In Longwood he'd be considered a good-sized wookie.
By the way lads, the club history section on Longwood's website is great stuff.

In the Beginning

4,000,000,000 BC. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. According to the Bible, Earth was without form and darkness was on the face of the deep. Then primeval soup somehow came into being upon the earth. The primeval soup somehow congealed, after a fashion, into some sort of a primeval swamp. Then a young primeval teenage amoeba, looking for a bit of privacy or something, crawled out of the primeval swamp. That first primeval teenage amoeba little realised as it shook itself in the primeval sunshine and said to the primeval world, "Mine all Mine", before splitting in two and saying to itself, "What an elegant amoeba you are, that umpteen millions of yonks of years later its descendants would progress to playing hurling and football and things, in places like Longwood, Killyon, Baconstown and Ballivor. Ice ages came and went. Heaps of ice two miles thick covered Longwood more than once, even if nobody knew Longwood was there at the time, which at the time of course, it wasn't.



Longwood - Park your car/tractor wherever you want...middle of the road, horizontal, no bother...
Every second of the day there's a Democrat telling a lie



Monsieur Ferdnand Brandel

The eminent French historian, Monsieur Ferdnand Brandel, who died in 1985, was a leading practitioner of the Annalles school of historical thought. Practitioners of the Annalles school focus upon accounts of everyday events, sociocultural processes, and the effects of climate and geography upon the lives of ordinary people. They discount the effect of great political and military events and agree with the declaration of M. Brandel that these apparently great events are no more than, 'Surface Disturbances and Crests of Foam that the Tides of History carry upon their Strong Backs'. The story of Longwood GAA would have been of interest to M. Brandel.

Brilliant. ;D
If you were any use you'd be playing.


Thrun out of the Championship Again

1916. The GAA in Longwood was treated in a disgraceful fashion by the County Board in 1916. The club travelled to Summerhill on three different Sundays to play Trim in the SHC. On each of three occasions Trim were unable to field a full team and refused to take the field because of some spurious reason such as claiming the pitch was unplayable. On three separate Sundays the referee ruled against Longwood as the easiest way out. When the match was fixed for the fourth time, Longwood refused to travel and got thrun out of the championship for failing to fulfill a fixture, even though the club had fulfilled the fixture three times over.

A Dig at the County Board

1917. The Longwood GAA annual sports day was held in July on the same Sunday as the delayed county hurling final for 1916 in Navan, which by right Longwood should have been playing in.

Every club site should have a section like this.
Fair play to whoever is responsible.
If you were any use you'd be playing.