Floyd Landis confesses to doping and implicates Lance Armstrong

Started by Minder, May 20, 2010, 11:28:12 AM

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J OGorman

the charity are giving back the $250 000 000 raised from Armstrong's foundation, have no fear Capt Pat...pheww


Contador and Schleck are head and shoulders above everyone else in the tour and will be for a few years yet. Are they drug cheats ? Yeah they gotta be :-\


Gaaboard Predict The World Cup Champion 2014


"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"

Tyrones own

Feck it DH..you'll have disappointed a few heads around here with the fact it wasn't Lance ;D
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Contador clearly made a stupid mistake, because the only way to catch these guys is when they make a mistake. I would not expect Lance to make a similar error.


La Vuelta runner-up Ezequiel Mosquera fails drugs test
Mosquera said he took a legal serum during stage 15 of the race
The runner-up in the 2010 Tour of Spain has failed a drugs test.
Ezequiel Mosquera and his Xacobeo team-mate David Garcia Da Pena both tested positive for banned substance hydroxyethyl starch during the Vuelta.
Hydroxyethyl starch is a plasma substitute that increases blood volume, boosting oxygen delivery to the body.
The news comes on the day it was revealed that Tour de France champion Alberto Contador has tested positive for banned drug clenbutrerol.
The samples of Mosquera and Garcia Da Pena were tested at a World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) accredited laboratory in Cologne.
The positive tests were revealed by the International Cycling Union (UCI) on Thursday and the Spanish pair's agent Juan Campos said they had yet to be officially informed.
Campos added that Mosquera says he took "a serum that as of now is not banned" by the UCI on stage 15 of the Tour of Spain, an individual time trial, on 15 September.
Mosquera finished second behind Italian Vincenzo Nibali in La Vuelta earlier this month.

Yep they really have cleaned it up!!



So it would appear that the FDA investigator who nailed 'Balco' and 'Barry Bonds' in the baseball steroid scandal has Lance in his sights. The part about Lance potentially being extra f'ed because of sponsorship by US postal is something I had not seen before. All kinds of potential extra charges for defrauding a government agency etc.
Case outlined in article still seems all circumstantial and the international nature of the sport might make it harder to a US agency to get a result.

Also in the same issue definite evidence of a Serena Williams scandal, she has been buying bikini 2 sizes too small for her!