"One big unionist party" or "Biggest shower of Cu*ts"

Started by Hereiam, May 21, 2010, 11:54:54 PM

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The O.O is trying to rally the troops so that it may stop the progress of the nationalist community. I thought the O.O was non political and was more a religious grouping.



"Mr Saulters said the Orange Order had members "who represent all the many shades of unionism"

And I thought the O O was a Protestant organisation and that Protestantism was a Religion. :D
They are obviously getting worried when the Broederbund are trying to get them together !!!
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM


He keeps referring to the 'enemy'... so much for a shared future.


Quote from: longrunsthefox on May 22, 2010, 11:59:13 PM
He keeps referring to the 'enemy'... so much for a shared future.

With ignorant hoors like this guy and the sc**bag dissidents that are trying to get the troubles going again you have to wonder what the future holds for the north, I would say the F/ST result shook the OO and the rest to the core and this is a knee jerk reaction to that result and others.

Why cant these people move on and respect their neighbours?
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


The thought of a Sinn Fein First Minister next year is driving them mad!


Unless there is one united unionist party, I'm not actually sure as to how likely it is that SF will be the biggest party - I think that the DUP could still come out on top. The European elections was a TUV protest vote and a very weak DUP candidate - those issues won't be as relevant next year. In fact the TUV may well disappear altogether and a lot of their votes will go straight back to the DUP. Then there's also the fact that the DUP didn't run in FST or North Down - both places where they will pick up votes and seats in the Assembly elections.

It could be a clever move by SF to propose a change to 'joint First Ministers' now - it would show that they're not really concerned with titles and might negate this drive towards a united unionist party. It's also very likely that it would work in their favour, at least this time around, if the DUP manage to hold onto the 'biggest party' tag.

Yes I Would

Quote from: Rossfan on May 22, 2010, 04:25:31 PM
"Mr Saulters said the Orange Order had members "who represent all the many shades of unionism"

And I thought the O O was a Protestant organisation and that Protestantism was a Religion. :D
They are obviously getting worried when the Broederbund are trying to get them together !!!

It would be so satisfying to see a United Ireland in the lifetime of this bigoted old ****!!