Fantasy GAA 2011

Started by paullyie, January 25, 2011, 10:25:45 AM

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Hey Everyone,
new to the site - great site
Lots of interesting discussions and looking forward to a great season

Just taught I'd make a quick post about the Fantasy GAA comp that i seen in yesterdays Irish Star
Free to enter and easy to use - big improvement on last years site !!
enter over on

The gist of it is:

Select 15 Players
No more than 4 players from one county
6 players from Division 1
4 players from Division 2
3 players from Division 3
2 players from Division 4
and must be made up of
1 Goalkeeper (GK)
6 Defenders (D)
2 Midfielders (MF)
6 Forwards (F)
There will be four transfer windows during the League/Championship
Free to Enter online (€2 by text)
1st Prize €10,000
2nd Prize €5,000
...3rd,4th,5th €1,000
There is also a weekly price of €100 for the weekly leaderboard

Definitly worth throwing a variety of teams in as there doesn't appear to be a limit on the number of teams you can enter  ;)

Midlands Man

I see there charging for the transfer windows.. Dont know how thats goin to work...


Quote from: Midlands Man on January 25, 2011, 01:33:55 PM
I see there charging for the transfer windows.. Dont know how thats goin to work...

I was a bit puzzled by this myself so I dropped them a mail got a reply days later...
it appears that there are 4 transfer windows
- You can transfer a maximum of 7 of your players in each transfer window
- You are allowed 1 free transfer window
-- for example if you use your free transfer on the 1st window, then you want to transfer on the 2nd,3rd or 4th transfer windows you'll have to pay €2 to transfer for every transfer window
but if you don't use your free transfer in the 1st window you don't loose it, you can use it in either 2nd/3rd/4th window
When you do use a transfer window - say you change 2 players on the 1st day, and you decide you don't want them, you can change them within the same transfer window

Hope I've explained that right, think i've confused myself...  ???