Fine Gael ends Dáil pairing agreement

Started by Zapatista, September 27, 2010, 09:12:31 AM

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who do you vote for   FF has the country in a mess  have no confidence in FG leader and Labour has no policy's
Would have voted for FG if Bruton has been leader


The way I see it...

Kenny as a leader is no more or less competant than Cowen but Kenny would have a better image for Ireland abroad. He looks and acts like a States man. I disagree with how FG would run the Country but at least I know how they would do it and they would do it with more transparency than FF. The problem with FF and Cowen is that I can't trust them. I'd rather have someone working for me who's idea's I didn't agree with than someone who I don't trust and be afraid they are stealing from me and telling me lies constantly.

Labour's ranks are swelling with FF this past year. I'd prefer Labour in Government but I worry about their commitment to their ideals. Labour along with other left wingers would be the best bet nut Gilmore would be unable to hold that together. Ego Gilmore wants to lead a 2 party Government with a large majority. He wants to go in with a party that will shoot down his promises for a program for Government and eventually help cut his ties with the unions.

I think it's be a LAB FF government but I'd rather see a FG LAb. I don't like either option but I would switch them in a heart beat from what we have now.

Bogball XV

Quote from: Zapatista on September 27, 2010, 09:58:29 PM
The way I see it...

Kenny as a leader is no more or less competant than Cowen but Kenny would have a better image for Ireland abroad. He looks and acts like a States man. I disagree with how FG would run the Country but at least I know how they would do it and they would do it with more transparency than FF. The problem with FF and Cowen is that I can't trust them. I'd rather have someone working for me who's idea's I didn't agree with than someone who I don't trust and be afraid they are stealing from me and telling me lies constantly.

Labour's ranks are swelling with FF this past year. I'd prefer Labour in Government but I worry about their commitment to their ideals. Labour along with other left wingers would be the best bet nut Gilmore would be unable to hold that together. Ego Gilmore wants to lead a 2 party Government with a large majority. He wants to go in with a party that will shoot down his promises for a program for Government and eventually help cut his ties with the unions.

I think it's be a LAB FF government but I'd rather see a FG LAb. I don't like either option but I would switch them in a heart beat from what we have now.
Not a Gilmore fan, i wanted rabitte, one of the only td who's ever impressed me and that's not just cos he was sitting in front of me at the tyrone v armagh semi in 2005.  He was there on his own, just watching the game nobody knew him (as we were mostly nordies).

Quote from: Bogball XV on September 27, 2010, 10:43:16 PM
Quote from: Zapatista on September 27, 2010, 09:58:29 PM
The way I see it...

Kenny as a leader is no more or less competant than Cowen but Kenny would have a better image for Ireland abroad. He looks and acts like a States man. I disagree with how FG would run the Country but at least I know how they would do it and they would do it with more transparency than FF. The problem with FF and Cowen is that I can't trust them. I'd rather have someone working for me who's idea's I didn't agree with than someone who I don't trust and be afraid they are stealing from me and telling me lies constantly.

Labour's ranks are swelling with FF this past year. I'd prefer Labour in Government but I worry about their commitment to their ideals. Labour along with other left wingers would be the best bet nut Gilmore would be unable to hold that together. Ego Gilmore wants to lead a 2 party Government with a large majority. He wants to go in with a party that will shoot down his promises for a program for Government and eventually help cut his ties with the unions.

I think it's be a LAB FF government but I'd rather see a FG LAb. I don't like either option but I would switch them in a heart beat from what we have now.
Not a Gilmore fan, i wanted rabitte, one of the only td who's ever impressed me and that's not just cos he was sitting in front of me at the tyrone v armagh semi in 2005.  He was there on his own, just watching the game nobody knew him (as we were mostly nordies).

Enda Kenny & Pat Rabitte would have been the Mayo Dream Team  ;)
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.


When you have a dishonest, incompetent government, and any possible alternatives would be even worse, where can the average citizen turn.  The barricades might be a start, but ultimately futile protest. Local communities groups will have to defend and develop their own areas, and bring forth respected local independent people to send too the Dail. To return any of the failed established parties would be akin to re-arranging the deck chairs on the titanic. Time too create the second Republic, a genuine democracy of the people

Quote from: Pangurban on September 28, 2010, 02:48:27 AM
When you have a dishonest, incompetent government, and any possible alternatives would be even worse, where can the average citizen turn.  The barricades might be a start, but ultimately futile protest. Local communities groups will have to defend and develop their own areas, and bring forth respected local independent people to send too the Dail. To return any of the failed established parties would be akin to re-arranging the deck chairs on the titanic. Time too create the second Republic, a genuine democracy of the people

Those who don't want to vote Fine Gael, Labour or even Sinn Fein are just whingy Fianna Failures who are having a sulk coz they can't vote for Dev's party and so if they can't play the game the way they want to, they are taking their ball and going home.
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.


