Are Gerry Adams and Peter Robinson the victims of smear campaigns ?

Started by orangeman, April 04, 2010, 08:43:22 PM

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You've all seen the Peter Robinson interview with Seamas Mc Kee in which he says he's the victim of a smear campaign.

Gerry says he's a victim as well.

Gerry's speech today in Belfast :

During the war the might of British militarism and its unionist allies in the death squads could not defeat the republican people of this city.

The millions spent on black propaganda, the lies and smears and
disinformation and the efforts to criminalise our struggle all failed.

Republicans stayed focussed and strong and united.

We stuck with our republican principles.

We perservered. We strategised and planned.

And the peoples army – the IRA - was an undefeated army when it took brave decisions to support the Sinn Féin peace strategy and to create the present opportunities for a new future.

This society, the citizens of this island would not be in the new place, a better place particularly here in the North, but for the dedication and determination of republicans.

So this campaign against me, against us, by the Irish News and Sunday Times, Tribune and others is not new.

They did it during the hunger strikes; they did when I first stood for
election and in every election since; they did when I was involved in talks with John Hume; they did it constantly throughout the negotiations and the peace process. 

It is about stopping our development.

So our immediate focus as republican activists is to mobilise and win the biggest republican vote in the Westminster election next month.


The whole purpose of the Bloody Sunday inquiry is to expose British arrogance, deceiptfulness and double standards.

People knew what the IRA stood for.

Robinson is in the Bloody Sunday category.
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


It's called real politics, something those fellas haven't been subjected to. Now they are running the show they may get used to it and the fact that they seem to have been at things they shouldn't have makes them easy meat.
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"

Main Street

Quote from: orangeman on April 04, 2010, 08:43:22 PM
You've all seen the Peter Robinson interview with Seamas Mc Kee in which he says he's the victim of a smear campaign.

Gerry says he's a victim as well.

How do you interpret that?
Adams does not say he is a victim.
He says that he and the republican movement are a target of a campaign.

Victimhood is not evident in his words or in his pro-active rallying cry.
"So our immediate focus as republican activists is to mobilise and win the biggest republican vote in the Westminster election next month."


He says he personally is being targeted by BBC etc etc - therefore a victim.


BBC television now -

Programme on the career of Peter Robinson.

What does David Trimble look like ?   :D :D

BBC are being a lot kinder than the previous programme about Irisgate.

Peter did admit that he couldn't believe that Iris allowed him go out every night to pursue his political career without the assurance of a paid career.

The divisions between Robinson and Paisley weren't always very clear.


I am watching, with no small amount of amusement the run up to the election in the South.  Amusement not because my fellow Irish men and women are suffering financially, but because of how scared the establishment and their backers in the media are of Sinn Fein.  The smearing of Gerry Adams, the exclusion of other parties in TV debates and the absolute insults to the Sinn Fein demographic by saying they have a lower IQ etc... It just makes me laugh.

It also seems to me that the only outcome from all of the financial problems is an inevitable default, only SF are saying this, the rest are lying through their teeth leading the Irish people into an even bigger hole whilst being lead by the dog collar by the EU/IMF.  I for one would have loved to have seen Gerry Adams on that debate last night, as he has done so many of these before that I don't think he would have done what Gilmore did which was roll over and lick MM's goolies.  When your the only one telling the truth, even if your not an economic genius - you deserve to be heard.  TV3 leaving other parties out of that debate just highlighted that we're not so far away from censorship just as it was in the 1980's.  Its just got more subtle!


Quote from: Aoise on February 09, 2011, 01:52:01 PM
I for one would have loved to have seen Gerry Adams on that debate last night, as he has done so many of these before that I don't think he would have done what Gilmore did which was roll over and lick MM's goolies. 

Quote from: Aoise on February 09, 2011, 01:52:01 PM
I am watching, with no small amount of amusement the run up to the election in the South.  Amusement not because my fellow Irish men and women are suffering financially, but because of how scared the establishment and their backers in the media are of Sinn Fein.  The smearing of Gerry Adams, the exclusion of other parties in TV debates and the absolute insults to the Sinn Fein demographic by saying they have a lower IQ etc... It just makes me laugh.

It also seems to me that the only outcome from all of the financial problems is an inevitable default, only SF are saying this, the rest are lying through their teeth leading the Irish people into an even bigger hole whilst being lead by the dog collar by the EU/IMF.  I for one would have loved to have seen Gerry Adams on that debate last night, as he has done so many of these before that I don't think he would have done what Gilmore did which was roll over and lick MM's goolies.  When your the only one telling the truth, even if your not an economic genius - you deserve to be heard.  TV3 leaving other parties out of that debate just highlighted that we're not so far away from censorship just as it was in the 1980's.  Its just got more subtle!

SF will find it hard to get really in tune with the economic situation in the Republic while trying to ride the N.I. & Irish Republic ponies at the same time. Fair enough that is their way of trying to be an all-Island pony. If N.I. was an Independent Kingdom or Republic it might be possible to steer both towards one another, but with N.I. in the U.K. I think this is an impossiblity at this juncture.
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.