National Health System

Started by DrinkingHarp, February 06, 2009, 04:47:16 AM

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I was wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the service/treatment they are provided and the actual financial cost to you?

Just watched the Michael Moore movie "Sicko" ( I know a few dislike him) and have to admit that I am ashamed of the health care treatment in the states on a whole. There are great doctors, medical centers, nurses, cutting edge treatments and such. But if you don't have medical insurance you are f#@cked. I see how the drug companies & insurance companies lobby for ridiculous profits and I know the are a companies looking to make profits but when you see an inhaler that cost 120.00 in the US and .50 in Cuba it makes you a little crazy :o.

France really opened my eyes with their health system and work schedule. A full year off for the woman after her baby with pay, a lady who comes to the house to help out with the newborn and then 1.00 a day child day care. The one guy went through Chemo treatment then was given 4-6 months off after to rest with full pay.  A work week of 35 hours with at least 5 weeks vacation even if a part time worker.

No wonder people on a whole live longer in Europe with less stress in the medical system and a easier work schedule. I know some of you put in a long week of 50+ hours but with the holiday schedule it makes up for it.

It just seems strange that I am going into the health care field, nursing, and I feel such disdain for part of the system that couldn't give a sh@t for patients. I just hope I provide a difference for someone who otherwise would get screwed by big corporation greed and profit.

End of rant

Gaaboard Predict The World Cup Champion 2014


I think, as with all Moore's films, this one has to be taken with a pinch or two of salt. He's been well known to be quite liberal with his interpretations of facts when he need things to appear to suit his agenda.

I think Moore's films (and books) are quite interesting and well worth a watch (read), but they can be over blown and sensationalist. They have to be or no one would go and see them.

He is great at bringing important issues out into the open, but you have to be careful and appreciate that you are only getting one side of the story with him.


The healthcare system in the USA definitely can leave you scratching your head at times - and thats as a patient with insurance!

My nephew recently had a car accident, nothing serious, and went for CT head scan. The bill for his mother who doenst have health insurance? $13,560. For one critical test.

DH - I know alot of health care professionals - and they are not the system. You will be making a difference to those people you treat - its just the system that might screw them when they get a bill down the line for hundreds of thousands of dollars.


"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


The America system is a national disgrace.
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.


Quote from: Gnevin on February 06, 2009, 11:45:56 AM
The America system is a national disgrace.

It certainly is Glasnevin, i think we get a pretty good standard of service for free.
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


The French system seems very fair and patient orientated.

The Irish system is prob no better off, after  years when money was thrown at the HSE and new structures put in place.

Heard an insteresting one at a seminar on the economy last night. It said that a hospital in Dublin has 476 Nurses, doctors, carers etc. The same hospital had over 520 support and admin staff. I would wonder what the ratio should be or is on other countries.

I would imagine that Obama will address the healthcare system in USA, as he seems to be shaking everything else up.


Quote from: bingobus on February 06, 2009, 12:02:52 PM

Heard an insteresting one at a seminar on the economy last night. It said that a hospital in Dublin has 476 Nurses, doctors, carers etc. The same hospital had over 520 support and admin staff. I would wonder what the ratio should be or is on other countries.

Misleading or disengenuous to a degree as I would imagine most to the 520 number would be made up of Domestics, Maintenance, Catering staff etc..  Plenty of Admin staff too I'd imagine.

Jimmy Joe

the soon to be free prescriptions will be great


I think it's a disgrace what they're doing to John Terry as well... poor lad!!!#

"NHS is exploiting my life" - claims transsexual

By Joanna Lean ยป

A TRANSSEXUAL, angry at an NHS advertising campaign that depicts a man wearing makeup, says her lifestyle has been exploited for the sake of a poster.

Lucy Smith thinks the NHS should have been more sensitive to the transsexual community in Warrington when it developed a poster warning women drinkers they could end up looking like men.

"It's hard enough living in Warrington without this," said Lucy, a pre-op male to female transsexual.

"People see the posters on the bus and it draws attention to me sat there. I walk down the street and everyone's looking or shouting," she said.

Transsexuality is recognised as a medical condition, and the NHS pays for transgender operations.

That NHS Warrington would put up the posters while knowing about the problems transsexuals face has upset Lucy and her friends in the transsexual community.

Not a day goes by without a violent incident or abusive comments towards Lucy, aged 23, and the posters have only brought transsexuality to the forefront of people's minds, she said.

"They have these pictures that stand out a mile and people will see it and start pointing and making comments and laughing," she said.

The posters were brought in as part of a hard-hitting campaign to lower excessive drinking levels in women.

Warrington is one of the worst towns in the country for the high level of women who drink too much, and research has shown that excessive drinking can introduce male characteristics to women.

The person on the poster is fictional, made up of different images that were merged together by an artist, a spokesman for NHS Warrington said.

NHS Warrington sent the poster to national equality and diversity groups and consulted with the national lead for the transgender community, the spokesman said.

The groups did not find any reason for NHS Warrington not to use the posters.

Similar campaigns used elsewhere in the country have been successful in reducing harmful drinking levels in women, the spokesman added.

Lucy has asked both NHS Warrington and Warrington Borough Transport to remove the posters, but was told the campaign had been effective and would not be removed.

Transsexual men and women want to establish a permanent role as a member of the opposite sex, and many have gender reassignment surgery to complete this. This transition can take years.