Unfortunately i have no ball to take home, as FF,FG, and Labour have denied me the right as an Irish Citizen to cast a vote. So my remarks are free from partisanship, objective and meant to stimulate some original thought and analysis. There has to a viable and workable alternative to the present failed system and parties

Quote from: Pangurban on September 28, 2010, 03:22:17 AM
Unfortunately i have no ball to take home, as FF,FG, and Labour have denied me the right as an Irish Citizen to cast a vote. So my remarks are free from partisanship, objective and meant to stimulate some original thought and analysis. There has to a viable and workable alternative to the present failed system and parties

Fair enough Pangurban (I notice you dropped Sinn Fein from my list), but do you acknowledge that their is a very big slice of those who moan that FG, Labour, Sinn Fein don't provide an alternative or that they are all the same, are disaffected Fianna Failers who cannot adjust to the reality that Fianna Fail is not the great party that they once thought it was. They refuse to vote for any of the other parties just because they cannot vote FF in good conscious. I am not saying all, but a huge percentage of those who claim that there is no alternative.

I have found this by challengeing people who make this claim, and more than not with a bit of persistence when I scrape away the paint of a disaffected voter who can find no alternative, more than often I find a layer of Fianna Fail green below.

These people are the people that I feel have denied my rights to live in a viable, free, democratic, modern, corruption-free Irish Republic all my life.

Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.


MayoGodhelpus you are a declared FGer. Fair enough. However it is hypocrisy to attack all critics of FG as FFailures. Everyone is entitled to vote as they choose.

For the record I have voted for almost every party over the years for a variety of reasons, usually attached to the context of the day.

Right now I will vote FG and possibly Labour (undecided on that until they actually commit to some policies) for the simple reason that I want to see the most incompetent government in the history of the State thrown out on their ears. The alternative is to re-elect them, which would make the proverbial turkeys that voted for Christmas look like visionaries.

After the election FG and Labour will have to do some serious work revitalising the country and sorting out the people who got us into the mess. This is something FF are obviously not going to do. Kenny has his weaknesses, particularly when interviewed. Unlike Cowen Kenny has form for revitalising. He has taken FG from what some media commentators were saying was the end of the road for the party in 2002, back to a very healthy position. Even his enemies in FG admit that. Now if he could use some of that energy productively for the State it would be far better than what we have at the moment.

If FG and Labour fail as FF are currently doing then we should throw them out as well. Ideally a new option will have emerged by then, or failing that FF might get rid of it's mountains of dead wood and reinvent itself as a political party for the people, rather than a tool for bankers and developers.
MWWSI 2017


Quotefailing that FF might get rid of it's mountains of dead wood and reinvent itself as a political party for the people, rather than a tool for bankers and developers.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Yeah right - L'etat c'est moi


Quote from: muppet on September 28, 2010, 03:26:02 PM
MayoGodhelpus you are a declared FGer. Fair enough. However it is hypocrisy to attack all critics of FG as FFailures. Everyone is entitled to vote as they choose.

For the record I have voted for almost every party over the years for a variety of reasons, usually attached to the context of the day.

Right now I will vote FG and possibly Labour (undecided on that until they actually commit to some policies) for the simple reason that I want to see the most incompetent government in the history of the State thrown out on their ears. The alternative is to re-elect them, which would make the proverbial turkeys that voted for Christmas look like visionaries.

After the election FG and Labour will have to do some serious work revitalising the country and sorting out the people who got us into the mess. This is something FF are obviously not going to do. Kenny has his weaknesses, particularly when interviewed. Unlike Cowen Kenny has form for revitalising. He has taken FG from what some media commentators were saying was the end of the road for the party in 2002, back to a very healthy position. Even his enemies in FG admit that. Now if he could use some of that energy productively for the State it would be far better than what we have at the moment.

If FG and Labour fail as FF are currently doing then we should throw them out as well. Ideally a new option will have emerged by then, or failing that FF might get rid of it's mountains of dead wood and reinvent itself as a political party for the people, rather than a tool for bankers and developers.

It could be argued that Cowan has done more to revitalise FG than Kenny has


Quote from: Cde on September 28, 2010, 04:16:29 PM
Quote from: muppet on September 28, 2010, 03:26:02 PM
MayoGodhelpus you are a declared FGer. Fair enough. However it is hypocrisy to attack all critics of FG as FFailures. Everyone is entitled to vote as they choose.

For the record I have voted for almost every party over the years for a variety of reasons, usually attached to the context of the day.

Right now I will vote FG and possibly Labour (undecided on that until they actually commit to some policies) for the simple reason that I want to see the most incompetent government in the history of the State thrown out on their ears. The alternative is to re-elect them, which would make the proverbial turkeys that voted for Christmas look like visionaries.

After the election FG and Labour will have to do some serious work revitalising the country and sorting out the people who got us into the mess. This is something FF are obviously not going to do. Kenny has his weaknesses, particularly when interviewed. Unlike Cowen Kenny has form for revitalising. He has taken FG from what some media commentators were saying was the end of the road for the party in 2002, back to a very healthy position. Even his enemies in FG admit that. Now if he could use some of that energy productively for the State it would be far better than what we have at the moment.

If FG and Labour fail as FF are currently doing then we should throw them out as well. Ideally a new option will have emerged by then, or failing that FF might get rid of it's mountains of dead wood and reinvent itself as a political party for the people, rather than a tool for bankers and developers.

It could be argued that Cowan has done more to revitalise FG than Kenny has

It could, except that most of it was done between 2002 and 2007.
MWWSI 2017