Sacair nó péil

Started by ardmhachaabu, April 07, 2010, 08:59:58 PM

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Tony Baloney

Quote from: T Fearon on April 08, 2010, 12:12:21 PM
Both equally, and unlike most on here I suspect, I actually follow my teams live, in both codes, paying (lots) of hard cash for the privilege ;)
Is following Spurs, Armagh and Celtic a privilege?!

Doogie Browser

Sure Fearon has more clubs than Tiger Woods, boom-boom  :-[
Poor I know!


Wouldn't split them and don't see a problem with following either in equal measures.

If the club have a game, I'll be at that. Will prob even miss a good bit of the match tonight as I'll be gearing up for the GAA clubs golf classic tomorrow. Hopefully will see most of match.

If the county is playing, in recent times I've not been too pushed and the soccer would take charge. I've been to more Liverpool games than Monaghan games this last few years!


football without a doubt,

football club, then county, then province, then roscommon!

after that boxing, horse racing, rugby, snooker then soccer

can decide which i dislike the most tennis or formula 1!
I'm trying to decide on a really meaningful message..