83,000 + 700,000 can't be wrong

Started by samwin08, August 29, 2011, 09:10:04 PM

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Mike Sheehy

QuoteWhat I hate about Donegal's style is not the efficient defending, but the excessive handpassing it demands. I really hate that. It's hateful. Did I mention I hate it? Defending is an art and it's fascinating (sorry) to see how different teams go about it in different ways. Handpassing is not football and should be eradicated

Nobody disputes that defending is an art and is equally important as attacking. That is precisely why Donegal's defending is such an abomination. It takes all the art out of it. They don't trust their defensive ablities at all. Its simply bodies to crowd space and the lungs to run end to end. If you were to look at it as purely a physical spectacle then yeah, its "fascinating" but don't try to sell it as an "art". Its not even tactically that hard to implement..it doesnt require much intelligence...all you need are fellas willing and able to run all day.

Also, you are showing either extreme naivety or your being disingenuous about the handpass. Its hard enough to breakdown a defence with handpassing but trying to kickpass into a packed defence is suicide. If the forward catches it he is surrounded and if he breaks it its two defenders against every forward. The blanket defence puts an extreme burden on the attacking side, basically they must minimize risk and the handpass is less risky than the footpass so what do you think will happen ?  .... and you may say "well, its up to the other side to counteract it" ..fine..but the reality is that the most likely way to beat it is to adopt the same defensive posture and try and find some edge somewhere. Dublin's "edge" yesterday was they still wanted to win the game. Donegal just didnt want to lose. I know thats sounds strange but its the only way I can describe it. I still cant believe that Dublin took more risks when 2 points up that Donegal did when they were two points down but that is exactly what happened yesterday with a few minutes left.


Defending is an art certainly.

Trappatoni used to have his back 4 at Juve defend against 6/7 attackers in training. That was to teach them how to really defend.
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: Mike Sheehy on August 30, 2011, 08:41:05 PM
QuoteWhat I hate about Donegal's style is not the efficient defending, but the excessive handpassing it demands. I really hate that. It's hateful. Did I mention I hate it? Defending is an art and it's fascinating (sorry) to see how different teams go about it in different ways. Handpassing is not football and should be eradicated

Nobody disputes that defending is an art and is equally important as attacking. That is precisely why Donegal's defending is such an abomination. It takes all the art out of it. They don't trust their defensive ablities at all. Its simply bodies to crowd space and the lungs to run end to end. If you were to look at it as purely a physical spectacle then yeah, its "fascinating" but don't try to sell it as an "art". Its not even tactically that hard to implement..it doesnt require much intelligence...all you need are fellas willing and able to run all day.

Also, you are showing either extreme naivety or your being disingenuous about the handpass. Its hard enough to breakdown a defence with handpassing but trying to kickpass into a packed defence is suicide. If the forward catches it he is surrounded and if he breaks it its two defenders against every forward. The blanket defence puts an extreme burden on the attacking side, basically they must minimize risk and the handpass is less risky than the footpass so what do you think will happen ?  .... and you may say "well, its up to the other side to counteract it" ..fine..but the reality is that the most likely way to beat it is to adopt the same defensive posture and try and find some edge somewhere. Dublin's "edge" yesterday was they still wanted to win the game. Donegal just didnt want to lose. I know thats sounds strange but its the only way I can describe it. I still cant believe that Dublin took more risks when 2 points up that Donegal did when they were two points down but that is exactly what happened yesterday with a few minutes left.

Did someone steal your pc Mike?! In a rare moment of sincerity you've just described how the AI will pan out with Kerry going all nordie (again) to match the jacks, and then using their extra special powers to grind out a win.


Quote from: muppet on August 30, 2011, 06:40:05 PM
Do you see a difference between playing with 5 forwards and playing with 1 forward?

Donegal didn't go out to lose, they just didn't try to win by scoring. They went out trying not to concede anything and presumably they hoped for a few miracles at the other end.
Seriously Muppet, yer a smarter buchaill than that !
Donegal went out to win. Of course I know the difference in 5 or 6 forwards as opposed to 1.
It could be argued that McGuinness is making better use of the entire team rather than have them redundant in parts of the game (ie forwards are doing nothing when the opposition is attacking).
Maybe we should get McGuinness a job on some Gov board to improve worker efficiency !

donegal didnt need miracles. they certainly had enough chances to score and through this and their lack of conviction to attach just a little bit more - well that cost them. No divine intervention required.
Its horrible and I hated watching this system against Derry,Antrim and Dublin (other games it wasnt as pronounced - maybe just the first half v Kildare) but again, most other teams use a defensive system, others imo are worse with cynical fouling etc (though Donegal are past masters at this, it wasnt as bad v Dublin).
Horrible and all as it is, it works for them and you have to give credit for this - however grudgingly.


Quote from: lynchbhoy on August 31, 2011, 08:51:49 AM
Quote from: muppet on August 30, 2011, 06:40:05 PM
Do you see a difference between playing with 5 forwards and playing with 1 forward?

Donegal didn't go out to lose, they just didn't try to win by scoring. They went out trying not to concede anything and presumably they hoped for a few miracles at the other end.
Seriously Muppet, yer a smarter buchaill than that !
Donegal went out to win. Of course I know the difference in 5 or 6 forwards as opposed to 1.
It could be argued that McGuinness is making better use of the entire team rather than have them redundant in parts of the game (ie forwards are doing nothing when the opposition is attacking).
Maybe we should get McGuinness a job on some Gov board to improve worker efficiency !

donegal didnt need miracles. they certainly had enough chances to score and through this and their lack of conviction to attach just a little bit more - well that cost them. No divine intervention required.
Its horrible and I hated watching this system against Derry,Antrim and Dublin (other games it wasnt as pronounced - maybe just the first half v Kildare) but again, most other teams use a defensive system, others imo are worse with cynical fouling etc (though Donegal are past masters at this, it wasnt as bad v Dublin).
Horrible and all as it is, it works for them and you have to give credit for this - however grudgingly.
He is well able for that, gettting 13 men to do a job that 6 should be able to do!