Should I bring Euro or Dollar on hols in Asia?

Started by StGallsGAA, March 22, 2010, 11:50:53 AM

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I'm off on a tour of South East Asia next week starting in Singapore & Manila.   

Anyone know if I'd be better of taking Euros or US Dollars?


Been a few years since i was there but then it was dollars all the way. You would use dollars in Cambodia and Laos for your day to day expsenses but everywhere else you will be changing to the local currency.


Certainly Dollars, if starting from Sterling.
If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B

The Subbie

Take dollars and load up the credit card for withdrawls, i know when i was in Laos the banks would only let you withdraw money using credit cards, and remember if its got an adams apple its a he. ;)



I will be buying a replica in Singapore for my mantle-piece! :)