Time for Dermot Ahern to go.

Started by mayogodhelpus@gmail.com, February 20, 2010, 03:51:09 PM

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Ahern unfit to hold office, says Kenny
Saturday, 20 February 2010 14:25
Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny has called for the resignation of Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern.

Mr Kenny has criticised the minister for his behaviour in the Dáil during the debate on the confidence motion in former Defence Minister Willie O'Dea.

Mr Kenny said Minister Ahern had 'sat there, defending him (O'Dea) laughing, sniggering and sneering . and he the Minister for Justice who oversees standards in high offices. He is unfit for office himself.'

AdvertisementHe said the Minister for Justice had brought politics in the Dáil to a new low.

However, a spokesman for Mr Ahern has dismissed Mr Kenny's comments as 'spurious issues' and said the minister was focusing on his job.

He said that today's call was 'part and parcel' of politics in a highly charged week.

Speaking in Monaghan at a cross-border policy meeting with business leaders and politicians from Northern Ireland, Mr Kenny said it had been a 'bad week for politics'.

Mr Kenny said that the row over the former Minister for Defence was never about Mr O'Dea, but about standards in office.

He also highlighted the differences between the Green Party and the Taoiseach about how Mr O'Dea left office.

Mr Kenny claimed that the Coalition is now seriously divided and 'incapable of telling the truth to each other, never mind the people of this country'.

Call for General Election

It was time, he said, for the Government to leave office and hold a General Election.

Mr Kenny was also asked if he would offer the Green Party a chance to participate in a new Government if they withdrew from the present administration.

He said that if the Greens had any sense of moral fibre they would 'remove themselves from the present Government and not be tainted by the self-preservation tactics of Fianna Fáil'.

In reply to repeated questions about why Fine Gael took so long to take action about the O'Dea High Court case, he said that was irrelevant and that the party had raised the issue in the Seanad and the Dáil.

This was an issue, he insisted, about standards at Cabinet and that was a matter for the Taoiseach to uphold.

Meanwhile, Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheál Martin has rejected Mr Kenny's call for an election.

Minister Martin said that the government was working well and the Government parties continued to work well together.

However, he said he accepts that O'Dea controversy has damaged politics.
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.


Dermot Ahern is actually about one of the only Ministers I'd have any time for.I think of all the top politicians who seem to have any influence at the moment I'd keep Lenihan,Richard Bruton and Dermot Ahern. I'm reserving judgement on Gilmore at the moment. The rest,well the sooner an election is called the better.

Bogball XV

Quote from: boojangles on February 20, 2010, 04:10:22 PM

Dermot Ahern is actually about one of the only Ministers I'd have any time for.I think of all the top politicians who seem to have any influence at the moment I'd keep Lenihan,Richard Bruton and Dermot Ahern. I'm reserving judgement on Gilmore at the moment. The rest,well the sooner an election is called the better.
i'd keep dermot in too, seems much more competent than most of the rest.


Quote from: boojangles on February 20, 2010, 04:10:22 PM

Dermot Ahern is actually about one of the only Ministers I'd have any time for.I think of all the top politicians who seem to have any influence at the moment I'd keep Lenihan,Richard Bruton and Dermot Ahern. I'm reserving judgement on Gilmore at the moment. The rest,well the sooner an election is called the better.

I hope Gilmore is in the next Government but I suspect he is a bit of a spoofer (even more than the norm in politics). Hopefully not.
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: boojangles on February 20, 2010, 04:10:22 PM

Dermot Ahern is actually about one of the only Ministers I'd have any time for.I think of all the top politicians who seem to have any influence at the moment I'd keep Lenihan,Richard Bruton and Dermot Ahern. I'm reserving judgement on Gilmore at the moment. The rest,well the sooner an election is called the better.

We still have obfuscation re the passports and the murder in Dubai. He was the leading man in the Lisbon for jobs campaign.  He did nothing to help the talks in the north, he blamed sf and the dup for the dup not agreeing on something he, the dup and sf agreed 3 years earlier.

He has a lot of questions to answer.

Bogball XV

Quote from: Zapatista on February 20, 2010, 10:27:09 PM
Quote from: boojangles on February 20, 2010, 04:10:22 PM

Dermot Ahern is actually about one of the only Ministers I'd have any time for.I think of all the top politicians who seem to have any influence at the moment I'd keep Lenihan,Richard Bruton and Dermot Ahern. I'm reserving judgement on Gilmore at the moment. The rest,well the sooner an election is called the better.

We still have obfuscation re the passports and the murder in Dubai. He was the leading man in the Lisbon for jobs campaign.  He did nothing to help the talks in the north, he blamed sf and the dup for the dup not agreeing on something he, the dup and sf agreed 3 years earlier.

He has a lot of questions to answer.
would the passports and murder not be under michael martin's remit - another arrogant ffer who is still well tipped to be the next leader, God help us.
