Eirigi plan protest with beheading of effigy of Queen

Started by muppet, April 14, 2011, 02:54:06 PM

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I wouldn't be a supporter of any political organisations but I can see the merit in this. People always say life was better in the old days and if hanging is brought back then maybe it's a step in the right direction. The only downside is that the Queen might also adopt that philosophy and sent a modern day Cromwell, say Mandelson, to Ireland to kill all the catholics and plant familes from Essex or Cornwall in ireland and we're back to square one. Adams and McGuinness will need to travel to Kinsale and get a boat to Spain and the whole God Forsaken history of ireland just keeps turning that circle of lostness.
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Every year unionists burn Lundy, but the british do not burn Guy Fawkes.

So knocking off an effigy must be just something the Irish do.
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians

JUst retired

At least the road to Kinsale is a lot better now :D

Evil Genius

Quote from: Orior on April 14, 2011, 10:58:07 PM
Every year unionists burn Lundy, but the british do not burn Guy Fawkes.

So knocking off an effigy must be just something the Irish do.

  (An effigy of Guy Fawkes, burnt on 5 November 2010 at Billericay in Essex)

  (Spectators gather around a bonfire at Himley Hall near Dudley, on 6 November 2010)

And, of course, this place has got it off to a fine art:
  (Revellers in Lewes, 5 November 2010)
From 2005:
Bonfire society to go ahead with pope effigy
A bonfire society has paid tribute to Pope John Paul II but is continuing with plans to torch a historical pontiff's effigy.

The move has angered opponents, who called it offensive and insensitive and said it was "appalling bigotry".

This November's Bonfire Night will mark the 400th anniversary of the ill-fated attempt by the pope-backed Guy Fawkes to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605.

The Cliffe Bonfire Society, one of the oldest in Lewes, has maintained an anti-pope theme since it was founded in the mid-19th century.

Ric Newth, the society's chairman, confirmed this year's event will include the burning of a papal effigy.

"We are still going to do it," he said.

But he insisted there would be no reference to Pope John Paul II, whose death, he said, had been met with sadness.

He said: "Some of our vice presidents are Catholics and members held the Pope in high regard."

Effigies burned by the society on Bonfire Night are of pope Paul V, Camillo Borghese, who was pontiff at the time of the Gunpowder Plot.

A big part of the event, he said, was protecting freedom of speech.

Mr Newth described opponents as narrow-minded.

He said: "There is nothing personal involved and the two things are totally different."


In fact, Sussex seems to be a hot-bed (sorry) of Bonfires and Burning:

And this site has got some pretty inflammatory (still sorry) pictures, too:

Meanwhile, not wishing to be overtaken by Lewes, the nearby village of Firle regularly pours petrol on the flames (actually, not really sorry at all):
"If you come in here again, you'd better bring guns"
"We don't need guns"
"Yes you fuckin' do"


think that Eirigi shouldnt be let do this.
if the gardai made that pub take down its banner, then this stupid eirigi action should also be stopped.
Thought the banner was doing no harm though tbh.


Eirigi would be better off organising a protest against FF , Patrick Neary, the board of AIB, Derek Quinlan, Sean Dunne  and the ECB, to be honest. What has Liz Windsor done compared to say Seanie Fitz ? 


Even though I am an Atheist, I still fing Guy Fawkes & Pope effigy burning in England deeply offensive. I understand its roots are in anti-Catholic and anti-Irish bigotry, yet the English are blissfully unaware (usually). Its quite disgusting really.
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.


The countdown is on. Four weeks to build a movement.

Constipation can be a hoor OK.

Where do you buy a guoillotine, by the way? And how come it's illegal to carry a knife, but not a guillotine?


Quote from: Hardy on April 18, 2011, 11:17:10 AM
The countdown is on. Four weeks to build a movement.

Constipation can be a hoor OK.

Where do you buy a guoillotine, by the way? And how come it's illegal to carry a knife, but not a guillotine?

Local magicians shop??


Quote from: Hardy on April 18, 2011, 11:17:10 AM
The countdown is on. Four weeks to build a movement.

Constipation can be a hoor OK.

Where do you buy a guoillotine, by the way? And how come it's illegal to carry a knife, but not a guillotine?

When the legislation was being framed it was considered that a guillotine would be too heavy for one person to carry


Quote from: mayogodhelpus@gmail.com on April 15, 2011, 05:36:19 PM
Even though I am an Atheist, I still fing Guy Fawkes & Pope effigy burning in England deeply offensive. I understand its roots are in anti-Catholic and anti-Irish bigotry, yet the English are blissfully unaware (usually). Its quite disgusting really.

There has been many effigies burned (not just the pope), including Thatcher; I would say that is Pro-Irish?  :D 


Quote from: Hardy on April 18, 2011, 11:17:10 AM
The countdown is on. Four weeks to build a movement.

Constipation can be a hoor OK.

Where do you buy a guoillotine, by the way? And how come it's illegal to carry a knife, but not a guillotine?

I'm sure you'd get one of these bad boys in any good office supplies and it's about as much as these numpties could operate, though they may get a paper cut!


Looks like none of the main news outlets gave this any publicity. Which is good.