Flotilla To Gaza.

Started by give her dixie, May 20, 2010, 02:13:05 PM

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Just watched this on Sky News there....19 dead WTF!  Israel attacks an aid convoy in international waters and 19 people get killed, what the f*** were they thinking!


Quote from: give her dixie on May 28, 2010, 04:36:52 PM
Folks, click on the following link for all the latest news on the flotilla.
All the boats have now set sail, and are in international waters.

Israhell have issued serious threats to everyone involved, and they have stated that
they will stop this flotilla from entering Gaza by any means possible.

They have set up a temporary prison, and it is not looking good.
They are due to reach Gaza tomorrow evening, and trouble is looming on the high seas.

Turkey have stated that they will respond immediatly to any acts of aggression on their
citizens and boats. The only country so far to stand up for their citizens.


How does anyone see Turkey responding to this now that this horrible occurance has came to pass? 
Beer, now there's a temporary solution!!!

under the bar

QuoteHow does anyone see Turkey responding to this now that this horrible occurance has came to pass?

Probably by expelling Israeli diplomats, as if Israel will give a toss!

Windmill abu

QuoteIsrael isn't allowing many types of carbohydrate in to Gaza. Imagine if
1.5 million Jews were confined to a space 25 miles by 25 for 4 years with only limited types of food
allowed in and the economy ruined. Imagine the furore there would be. This is what Israel is doing in Gaza.

Why do people keep associating the state of Israel with the the Jewish Religion. The followers of Judaism have been persecuted for their beliefs far beyond our understanding during the last world war.

The state of Israel is an artifical state set up with the help of Britain after the second world war. 

This state has carried out atrocites on the people of Palastine (with the support of both the UK and USA) which the Jewish religion would be ashamed.

Isn't it about time that "Israel" Stopped using the Holocaust (a religious persecution) as an excuse for their inhumanity?
Never underestimate the power of complaining