Bernard Dunne retires

Started by GalwayBayBoy, February 19, 2010, 06:35:37 PM

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Quote from: Tony Baloney on February 19, 2010, 08:52:08 PM
Quote from: Onlooker on February 19, 2010, 08:46:43 PM
Quote from: on February 19, 2010, 07:15:57 PM
Quote from: ross4life on February 19, 2010, 07:12:46 PM
i Remember Watching him win the World title, which was one of the best boxing matches i've seen,

today was the first i discovered he lost the title, i guess i was away & it was a low key story

anyways it's a shame as he still had few more fights in him

Remember watching the time he lost to the Spanish fella in the Porter House in Westport, the whole pub cheered when he was knocked out.

I never rated him myself, he kind of got on my nerves.
I never knew that Bernard Dunne fought "the Spanish fella" in the Porter House in Westport. That is a crazy venue for a World Title Fight.
Was thinking myself that his career was on the wane when he was having his worl title fights in a boozer in Westport!

Ya I know the grammar was totally off the wall there, but couldn't be arsed correcting it. Just to clarify I was in the pub and he was on the television (as in a projection on its screen as opposed to having a scrap with a Spanish fella up on top of the TV set. & that Spanish fella wasn't Eamonn DeValera) Also I know that's not the fight that ended his career, its when the Thai bloke lattered him, I think that may have happened in a pub in Dublin if I recall.
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.


Tony Baloney

He's on the Late, Late tonight.

Quote from: ludermor on February 19, 2010, 09:33:34 PM
Thanks for the clarification

No worries, your sarcasm always makes my day.
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.


Quote from: sammymaguire on February 19, 2010, 09:16:36 PM
comes across like a decent guy but certainly not world champion pedigree and made the right decision to retire

He was a world champion though. Doesn't mean as much as it once did due to the the belts being diluted but he'll go down as a former world champion.


Didn't see this thread.

I'm don't know much about boxing but I know Bernard Dunnes must be one of the nicest guys in sport. A true gentleman with a real genuine character.


Any man who can look back and say he holds a world title, irrespective of how many belts there are, deserves a lot of praise.

His world title winning fight was like a rocky film - he showed immense character.

Annoying dub accent mind but fair play to the man on what he achieved.

magpie seanie

Some absolutely outrageous comments on this thread which people should be ashamed of. Its incredible the standards some of you pretend to have.

This is a guy who worked his nads off for 25 years and got the last drop out of his talent. No matter what anyone says about how many belts there are or whatever he won that incredible fight fair and square against a guy who was absolutely no a mug. He really dug deeper than you would feel was humanly possible that night. No smart ass comments can take that away from him. As for his personality I don't know anyone who met him who didn't like him. I actually find it hard to understand how people would dislike him even if they hadn't. He comes across as a decent, honest and humble chap, proud of his roots. Had the pleasure of meeting him by complete accident one day in a box in Croker after a match and he was a top bloke. His mates were rushing off but he delayed them for a while as he was discussing the match with us.

I thik its the correct decision for him to bow out now. He's done all he could and no point taking handy money and then ending up getting another beating. I wish him well in whatever he does.


Quote from: OverTheBlackSpot on February 19, 2010, 06:42:17 PM
He'll be no lost to boxing, very over rated and unable to take a punch.

Yeah im sure his achievements pale in comparision to yours.  ::)

I think Dunne gets alot of unfair slack. A genuine fella I always thought, and didn't get above his station as often as other boxers, including alot of Irish ones. He made the most of his talent, fair dues. We give far too much credit in this country to the b****cks who go out and piss it away.

Have to say the night he bate Cordoba was one of the best Irish sporting nights I can remeber. Considering his star was on the wane after his European title defeat, he struck out and took a shot at the title. Took a few heavy knocks (he went down didnt he?) but rallied back and took the title. It was an amazing fight and a great victory for the underdog, who prior to this was on the way out.

Fair play Bernard. I'll miss the good ould days.
Fantasy Rugby World Cup Champion 2011,
Fantasy 6 Nations Champion 2014

Quote from: magpie seanie on February 19, 2010, 11:16:22 PM
Some absolutely outrageous comments on this thread which people should be ashamed of. Its incredible the standards some of you pretend to have.

This is a guy who worked his nads off for 25 years and got the last drop out of his talent. No matter what anyone says about how many belts there are or whatever he won that incredible fight fair and square against a guy who was absolutely no a mug. He really dug deeper than you would feel was humanly possible that night. No smart ass comments can take that away from him. As for his personality I don't know anyone who met him who didn't like him. I actually find it hard to understand how people would dislike him even if they hadn't. He comes across as a decent, honest and humble chap, proud of his roots. Had the pleasure of meeting him by complete accident one day in a box in Croker after a match and he was a top bloke. His mates were rushing off but he delayed them for a while as he was discussing the match with us.

I thik its the correct decision for him to bow out now. He's done all he could and no point taking handy money and then ending up getting another beating. I wish him well in whatever he does.

Has there been comments deleted, because the only one I can see close to being unfair is Overtheblackspots comment about him being no loss.

My comment pointed out that he annoys me - he does
he got beaten by a Spanish fella - he did
the Irish media and Bernard talked him up and rated him as a superstar - I don't
the full crowd in the pub in Westport cheered when he hit the deck - they did

Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.


Spot on Seanie. Bernard was one of the good ones (even if he's a Liverpool fan ;)
Fair play to him on his achievments and the best of luck in the next stage of his life