Remembering Bloody Sunday

Started by Seosamh, January 21, 2010, 05:07:10 PM

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Seosamh    more...
Despite the fact that for decades, the international court of public opinion have found the British government of the day, guilty of murder in the killing of 14 Civil Rights marchers in Derry's Bogside in January 1972, relatives of the victims still await a final ruling by the Saville Tribunal on the circumstances of that dreadful day.
If this 13 some minute tape does not cause a lump in your throat, or make you want to scream to the heavens for justice for the victims of Bloody Sunday, then I am afraid that you are clinically dead.

Fiodoir Ard Mhacha

From the BBC website:

The families of people killed on Bloody Sunday have criticised the Secretary of State for failing to let them know when they will receive the Saville Report.

It is due to be delivered to Shaun Woodward on the week of 22 March, but the relatives may have to wait at least another two weeks.

They fear it could be amended or have parts withheld by government agencies.

In a statement, an NIO spokesperson said they want the report published as quickly as possible.
Two weeks from then and we're into Easter and no doubt the run up to a UK general election.  Do you think, nearly 40 years since, we will get 'the truth', or an admission of guilt from the UK government?  Or will a pending change of government at Westminster help to muddy the waters yet again.
"Something wrong with your eyes?....
Yes, they're sensitive to questions!"


Nally Stand

Time will tell but I've no trust in the British Government based on it's history with these matters. Need only look at the third and final Stevens report into collusion - a report which the British gov requested be compiled and subsequently withheld all but 15 pages of a 3000 page report.
"The island of saints & scholars...and gombeens & fuckin' arselickers" Christy Moore


I guess the British would question the authenticity of this case and try to put a propaganda spin on it. But christ lads isn't that a disgrace, as the man said "complete animals" and even that is too good for them
I never forget a face but in your case I will make an exception.

Fiodoir Ard Mhacha

Just over 2 weeks to the release of the inquiry and at least now we know where David Ford stands on this.  The Alliance Party were nothing but a pseudo-Unionist party, and probably funded by the UK government.

"The man tipped to become Northern Ireland justice minister has described the Saville Inquiry into Bloody Sunday as "pointless".

Alliance leader David Ford made the comment last November in a briefing note to the Liberal Democrats.

It was ahead of parliamentary questions to the secretary of state.

The inquiry was set up in 1998 to re-examine the events of 30 January 1972, when British soldiers shot dead 14 people in Londonderry's Bogside.

In the email leaked to the BBC, entitled 'Northern Ireland Questions', Mr Ford states "Saville is pointless", adding in brackets and "so is any question on it".

"Something wrong with your eyes?....
Yes, they're sensitive to questions!"


Well I would say the only people that have benefitted from it are the lawyers and barristers.
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"

Trevor Hill

The Bloody Sunday inquiry was/is a pointless exercise. Everyone knows what happened that day, including the British Government. But that same government will spend countless millions avoiding the truth. The money could have been used to help the people of Derry instead of lining the pockets of barristers and solicitors. All that anyone wants is the truth and an admission that they, the British, were wrong.


I remember reading a while back how many barristers and legal minds who became millionaires from the Bloody Sunday Inquiry alone!  Scandalous as they are the only ones who will benefit in any shape or form.

The British Government will do all they can to side step the truth, not for the first time.