Boys fighting girls in Prison

Started by Orior, June 22, 2009, 09:14:51 AM

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QuoteThree female prison officers have been attacked by inmates in Maghaberry prison in County Antrim.

It happened during visiting time on Friday after staff spotted a visitor trying to smuggle a watch to a prisoner.

One of the prison officers suffered broken ribs, another a broken wrist and a third was left with a bruised face.

Finlay Spratt, chairman of the Prison Officers Association, said the attack was despicable.

"Those people should face the full vigour of the law," he said.

"Their job is to stop contraband coming into the prisons and when they do it these visitors and prisoners don't like being caught and that is what has happened here."

How can these jail birds do time if they dont know the time. Or maybe it was just the time of month?
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians

Trevor Hill


Oh I see how my post could be construed incorrectly. The jail birds are blokes, and the prison officers were birds. All I gotta do is change the title.
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians

Trevor Hill

Are watches not allowed in prison?

5 Sams

Quote from: Trevor Hill on June 22, 2009, 09:28:34 AM
Are watches not allowed in prison?

Yer man Spratt was asked by the Radio Ulster presenter this morning...

"What would a watch be used for by a prisoner?"

His reply.."I suppose to keep track of the time..."

Real sharp edged interviewing....eliciting vital information about the murky underworld of the prison community. :-\
The Aristocrat Years


i was hoping for a youtube clip....  :(
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